Mehmet Hakkı Suçin

Mehmet Hakkı Suçin is a Turkish author, translator and Arabist from Turkey.
He graduated from Ankara University, Faculty of Letters in 1993. He worked as a translator and interpreter in Kuwait Embassy to Turkey (1993–1998). He completed his master thesis on Egyptian novelist and short story author Yahya Haqqi. His PhD was on equivalence problems and strategies in Arabic-Turkish translation and vice versa.
Suçin was one of the team members who produced semi-dramatic documentary named "Golden Wings: A Story of Courage", sponsored by Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT).[1] He also worked as visiting fellow at The Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, University of Manchester.
Mehmet Hakkı Suçin is the moderator of Turkish-Arabic / Arabic-Turkish Translation Workshop (TÜRAPÇAT) under the sposorship of TEDA Project.[2]
He is one of members of the Judges Committee at The International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF), 2014.[3]
He published translations of short stories and poetry from Arabic literature in literary periodicals, such as Son Duvar, Edebiyat Güncesi, Kurgan, Dünyanın Öyküsü.
His research interest focuses on Arabic language and literature, translation studies, foreign languages teaching methodology and linguistics. He works at Gazi University in Ankara, Turkey.
Some of his basic publications:[4]
- Öteki Dilde Var Olmak (To Be in Another Language; İstanbul: Say Yayınları, 2013),[5] ISBN 978-605-02-0190-1 listed in Translation Studies Bibliography.
- Dünden Bugüne Arapçaya Çevirinin Serüveni (Translation into Arabic: Past and Today; Ankara: Kurgan Edebiyat, 2012),[6] ISBN 978-975-267-604-6.
- Turkish and Arabic Reduplications in Contrast, Australian Journal of Linguistics, 2010, 30 (2), (209-226).[7]
- Aktif Arapça (Active Arabic); 2009, Ankara: Engin Yayınevi,[8] ISBN 978-975-320-293-0.
- Arabic Curriculum for Secondary Schools in Turkey based on CEFR. Ankara: Ministry of National Education.[9]
- Arabic Curriculum for Primary Education based on the CEFR. Ankara: Ministry of National Education.[10]
- Arap-İslam Kültüründe Yenileşme (Renewal in Arabic-Islamic Culture; co-translated work with Prof. Emrullah İşler from Amin al-Khuli, Kitâbiyât Yayınları, 2006),[11] ISBN 975-6666-43-9.
- Qawâ'id al-Lugha al-Turkiyya li Ghair al-Natiqeen Biha (Turkish Grammar for Arabs; adapted from Mehmet Hengirmen's Yabancılara Türkçe Dilbilgisi;[12] Engin Yayınevi, 2003).
- Atatürk'ün Okuduğu Kitaplar: Endülüs Tarihi (Books That Atatürk Read: History of Andalucia; purification from the Ottoman Turkish, published by Anıtkabir Vakfı, 2001).
- Umm Hâşim’in Lambası (Lamb of Umm Hashim; translated from Egyptian author Yahya Haqqi, published by Ta-Ha Yayınları, 1998).
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