Miguel Angel Escotet

Dr. Miguel Angel Escotet is a social scientist, writer and Former Dean of the College of Education & Emeritus professor at The University of Texas at Brownsville, United States. Previously, for the past sixteen years, he was the Director of the Institute of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education at University of Deusto in Bilbao, Spain and tenured professor & Director of the International Institute of Development Education at Florida International University, in Miami, United States He holds the UNESCO Chair on History and Future of The University . At the present time, he is director general of ABANCA's Corporate Social Responsibility and President of //Afundación , a non-profit organization dedicated to higher education, innovation, aging and culture.

Formal education

Miguel A. Escotet was born in Spain. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska and his M.A. from the University of Texas at Austin. His major specialization was in Social Research and Planning and Program Evaluation in Higher Education, and Comparative Education and Cross-cultural psychology. His previous studies in Spain, Colombia and Venezuela were in Engineering and Clinical Psychology. He received a degree in Clinical Psychology from Javeriana University. He has also been awarded with several honorary degrees and international decorations for his scientific contribution in Europe, the United States and Latin America. He has been serving as a member of UNESCO's Advisory Committee for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean for fifteen years.

He served as a member of the Board of Directors and chairperson of the Committee of Enhancement of Information and Networking of the Comparative and International Education Society from 1999-2004 . He is vice-president of one of the oldest Latin American Educational Association, GULERPE . He is also a member of several editor committees for some international academic journals. He is the director of the UP-UNESCO Book Series in Spanish.

Professional accomplishments

Escotet has been a university professor since 1966. He has taught and has been a visiting faculty in several countries throughout Latin America, Europe, and Asia . Other international relevant posts he has held include President of Universidad Iberoamericana de Postgrado of Salamanca, Spain; Provost and founder of the Open National University of Venezuela; Special Counselor to UNESCO's Director General in Paris, France; Academic Dean and Dean of the School of Education of University of Oriente of Venezuela; Sub-secretary and Director General of the Ministry of Education of Venezuela; General Director of Planning of Venezuela; Executive Director of The Interamerican University Council for Economic and Social Development, Washington, D.C., and General Secretary of the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) in Madrid, Spain.

He has been consultant to the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, United Nations Development Program, OECD, European Union, Organization of American States, USAID, UNESCO International Institute of Educational Planning in Paris, France and many academic institutions in different countries. Among many other international experiences in which he has been participating are president of the Latin American Association of Behavior Modification , member of the Board of the International Society for Development , director of the Multinational Project of Educational Costs of the Organization of American States, president of the Latin American Program of New Forms of Post Secondary Education of the Inter-American Development Bank.

Research and publications

His major research interests have focused on higher education reforms and innovation in Latin America and Europe, and on the development of research methodology in cross-cultural and transnational studies. His latest book "The Scientific Activity in the University" is the result of a large study on research quality and productivity in Latin American Universities with special emphasis in Argentina. Escotet is one of the authors of the Higher Education in the World 2006: The Financing of Universities (2006). Psychosocial and Cultural Nature of Education (2004), another of Escotet's recent works, reflects his continuing scholarly concerns on interdisciplinary of psychological and educational process within global/cross-cultural perspectives. Escotet also published a psychological test, the CIP-PRQ: Personality Research Questionnaire. See his publications here .

List of publications

Escotet, Miguel A; Aiello, M; Sheepshanks, V. (2010). La Actividad Científica en la Universidad (The Scientific Activity in the University). Buenos Aires: U. Palermo/UNESCO-UNU. ISBN 978-987-1716-19-7. 
Escotet, Miguel A; Villa, A; Goñi, J. (2007). Modelo de Innovación en Educación Superior (Model of Innovation in Higher Education). Bilbao, Spain: Ediciones Mensajero. ISBN 978-84-271-2886-6. 
Escotet, Miguel A (ed) (2004). The Psychosocial and Cultural Nature of Education. Boston: Pearson. ISBN 0-536-84455-0. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1998). Manual de auto-evaluación de la universidad (Handbook of University Self-Evaluation). Bogotá: Editorial Universidad de los Andes/UNESCO. ISBN 958-9057-96-9. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1997). Universidad and Devenir (University and Becoming). Buenos Aires: Editorial Lugar. ISBN 950-892-027-0. 
Escotet, Miguel A (2000) [1997]. Cultural and Social Foundations of Education: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 2nd edition. Needham Heights, Massachusetts: Simon & Schuster. ISBN 0-536-59634-4. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1993). Trends, Missions and Policies of the University. Paris & Managua: UNESCO/UCA. 
Escotet, Miguel A. (1992). Aprender para el futuro (Learning for the Future). Madrid: Alianza Editorial. ISBN 84-206-2705-4. 
Escotet, Miguel A.; Arrien, J.B.; Eicher, J.C.; Filella, J.; Husen, T.; Kolvenbach, P.; Mayor, F.; Psachapopoulos, Reimers, F.; Saha, L.; Serrano, A.; Tunnermann, C. (1992). Universidad y Crisis (University and Crisis). Managua: Editorial UCA. Unknown ID 3781U58. 
Escotet, Miguel A. (1991). La educación como paradigma transcultural (The transcultural education paradigm). Madrid: Fundación Ciencia, Democracia y Sociedad. ISBN 978-84-88040-00-8. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1990). Evaluación institucional universitaria (Institutional Evaluation of the University). Buenos Aires: Editorial Losada. ISBN 950-03-8370-5. 
Escotet, Miguel A; Albornoz, Orlando (1989). Educación y desarrollo desde la perspectiva sociológica (Education and Development from the Sociological Perspective). Salamanca, Spain: Ediciones UIP, Universidad Iberoaméricana de Posgrado. OCLC 20850771. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1989). Cross-Cultural Research Methodology in Education. Miami: Nabe. ISBN 84-86168-86-4. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1987). Nuevos Horizontes para la OEI (New Horizons for the OEI). Madrid: Ediciones OEI, Organization of Iberoamerican States. ISBN 84-7666-065-0. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1987). Los modelos matemáticos de aprendizaje (Mathematical Models of Learning). Madrid: Ediciones OEI. ISBN 84-7666-060-X. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1985). Estadística Psicoeducativa (Statistics for Psychology and Education) (5th ed.). Mexico: Trillas. ISBN 968-24-0276-X. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1984). Técnicas de evaluación institucional en la educación superior (Techniques of Institutional Evaluation in Higher Education). Madrid: Ediciones de Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. ISBN 84-369-1147-4. 
Escotet, Miguel A; R. Serpell (1981). Influencia de la cultura en el comportamiento (Cultural Influence on Behavior). Barcelona: Ediciones CEAC. ISBN 84-329-8704-2. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1980). Tendencias de la educación superior a distancia (Tendencies of Distance Higher Education). San José, Costa Rica: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. Unknown ID 3784E74t2. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1980). Análisis multivariado en psicología y educación (Multivariate Analysis in Psychology and Education). Barcelona, Spain: Ediciones CEAC. ISBN 978-84-88040-00-8. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1975). Costos de la educación superior (Costs of Higher Education). Caracas, Venezuela: Publicaciones del Ministerio de Educación. Unknown ID 1078262I9. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1971). Psicología del aprendizaje (Psychology of Learning). Cumaná, Venezuela: Ediciones UDO. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1967). El Mundo de la percepción (The World of Perception). Cumaná, Venezuela: Ediciones UDO. 
Escotet, Miguel A (1965, 1975, 1990, 2000, 2007). Cuestionario Investigativo de la Personalidad - CIP (Personality Research Questionnaire) (15th editions). Barranquilla, Mexico: Ediciones Psicopedagógicas Latinoamericanas/ El Manual Moderno.  Check date values in: |date= (help)

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