Maurício Waldman

Maurício Waldman (São Paulo on December 2, 1955) is a professor, researcher, africanist, social activist and pioneer of Brazilian environmentalist movement.
Waldman was born to a Jewish family originally from Poland and Italy in São Paulo city on December 2, 1955. As an activist, he collaborated with Chico Mendes and several organizations, like Comitê de Apoio aos Povos da Floresta (Forest People Committee), Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade de São Paulo (African Studies Centre of São Paulo University) and Centro Ecumênico de Documentação e Informação – CEDI (Ecumenical Centre of Documentation and Information, in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro). He also participated in teacher's syndicalism, movements against dams, anti-nuclear mobilizations and especially against water pollution in metropolitan area of São Paulo.
From the 1980s to 1992, Waldman was a prominent member of the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT - Workers' Party), working out political papers and organizing the Party. He founded the PT Jewish Committee (1988) and its Ecological Commission too (1989). Besides, he became involved in the Executive branch of government as Chico Mendes Park's Coordinator in east side of São Paulo (1990) and Environmentalist Administrator in São Bernardo do Campo (1991–1992), the most important city of ABC Region, industrial region next to São Paulo where PT begun.
However, anti-ecological actions involving the administration of the city and members of the party created a serious conflict between Waldman and the mayor. Thus, he broke off definitely relationship with the PT (1992) and came back to the university and to his professional life (1993).
Researching about environment, topology, imaginary, space-time perception and Subsaharan Africa, Waldman received his Anthropology M.Sc. degree from Universidade de São Paulo (1997). Later, he was the Director of the Children Homeless’ School of São Paulo (1998), Director of the Fundação Estadual do Bem Estar do Menor' School (1999), Coordinator of São Paulo’ Recycling Service (2000) and Editor of the AGB (Brazilian Geographers Association), São Paulo Sector (2002–2003).
Researching water resources, Brazilian metropolitan areas, environment, urban social time and Billings water reservoir in the "ABC" region, Waldman received his Ph.D. degree from Geography Department of São Paulo University (USP) in 2006. His thesis, Água e Metrópole: Limites e Expectativas do Tempo (Water and Metropolis, Limits and Expectations of the Time), is today the more complex and bigger academical work (5 v.) about Brazilian water resources and Water management in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (see External Links).
Subsequently, with support of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development: CNPq) Waldman conducted Postdoctoral Research (2010–2011) at Geography Department of Geoscyenses Institute in UNICAMP (Universidade Estadual de Campinas - State University of Campinas).
This research, with focus in Brazilian MSW (Municipal Solid Waste), inspired several papers, lectures and specially a new book, Lixo: Cenários e Desafios (Waste: Scenarios and Challenges), launched in August 2010 at Bienal Internacional do Livro de São Paulo (São Paulo International Book Fair). In September 2011, this book was selected as finalist of the Prêmio Jabuti (the "Tortoise Prize"), the most important and well-known editorial award in Brazil.
In this same year (2011), Waldman started his second Postdoctoral Research at Faculty of Philosophy, Languages-Literature and Human Sciences, in University of São Paulo (Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP: FFLCH-USP[1]). The focus of this Postdoc was the Angolan basin management policy, evaluating in terms of International Relations, the role of Angola in Southern-Central Africa for the hidric resources (Postdoc More Information:[2]). Like Brazil, this country is potentially a regional and global provider of freshwater, including the virtual water, as well as bottled water or distributed through aqueducts, pipelines and tankers.
Institutionally this Postdoctoral Research was linked to FFLCH-USP Sociology Department and supported by Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo: FAPESP ). This work was developing under Professor Fernando Augusto Albuquerque Mourão supervision,[3] a famous Brazilian Africanist and recognized expert in International Relations and Multilateralism.
In December 2013 Waldman finished this research, and then, immediately started his third Postdoctoral Research with support of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development: CNPq). The focus of this new Postdoc was the Incineration of municipal solid waste, Recycling management policies and the Waste picker movement, work finished in December 2015.
In 2016 Mauricio Waldman founded the Kotev publishing home in São Paulo (Editora Kotev), intending to launch e-books and e-texts with support by Kobo Platform.
Waldman translated three seminal works: An Eco Modernist Manifesto (Breakthrough Institute) from English to Portuguese (2015), El Ecologismo de los Pobres of Joan Martínez Alier (2007), from Spanish to Portuguese and Fifty Major Philosophers, of Diané Collinson (2004), From English to Portuguese.
Mauricio Waldman has been a columnist for Brazilian Media. He has published articles in Diário do Grande ABC,Cultura Verde and Ambiente Urbano. Today, he is a columnist for O Imparcial, Think & Rethink Column.
Waldman has published extensively on: Ecology, Environmental education, Water Resources, Waste Management, Development, East Timor, Israeli-Arab Wars, Racism, Judaism, Religion, Globalization, International Relations, Ecumenism, Topology, Geography, Cartography, Anthropology, Imaginary, Culture, Citizenship, Subsaharan Africa and Afro-Brazilian education, including several papers and books.
Maurício Waldman is currently a scholar, researcher, consultant and educator.
Seminal publications

- WALDMAN, Maurício. Lixo: Cenários e Desafios – Abordagens Básicas para Entender os Resíduos Sólidos (Waste: Scenarios and Challenges – Fundamental Approaches to Solid Waste Knowledge). São Paulo (SP): Cortez Editora, 2010. More Information: book cover, link Cortez Editora and headline Diário do Grande ABC, August 16, 2010
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Arquétipos, Fantasmas e Espelhos (Archetypes, Ghosts and Mirrors). In. Revista GeoUSP, Espaço e Tempo, nº 23, pp. 44–63, Revista da Pós-Graduação do Depto de Geografia da Universidade de São Paulo, 2008. More information:[4]
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Meio Ambiente & Antropologia (Environment & Anthropology). São Paulo: SENAC, 2006. (Meio Ambiente, 6).
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Água e Metrópole: Limites e Expectativas do Tempo (Water and Metropolis, Limits and Expectations of the Time), 2006. Tese de Doutorado em Geografia. Departamento de Geografia da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. USP Catalographic Data, more information and download – Two Parts: 7,72 Mb and 11,12 Mb.[5]
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Imaginário, Espaço e Discriminação Racial (Imaginary, Space and Racial Discrimination). In. Revista GeoUSP, Espaço e Tempo, nº 14, pp. 45–64, Revista da Pós-Graduação do Depto de Geografia da Universidade de São Paulo, 2004. More information
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Africanidade, Espaço e Tradição: a topologia do imaginário africano tradicional na crônica “Griot” de Sundjata Keita (Africanité, Espace et Tradition: La topologie de l'imaginaire spatial traditionnel africain dans les paroles de griots sur Sundjata Keita du Mali). In. Revista África, nº 20-21. p. 219-268. São Paulo: Centro de Estudos Africanos da Universidade de São Paulo – CEA/USP, 2000. Considered relevant academic paper for the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France).[6][7]
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Metamorfoses do Espaço Imaginário: um ensaio “topo-lógico” relativo ao universo da cultura, do espaço e do imaginário. Dissertação (Mestrado em Antropologia), 1997. Departamento de Antropologia, Universidade de São Paulo.
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Tempo, Modernidade e Natureza. In Caderno Prudentino de Geografia. Presidente Prudente, São Paulo|Presidente Prudente: Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros de Presidente Prudente, São Paulo|Presidente Prudente, 1995.[8]
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Espaço e Modo de Produção Asiático. In Boletim Paulista de Geografia, nº 72. São Paulo: AGB – Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros, seção São Paulo, 1994.[9]
- WALDMAN, Maurício; SERRANO, C.. Memória D'África - A Temática Africana em Sala de Aula. 1ª. ed. São Paulo, SP: Cortez Editora, 2007. v. 01. 327 p. More Information: link Cortez Editora
- WALDMAN, Maurício.Recursos Hídricos, Resíduos Sólidos e Matriz Energética: Notas Conceituais, Metodológicas e de Gestão Ambiental. Chapter 5, pp. 1.282-1315. Chapter 53, pp. 1.59-70. In Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos e suas Interfaces com o Espaço Geográfico: Entre Conquistas e Desafios. Porto Alegre (RS): Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). 2016.
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Waters of Metropolitan Area of São Paulo: Technical, Conceptual And Environmental aspects. Chapter 53, pp. 1.282-1315. In Sustainable Water Management in the Tropics and Subtropics – and Case Studies in Brazil. Brazil-Germany: Fundação da Universidade Federal do Pampa (Brazil) and Kassel Universität (Germany), 2012. More information:.[10]
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Para Onde Vamos?. In. Meio Ambiente e Missão - A Responsabilidade Ecológica das Igrejas. São Bernardo do Campo: EDITEO – Editora da Faculdade de Teologia da Igreja Metodista, 2003. More information:[11]
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Natureza e Sociedade como espaço de cidadania. In. PINSKY, Jaime; PINSKY, Carla Bassanezi. (Orgs.) História da Cidadania. São Paulo: Contexto, 2003.
- WALDMAN, Maurício. A Eco-92 e a Necessidade de um novo Projeto. In Geografia, Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento em Questão. Fortaleza: Associação dos Geógrafos Brasileiros. 1992.
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Ecologia e Lutas Sociais no Brasil, (Ecology and Social struggles in Brazil). São Paulo: Contexto, 1992. (Coleção Caminhos da Geografia).[12]
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Oito Críticas Ecológicas à Conversão da Dívida. In. SCHILLING, Paulo (Org.) Conversão da Dívida e Meio Ambiente. São Paulo: Global/ CEDI, 1991.[13]
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Ecologia e Movimentos Sociais: breve fundamentação. In. VIANNA, Aurélio (Org.). Hidrelétricas, Ecologia e Progresso. Rio de Janeiro: CEDI, 1990.[14]
- WALDMAN, Maurício (Org.). Política das Minorias: o caso dos judeus no Brasil. V. 7. Porto Alegre: Mercado Aberto, 1988. (Série Tempo de Pensar).
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Doze Estudos em Geografia Crítica. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Pró-Memória MEC,D.A. nº 1.071/83, Título nº 28.659, October 4, 1983, São Paulo-Rio de Janeiro.
- WALDMAN, Maurício; SCHNEIDER, D. M. Guia Ecológico Doméstico. São Paulo: Contexto, 2000.
- WALDMAN, Maurício; SERRANO, C. CHOMSKY, Noam (Preface). Brava Gente de Timor. São Paulo: Xamã, 1997.
Waldman has written a large number of papers, scientific and technical reports, e-books and e-papers, articles, and essays, and given lectures at a variety of conferences and universities. He has also translated work by authors such as Michel Shellenberger, Tseday Alegehn, Joan Martinez Allier and Diané Collinson.
Teaching books
- WALDMAN, Maurício et alli. Coleção Tecendo o Saber. 1ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Roberto Marinho e Fundação Vale do Rio Doce, v. 9. 1395 pages. 2005.
- WALDMAN, Maurício. Geografia para o Ensino Fundamental. São Paulo: Editora Didática Suplegraf, 1999.
WALDMAN, Maurício. Movimento Ecológico: combativo ou de resultados? Manifesto, IV Ecological Summit of Estado de São Paulo (Outubro de 1989); revista "Teoria e Debate", nº 9, January/February 1990.
- ↑ "Faculty of Philosophy, Languages and Literature, and Human Sciences | Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas". Retrieved 2014-02-26.
- ↑ "O papel de Angola na África centro-meridional: recursos h... - 11/17371-6". 1996-08-20. Retrieved 2014-02-26.
- ↑ "Currículo do Sistema de Currículos Lattes (Fernando Augusto Albuquerque Mourao)". Retrieved 2014-02-26.
- ↑ Archived January 3, 2014, at the Wayback Machine.
- ↑ "Água e metrópole: limites e expectativas do tempo". Retrieved 2014-02-26.
- ↑ CNRS Catalographic Data
- ↑ More information
- ↑ More information
- ↑ More information
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- ↑ Archived January 3, 2014, at the Wayback Machine.
- ↑ More information
- ↑ More information
- ↑ More information
External links
- Official academic curriculum at Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brazil), CNPq. Plataforma Lattes, Portuguese
- Água e Metrópole: Limites e Expectativas do Tempo (Water and Metropolis, Limits and Expectations of the Time) PHD: USP Catalographic Data and Download, Portuguese, with English Abstract
- Waldman International Relations USP Postdoctoral Research (2011–2013). Info FAPESP Catalographic Data, Portuguese, with English Abstract
- Waldman Biography at Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo: FAPESP), Biblioteca Virtual – Centro de Documentação e Informação da FAPESP Portuguese
- Waldman Official Academic WebPortal - Portal Acadêmico do Professor Maurício Waldman Portuguese
- Waldman's Blog - Blog do Waldman Portuguese
- Biography Editora Senac Portuguese