Metcalf Chateau

The Metcalf Chateau, also known as The Group of Seven,[1] was a group of Asian-American artists with ties to Honolulu. The name is derived from a house on Metcalf Street in Honolulu, in which they exhibited in the early 1950s.[2][3] The group's members were Satoru Abe (born 1926), Bumpei Akaji (1921-2002), Edmund Chung, Tetsuo Ochikubo (1923-1975), Jerry T. Okimoto (1924-1998), James Park, and Tadashi Sato (1923-2005).

The Metcalf Chateau overlaps with a loosely associated group of eleven modernist artists of Japanese descent, all nisei (second generation) born in Hawaii. These artists are Satoru Abe, Bumpei Akaji, Isami Doi, Keichi Kimura, Sueko Matsueda Kimura, Harue Oyama McVay, Tetsuo Ochikubo, Jerry T. Okimoto, Tadashi Sato, Toshiko Takaezu, and Harry Tsuchidana.[4] Isami Doi (1903-1965) was the oldest of these eleven artists and mentored many of them.[5]



  1. Morse, Marcia, Legacy: Facets of Island Modernism, Honolulu, Honolulu Academy of Arts, 2001, ISBN 0937426482, p. 18
  2. Morse, Marcia, Legacy: Facets of Island Modernism, Honolulu, Honolulu Academy of Arts, 2001, ISBN 0937426482, p. 18
  3. Mark, Steven, "Metcalf Chateau Show", Honolulu Star-Advertiser, July 27, 2014, p. F7
  4. Morse, Marcia, Legacy: Facets of Island Modernism, Honolulu, Honolulu Academy of Arts, 2001, ISBN 0937426482, pp. 10-12
  5. Densho Encyclopedia
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