Misir Mardanov
Misir Mardanov | |
Misir Cumayıl oğlu Mərdanov | |
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Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics | |
In office April 18, 2013 – today | |
President | Heydar Aliyev, Ilham Aliyev |
Personal details | |
Born |
USSR, Armenian SSR, Ijevan district, Goyerchin village | October 3, 1946
Misir Jumayil oglu Mardanov (Azerbaijani: Misir Mərdanov Cumayıl oğlu; born October 3, 1946) is an Azerbaijani academic and politician who is director of the institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, former Minister of Education of Azerbaijan Republic, doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor.
Misir Mardanov was born on October 3, 1946 in Geyarchin village of Ijevan district of Armenia. In 1964, he finished the secondary school and at the same year he joined Azerbaijan State University (Baku State University).
In 1970-1972 Misir Mardanov continued his education and investigations at post- graduate courses in BSU.
In 1973, at the Defence Council of Baku State University he defended his candidate of degree dissertation on “Some problems of optimal control problems for a system of integra- differential equations”
On September 28, 1973 by the decision of higher certificate Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR the scientific degree of candidate of sciences was conferred upon him.
On November 25, 1973, the scientific title associate professor was conferred upon him by the decision of higher Certificate Commission under the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
In 1989, he defended the doctor degree dissertation “Investigation of delay optimal processes in the presence of constraints”
On 3 November 1989 the Higher Certificate Commission under the Council of Ministers conferred the doctor of physico-mathematical sciences degree upon him.
From 1971 to 1989 he worked as a lecturer, senior lecturer and a research associate at Baku State University.
In 1985-1986 he was an executive secretary of the selection committee at BSU.
In 1978-1989 worked as a deputy dean at BSU.
From 1996 to 1998 was a chairman of doctor’s dissertations degree council at BSU.
In 1989-1990 was a head of the Higher education department of Azerbaijan Republic.
In 1991-1992 hold the post of vice-minister of Education of Azerbaijan Republic.
In 1992-1996 worked as a vice-rector on studies at BSU.
In 1997-1998 the Rector of Baku State University.
In 1998 - 2013 worked as The Minister of Education of Azerbaijan Republic. From April 2013 the Director of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NAS of Azerbaijan.
From January 28, 2000 was elected a full member (academician) of the Russian Academy of pedagogical and social sciences.
In 2011-2014 was the President of the Mathematical Society of the Turkic World.
From 2014 the honoured President of Mathematical Society of Turkic World.
From 1996 the vice-President of Azerbaijan Mathematical Society.
From October 28, 2014 was elected an academician of the International Academy of Pedagogical Education (Moscow).
To 2013 he was the editor–in-chief of scientific-methodical journals “Curriculum”, “Higher Education and Society” and the editor of chief of the journals “Electron Education”, “Education”, “Education News”.
He is the deputy editor of the journal “Izvestia” of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, series of physico-technical and mathematical sciences.
He is a member of the editorial board of the journal "Azerbaijan journal of Mathematics"
He is the member of the international editorial board of “TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics”.
He is the member of the international editorial board of “Chebyshevskii Sbornik”.
He is the editor-in-chief the journal “Proceedings” of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of NASA. He is a member of the Dissertation Board D 01.111 of IMM. He was a supervisor of one doctor of science and trained four philosophy doctors.
Married, has three children.
In 2000, he was rewarded by the “Honoured scientist title by the President of Azerbaijan Republic for his successes in the field of science and education,
In 2001, “Golden pen” media award,
In 2006, “Glory” order,
In 2011, by the decision of the President of Dagestan Republic Magamedsalam Magamedov was rewarded with honorary title “Honoured scientist of Dagestan Republic” for his gifts in development of scientific relations between Dagestan and Azerbaijan Republics.
Main scientific results
A unique method for proving the Pontryagin principle, as well as second order necessary and sufficient conditions for a wide class of optimal control problems with various constraints was elaborated. The suggested method allows to overcome some principal difficulties arising at application of the known methods. Availability of delays in controls that a priori are not supposed to be commensurable, absence of a priori supposition on normality of the extremal under investigation, existence of phase restraints, undifferentiable time dependence of right sides of the equations whose end moment is not supposed to be fixed, are among such difficulties. New optimality conditions of second order were obtained for singular controls in the systems with delays. New stronger necessary optimality conditions of first and second order were obtained for a wider class of optimal control problems in discrete systems.
Pedagogical activity
In 1973-1998 gave lectures at mechanics mathematics faculty of BSU on analytic geometry, differential faculty of BSU on analytic geometry, differential geometry and mathematical methods of optimal control. At the same time he has given lectures at specialty courses on optimal control and conducted seminars, supervised diploma works of students.
M. Mardanov is the author of the following textbooks for schools:
- “Mathematics” for VI class
- “Geometry” for VII, VIII, IX, X, XI classes
- “Algebra” for VII, VIII, IX classes
- “Origin of Algebra and Analysis” for X, XI classes
Political activity
To 2013 a member of the administrative board of Yeni Azerbaijan party.
Papers on mathematics
- Misir J. Mardanov, K.T. Akhmedov, K.K. Gasanov “On an application of optimal control processes theory to approximation of functions problems” Ucheniye zapiski ASU, 1969(6), p 11-17, 7 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “An optimal control problem for the systems described by delayed argument integral equations of Volterra type” Proc. of the Scientific Conference of young scientists of S.M. Kirov ASU, 1969, 1 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Optimality conditions for systems of integra- differential equations with a delay” IZV. AN Azerb SSR, ser. fiz. techn. i mat. nauk, 1972(3), p. 116-119
- Misir J. Mardanov “On the existence of optimal controls in the systems with delays.” Proc. of all Union Conf. “On theory and app of differential equations with a deviating argument.” Chernovts, 1972, 1 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Necessary optimality conditions in the systems with delays.” Proc. of Sci. Conference of V. I. Lenin API, 1973, p. 9-13.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Necessary optimality conditions for the systems with delay.” Proc. of Sci. Conference of young scientists of S.M. Kirov ASU. 1973, p. 6-8
- Misir J. Mardanov “Some issues of theory of optimal controls in the systems of integra-differential equations” The authors thesis of cand. dissertation. Baku, 1973, p. 22
- Misir J. Mardanov “On optimality of singular controls in the systems of ordinary differential equations.” Ucheniye Zapiski S.M. Kirov ASU, ser. fiz. mat. nauk,1978, N3, p99-104
- Misir J. Mardanov, K. K. Gasanov, V. M. Yusifov “On second order optimality conditions in the systems with delays.” DAN Azerb. SSR, 1979, Vol. 35(12), p 7-12
- Misir J. Mardanov “On optimality of singular controls in the systems with a delay.” Izvestia AN Azerb SSR, ser. fiz. mat. nauk, 1979(2), p 101-106
- Misir J. Mardanov, T.K. Melikov “To necessary optimality conditions of singular controls.” Izvestia AN Azerb SSR, ser. fiz. mat. nauk, 1979(6), p 47-51
- Misir J. Mardanov “On optimality conditions of singular controls.” DAN SSR, 1980, Vol. 253(4), p 815-818
- Misir J. Mardanov “On optimality of singular controls in integro-differential systems with a delay.” Izvestia AN Azerb. SSR, ser. fiz. mat. nauk, 1983(3)
- Misir J. Mardanov “Necessary optimality conditions in the systems with variable delays.” Subj. collection. “Applied problems of mathematical physics.” S.M. Kirov SSR, 1986, p 28-36
- Misir J. Mardanov “To theory of optimal processes with delays.” Differentialniye Uravnenia, 1986, Vol. 22(8), p. 1291-1298
- Misir J. Mardanov “Necessary optimality conditions in the systems with unmeasurable delays in controls.” In: “Some issues of theory of partial differential equations.” S.M.Kirov ASU, 1987, p. 61-72
- Misir J. Mardanov “Necessary optimality conditions in the systems with delays and phase restraints.” Matem. Zametki, 1987, Vol. 42(5), p. 691-702
- Misir J. Mardanov “Second order necessary optimality conditions in the systems with free right and end. Subject collection of sci. papers.” Prikladniye voprosi funk. analiza, Baku, 1987, p. 65-70
- Misir J. Mardanov “Necessary conditions of Legendre in optimization problems with neutral type delays and phase restraints.” DAN SSR, 1987, VOL. 297(4), p. 795-798
- Misir J. Mardanov “On second order necessary conditions in optimal control problems with delays.” IZV AN Azerb. SSR, ser. fiz. tekh. i mat. nauk, 1987(1), p. 43-49
- Misir J. Mardanov “Maximum principle in the systems with neutral type delays and phase restraints.” DAN SSR, 1987, Vol. 297(3), p. 538-542
- Misir J. Mardanov “Second order necessary optimality conditions in the systems with distributed parameters.” IZV. AN Azerb. SSR, ser. fiz. tekhn. i mat. nauk, 1987, N4
- Misir J. Mardanov “To theory of necessary optimality conditions in the systems with delays.” “Abstract of papers of all Union sci. meeting” Small parameter methods.” Nalchik, 1987, p. 167
- Misir J. Mardanov “Second order necessary optimality conditions in the systems with delays under restraints.” DAN Azerb. SSR, 1988, Vol. 19(5), p. 7-11
- Misir J. Mardanov “Sufficient optimality conditions in the problems with delays.” Diff. Uravn 1988(3), p. 408-416
- Misir J. Mardanov “On second order necessary conditions in optimal control problems with delays.” Vestnik MSU, ser. 15 computing mathematics and cybernetics. 1988(1), p. 3-8
- Misir J. Mardanov “On second order optimality conditional in the systems with delays in the presence of restraints.” DAN Azerb. SSR, 1988, Vol. 19(3), p. 7-11
- Misir J. Mardanov “On optimality conditions in dynamical systems with heredity.” Subject collection “Mekhanika deformiruemogo tverdogo tela.” Baku, ASU, 1988.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Second order optimality conditions in the problems with delays in the controls.” UMN. 1988, Vol.43, issue 4(262), p. 213-214
- Misir J. Mardanov “On optimality conditions in the systems with distributed parameters under phase restraints.” All. Union Scholl of optimal control, geometry and analysis 1988, p. 86
- Misir J. Mardanov “Investigation of optimal processes with delays in the presence of restraints author’s thesis for doctor dissertation.” Kiev, 1989, 27 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Necessary optimality conditions in Coursat Darboux systems with delays.” In: Partial differential equations and their applications. 1989, p. 43-55
- Misir J. Mardanov “Maximum principle in the systems with delays in the presence of restraints.” The All Union Conference “Nonlinear problems of differential equations and mathematical physics.” Ternopol, 1989, 2 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “To theory of maximum principle in the problems with delays.” Diff. Uravn. 1989, Vol. 25(12), p. 2048-2058
- Misir J. Mardanov “On Legendre conditions in the systems with delays in controls.” III All Union School: Pontryagin readings, optimal control, geometry and analysis. Kemerovo, 1990, p. 157
- Misir J. Mardanov “Second order necessary optimality conditions in the systems with delays in the present of phase restraints.” In: “Boundary value problems for partial differential equations.” 1990
- Misir J. Mardanov, M.G. Imanov “On an optimal control problem with a delay and phase restraint.” All Union Conference “Non-smooth analysis and its applications to mathematical economics.” Baku, Elm, 1991, 2 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Some properties of a conjugated function in optimal control problems with restraints.” All Union Conference “Non-smooth analysis and its applications to mathematical economics.” Baku, Elm, 1991, p. 1
- Misir J. Mardanov,K.B. Mensimov “ Second order necessary optimality conditions in in a control problem of Goursat-Darboux system. Minsk, Vol. 2, 1998, p. 189-190
- Misir J. Mardanov, M.H. Imanov “The method of similar solutions in the time optimal control problems with delay and state constraints”, Journal Turkic World Mathematical Society №2, 2011, p. 166-175, p. 10
- Misir J. Mardanov, M.H. Imanov "Regular solutions of optimal control problems with delay and state constraints", Book of Abstracts 2011, p. 378-379, 2 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Second order necessary optimality conditions in a problem of control of Volterra type integra-differential equations.” International conference “Actual problems of mathematics and informatics. Baku, 2013, p. 176-177
- Misir J. Mardanov, F.A. Aliyev, N.I. Veliyev “An algorithm for solving the synthesis problem for an optimal stabilization system with respect to output variable.” Elektronnoye modelirovaniye N4, Vol.17, 1995, p. 47-51
- Misir J. Mardanov, F.A. Aliyev, N.I. Veliyeva, M. Dzh. "An algorithm for solving the synthesis problem for an optimal stabilization systems with respect to output variable", Engineering Simulat, Amsterdam, V. 13, 1996, pp. 625–634.
- Misir J. Mardanov, N.I. Veliyeva “An algorithm for solving the synthesis problem of discrete optimal stabilization system with respect to output variable.” Vestnik MGU, 1996(1), p. 176-182
- Misir J. Mardanov, A. Nachaoui N. İ. Veliyeva, Y. S. Gasimov, A. A. Niftili "Methods for the solution of the optimal stabilization problem for the descriptor systems T LXIII CILD", Reports of National Academy of Sciences of Azerb. N: 4, 2008, p. 8-13
- Misir J. Mardanov, F.A. Aliyev, N.I. Velieva, N.A. Safarova "The optimal stabilization of biped apparatus over a part of phase vector with the help of periodic optimization method", The Second Inter. Conf. "Tools for Mathematical Modelling", Saint Peters-burg, 1999, 2 p.
- Мисир Дж. Марданов, Ягуб А. Шарифов Оптимальные управление системами Гурса-Дарбу с распределёнными и граничными управлениями. Труды Конференции посвященной 80-летию К.Т. Ахмедова, Баку 1998, стр. 90-93.
- Misir J. Mardanov, N.A. Safarova “An algorithm for Constructing optimal regulator with respect to output for descriptive systems.” Proc. Of the conference devoted to 80 years of K.T. Akhmedov. Baku, 1998, 3 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov, A.P. Guliyev “General algorithm for solving the inverse discrete optimal control problem.” Proceedings of the I International Conf. of problems of Matem. Economics, Nonsmooth Analysis and Informatics, Baku 1997, p. 142-149, 7 стр.
- Misir J. Mardanov, K.B. Mansimov "Investigation of Quasi-singular Control Problem Described by Volterra Type integro-Differential Equations", IV International Conf., Prob. of Cybernetics and Informatics (PCI 2012), September 12–14, 2012, pp. 3–4
- Misir J. Mardanov, K.B. Mansimov “On optimality of singular controls in a problem of optimal control of integra-differential system” izvestia NAN Azerb. Ser. Problem infor. i upravlenia- Vol. XXIII(3), Baku, 2013, p. 3-11
- Misir J. Mardanov, T. Melikov "Reccurent optimality conditions of singular controls in delay control system", "PCI 2010" the third intern. Conf. "Problems of cybernetics and informatics" 6–8 September 2010, pp. 3–5,
- Misir J. Mardanov, K.B. Mansimov “Second order necessary optimality conditions in a problem of optimal control of the processes described by integra-differential equations of Volterra type.” International scientific-technical journal. Problemy upravlenia i informatiki. 2013(4), p. 75-82
- Misir J. Mardanov, A.P. Guliyev “Common calculation algorithm for solving the inverse discrete problem of regulators.” News of Baku University. Ser. phys. math. sci. 1998(1), p. 89-97
- Misir J. Mardanov, K.B. Mansimov “Singular controls in the systems with distributed parameters.” Institute of Cybernetics of NASA. Baku, 2001, p. 1-43
- Misir J. Mardanov, N. I. Velieva "Solution of the optimal stabilization problem for descriptor systems", The 2nd Inter. Conf. Control and Optimization with Industrial Applications, June, 2-4, 2008, p. 128
- Misir J. Mardanov, G. Panahov, A. M. Jafarova “A prominent scientist, unforgettable personality. Non-newtonian systems in oilgas branch.” Proc. Of the International Conference devoted to 85 years of acad. Azad Khalil oglu Mirzajanzadeh. 8p.
- Misir J. Mardanov, N.I. Mahmudov, Y.A. Sharifov "Existence and Uniqueness Theorems for Impulsive Fractional Differential Equations with the Two-Point and Integral Boundary Conditions", The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 918730, 8 p. 2014
- Misir J. Mardanov “Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics during 55 years.” Proc. Of the Intern. Conference devoted to 55 years of IMM. 2014, 16 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov, K.B. Mansimov “On an optimal control problem of integro-differential equations of hyperbolic type.” Proc. Of the Intern. Conference devoted to 55 years of IMM. 2014, p. 240-242
- Misir J. Mardanov, T.K. Melikov “On necessary optimality conditions for discrete time control systems.” Proc. Of the Intern. Conference devoted to 55 years of IMM. 2014, p. 240-242
- Misir J. Mardanov "On an improving of the optimality conditions in the discrete systems", V Congress of the Turkic World mathematicians Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul, 2014. 280, 1p.
- Misir J. Mardanov, K.B. Mansimov "On an optimal Problem Described by a Systems of Hyperbolic Integra-Differential Equations", Caucasian Mathematics Conference CMC I, 2p.
- Misir J. Mardanov, K.B. Mansimov "Necessary Conditions for Optimality of First and Second Order in a Problem of Optimal Control by Integra-Differential Equations Under Functional Constraints", Caucasian Mathematics Conference CMC I, p. 2
- Misir J. Mardanov “About the famous scientist of Azerbaijan Nasireddin Tousi.” Proc. Of the Intern Conf. “Present state of mathematics and astronomy, look into the future” devoted to memory of Nasireddin Tousi 14 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov, Yagub A. Sharifov, Habib H. Molaei "Existence and uniqueness of solutions for first-order nonlinear differential equations with two-point and integral boundary conditions", ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (EJDE), Vol. 2014 (2014), No. 259, pp. 1–8.
- MISIR J. MARDANOV AND TELMAN K. MELIKOV. "A METHOD FOR STUDYING THE OPTIMALITY OF CONTROLS IN DISCRETE SYSTEMS" Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Volume 40, Number 2, 2014, Pages 5–13.
- Mardanov M.J., Melikov T.K. "Strengthened optimality condition of the first type in discrete systems of control" Transactions of NAS of Azerbaijan, 2014, vol. XXXIV, No 4, page 65-73.
- M.J.Mardanov, N.I.Mahmudov, Y.A.Sharifov. "Existence and uniqueness theorems for impulsive fractional differential equations with the two-point and integral boundary conditions". The Scientific World Journal, v. 2014, Article ID 918730,8 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/918730.
- Misir J. Mardanov,Samin T. Malik and Nazim I. Mahmudov."On the theory of necessary optimality conditions in discrete systems". Advances in Difference Equations (2015) 2015:28,DOI 10.1186/s13662-015-0363-4,15pages.
- M. J. Mardanov, Y. A. Sharifov, "Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle for the Optimal Control Problems with Multipoint Boundary Conditions", Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2015, Article ID 428042, 6 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/428042.
- M.J. Mardanova,T.K. Melikov, N.I. Mahmudov,"On necessary optimality conditions in discrete control systems",International Journal of Control,2015 ,11 pages, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00207179.2015.1035756.
- M.J. Mardanov, N.I. Mahmudov ,Yagub A. Sharifov, “Existence and uniqueness results for q-fractional difference equations with p-Laplacian operators”, Advances in Difference Equations (2015) 2015:185 , DOI 10.1186/s13662-015-0532-5.
- Misir J. Mardanov, Kamil B. Mansimov, "Necessary optimality conditions of quasi-singular controls in optimal control", Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics,National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Volume 41, Number 1, 2015, Pages 113–122
- M.J. Mardanov, N.I. Mahmudov ,Yagub A. Sharifov, “Existence and uniqueness results for q-fractional difference equations with p-Laplacian operators”, Advances in Difference Equations (2015) 2015:185 , DOI 10.1186/s13662-015-0532-5.
- Misir J. Mardanov and Kamil B. Mansimov, “Necessary Optimality Conditions In An Optimal Control Problem With Integro-Differential Equations Equality And Inequality Type Multipoint Functional Restraints” , Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical Sciences, vol. xxxv, No 1, pp. 59-65, 2015.
- Mardanov M. J., Malik S. T. Optimality conditions for nonsmooth control with discrete systems, MADEA-7, Azerbaijan-Turkey-Ukrainan International conference, September 08-13, 2015. Pp. 110-111.
- Mardanov M. J., Melikov T. K. Necessary conditions in components for a discrete problem of an optimal equation, MADEA-7, Azerbaijan-Turkey-Ukrainan International conference, September 08-13, 2015. Pp. 111-112.
- Misir Mardanov, On a history of development of the optimal control theory in Azerbaijan, The 5-th international conference on control and optimization with industrial applications, 27-29 avqust, 2015, pp. 27-28.
- M. J. Mardanov, T. K . Melikov, On a strengthening of the discrete maximum principle, The 5-th international conference on control and optimization with industrial applications, 27-29 avqust, 2015, pp. 121-122.
- Misir J. Mardanov and Yagub A. Sharifov, Existence results for first order nonlinear impulsive differential equations with nonlocal boundary conditions, Advancements in Mathematical Sciences Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancements in Mathematical Sciences, Antalya, Turkey 5–7 November 2015, pp.5.
- Misir J. Mardanov and Yagub A. Sharifov, Existence and uniqueness results for q-difference equations with two-point boundary conditions, Advancements in Mathematical Sciences Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancements in Mathematical Sciences, Antalya, Turkey 5–7 November 2015, pp.4.
- Mardanov M. J., Malik S. T.On necessary optimality conditions in dickrete systems, The Reports of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan,International Conference on Advancements in Mathematical Sciences, Antalya, Turkey 5–7 November 2015, pp.4.,2015, volume LXXI, № 1, pp. 6-9.
- Марданов М. Дж., Рзаев Р. Р. , Джамалов З. Р., Гасанов В. И. Подход к оценке конкурентоспособности высших учебных заведений. Проблемы управления № 6, 2015 с. 23-34.
- Марданов М. Дж., Мансимов К. Б., Абдуллаева Н.Г. Интегральное необходимое условие оптимальности второго порядка в задачах управления, описываемые системой интегро-дифференциальных уравнений с запаздыванием// Yəhya məmmədovun anadan olmasının 85 illiyinə həsr olunmuş Beyn. Elmi Konf. Materialları. Bakı, 2015, səh. 351-354.
- Misir J. Mardanov, "On history of development of optimal control theory in Azerbaijan", Proceedings of the institute of mathematics and mechanics, v. 41, № 2, 2015, pp. 3-21.
- М. Дж. Марданов, Р. Р. Рзаев, З. Р. Джамалов, А. К. Худадова. Оценка конкурентоспособности высшего учебного заведения на основе нечеткого анализа его качественных характеристик. Azərbaycan Mühəndislik Akademiyasının Xəbərləri, cild 7, N4, s. 113-130.
- M. J. Mardanov, T. K. Melikov. On first and second order optimality conditions in discrete control systems. International Workshop on “Non-harmonic Analysis and Differential Operators” May 25-27, 2016, Baku, Azerbaijan, pp. 76.
- Misir J. Mardanov, Telman K. Melikov. Analogue of the Kelley condition for optimal systems with retarded control. International Journal of Control, 01 August, 2016, pages 1-9 (IF=1.880)
- Misir J. Mardanov and Yagub A. Sharifov, Impulsive two-point boundary value problems for nonlinear qk-difference equations 07-10 September 2016 Almata, Qazaxstan AIP Conference Proceedings 1759, 020011 (2016); doi: 10.1063/1.4959625 pp.5.
- Misir J. Mardanov, Academic Majid Rasulov, "Actual problems of theoretical and applied mathematics" Republican scientific conference, 28-29 October 2016, Sheki, p. 6-13. (with corresponding member of ANAS Yahya Mammadov )
Books on mathematics
- Misir J. Mardanov “Some issues of mathematical theory of optimal processes in the systems with delays.” Baku, S.M. Kirov ASU publishers, 1987, p. 120
- Misir J. Mardanov “Mathematics.” Textbook for VI class of secondary schools. Chashyoglu, 2002 (with M. Yagubov and others) 336 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Geometry.” Textbook for VII class of secondary schools. Baku, Chashyoglu publ. (with S. Mirzoyev and Sh. Sadiqov),2003,160 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Geometry.” Textbook for VIII class of secondary schools. Baku, Chashyoglu publ. (with S. Mirzoyev and Sh. Sadigov),2003, 184 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Geometry.” Textbook for IX class of secondary schools.Baku, Chashyoglu publ. (with S. Mirzoyev and Sh. Sadigov),2003, 160 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Geometry.” Textbook for X class of secondary schools. Baku, Chashyoglu publ. (with S. Mirzoyev, R. Hasanov and J. Hajiyev),2003, 214 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Algebra.” Textbook for VIII class. Baku, 2003, Chashyoglu publ. (with M. Yagubov, S. Mirzoyev and others) 304 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “ Origin of algebra and analysis.” Textbook for X class..” Baku, 2003, Chashyoglu publ. (with M. Yagubov, S. Mirzoyev and others) 303 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “ Origin of algebra and analysis.” Textbook for XI class..” Baku, 2007, Chashyoglu publ. (with M. Yaqubov, S. Mirzoyev and others) 209 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Geometry.” Text book for XI class of secondary schools. Baku, Chashyoglu publ. (with S. Mirzoyev, R. Hasanov and J. Hajiyev) 127 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Investigation of delay optimal processes under restraints.” Baku, Elm, 2009, 192 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov, K.B. Mansimov “Quality theory of optimal control of Goursat-Darboux systems.” Baku, Elm, 2010, 360 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Additional chapters of elementary mathematics and Olympiads Book 1” 2010 “Tehsil” publ. (with S. Mirzoyev and E. Mammedov) 352 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Additional chapters of elementary mathematics and Olympiads Book II” 2010 “Tehsil” publ. (with S. Mirzoyev and E. Mammedov) 288 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Additional chapters of elementary mathematics and Olympiads Book III” 2010 “Tehsil” publ. (with S. Mirzoyev and E. Mammedov) 310 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov, Sabir S. Mirzoyev, Eminaga M. Mammadov. Additional chapter of elementary mathematics and Olympiads. Book 1. Textbook, Baku-2010, 352 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov, Sabir S. Mirzoyev, Eminaga M. Mammadov. Additional chapter of elementary mathematics and Olympiads. Book 2. Textbook, Baku-2010, 287 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Algebra.” Textbook for IX class. Baku, 2011, Chashyoglu publ. (with M. Yaqubov, S. Mirzoyev and others) 239 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Algebra.” Textbook for VII class. Baku, 2011, Chashyoglu publ. (with M. Yaqubov, S. Mirzoyev, A.Ibrahimov) 319 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov, K.B. Mensimov, T.K. Melikov “Investigation of singular controls and second order necessary optimality conditions in the systems with delays.” Baku, Elm, 2013, 355p.
- Misir J. Mardanov, Sabir S. Mirzoyev, Eminaga M. Mammadov. Additional chapter of elementary mathematics and Olympiads. Book 3. Textbook, Baku-2014, 317 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Azerbaijan Predecerssors of modern mathematics”, “Prometey” publishing house (Moscow), 516p., (with prof. Ramiz Aslanov).
Books on educations
- Misir J. Mardanov “Baku State University 1919-1994.” BSU publishers (130 p. Azerbaijan, Russian and English languages)
- Misir J. Mardanov “State Symbols of Azerbaijan Republic.” Chashyoglu, Baku, 2001 (in collaboration with A. Guliyev) 270 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Heydar Aliyev and Baku State University.” Baku, 2nd. ed., 1998 (with Ali Ahmedov) 185 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Azerbaijan Education in reforms. Successes, problems and duties.” Baku, 2001, p. 40
- Misir J. Mardanov “State Symbols of Azerbaijan Republic.” Baku, Chashyoglu publishers (2nd ed.) (with A.Guliyev). 272 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Azerbaijan Education in reform years.” Tehsil publishers, 2001 (with Iskender Iskenderov, Rahim Agamaliyev, Aydin Ahmedov) 143 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “education systems of the USA in the management context”. Baku, 2001,Tehsil publishers(with Rahim aqamaliyev,Ilham Mustafayev)
- Misir J. Mardanov “Education is the future of nation.” “Tehsil” publishers, 2002 ( with A. Guliyev) 574 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Azerbaijan education in the years of People Republic.” (1918-1920) Chashyoglu publishers, 2003, 240 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Monitoring and evaluation in education system.” 2003, Chashyoglu pub. (with R. Agamaliyev, Abdulla Mehrabov, Telman Qardasov) 410 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Azerbaijan education in the years of independence.” (with Almaz Mammedova, Mahir Mammedov) 368 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Azerbaijan education system: real state, problems and reform directions.” “Tehsil” publ. 2005, 96 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Azerbaijan education yesterday, today and tomorrow.” “Tehsil” publ. Baku, 2006, 297 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Continuous development and education.” Chashpoglu, 2007, 99 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “President Ilham Aliyev and development of education in Azerbaijan 2003-2008” Imsak, 2008, p. 692
- Misir J. Mardanov “On the ways of development of Azerbaijan education.” “Tehsil” publ. 2008 63p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “Azerbaijan education in a new development stage.” Chashyoglu publ. 2009, 526 p.
- Misir J. Mardanov “State symbols of Azerbaijan Republic.” Baku, Chashyoglu publ. 2010 (with A.Guliyev) III edition, p. 287
- Misir J. Mardanov “Azerbaijan Education. Successful results of reforms, 2009-2010 years.” “Sharg-Garb” publ. 2010, p. 243
- Misir J. Mardanov “Ministers of Education of Azerbaijan” Baku, “Sharg-Gar” Publ, 2010, (240 p.).
- Misir J. Mardanov “History of Azerbaijan Education.” Vol.I “Tahsil” Publ, 2011 (295 p.).
- Misir J. Mardanov “History of Azerbaijan Education.” Vol.II “Tahsil” Publ, 2011 (702 p.).
- Misir J. Mardanov “History of Azerbaijan Education.” Vol.II “Tahsil” Publ, 2011 (672 p.).
- Misir J. Mardanov “History of Azerbaijan Education.” Vol.IV “Tahsil” Publ, 2011 (910 p.).
- Misir J. Mardanov “Pervin 11 conversations with M. Mardanov.” Baku, 2012, Sharg-Garb publ. 190 p.
Papers on Education system
- The multistage teaching process in University education, “Azerbaijan Muellimi” newspaper, June 18, 1996.
- The strategy of how to live and be updated, "Azerbaijan" newspaper, December 19, 1996.
- Necessary conditions of organization of magistracy, "Azerbaijan" newspaper, February 1, 1997.
- We have one University- BS, “Gunay” newspaper, February 25, 1997.
- Future of the University requires great renewals, "Azerbaijan" newspaper, April 18, 1997.
- Development and future of education is related with Heydar Aliyev’s name, “Respublika” newspaper, May 9, 1997.
- BSU. How the reforms are realized, “Azerbaijan Muellimi” newspaper, May 20, 1997.
- Development tendency of education in Europe, “Azerbaijan” newspaper, June 13, 1997.
- Baku State University successfully realizes its leading role in moral development of society, “Respublika” newspaper, July 23, 1997.
- One more victory of our history of diplomacy, "Actual" newspaper, August 14, 1997.
- Authority of each higher school is measured by the level of trained personnel, "Adalat" newspaper, October 23, 1997.
- Development of society begins from education, “Azerbaijan” newspaper, 23, 28, 30 December, 1997.
- An important document that expresses the need of the people, “Azerbaijan” newspaper, January 10, 1998.
- Education should be based on national and universal values, “Respublika” newspaper, January 15, 1998.
- BSU joins world education system. “Avroasia” newspaper, January 22, 1998.
- The Ministry should be engaged in strategical problems of education, “Azadlig” newspaper, April 11, 1998.
- Bearer of science is still ahead, “Zaman” newspaper, March 12, 1998.
- On the threshold of the XXI century, "Actual" newspaper, March 31, 1998.
- I am a practice man than theoretic, "Panorama" newspaper, May 2, 1998.
- The education system will be reformed, “Azerbaijan” newspaper, May 5, 1998.
- The order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated from April 30, 1998 and principal strategical possibilities of reforms in the field of education, "Azerbaijan Muellimi" newspaper, May 12, 1998.
- Our independence and save day, "Azerbaijan" newspaper, June 14, 1998.
- Independence and reforms in education, Azerbaijan newspaper, July 25-26, 1998.
- National independence and textbooks problem, Azerbaijan newspaper, August 21, 1998.
- Present day and future of Azerbaijan national education, Azerbaijan newspaper, August 30, 1998.
- Tomorrow the congress of Azerbaijan teachers starts its work, Azerbaijan education at the threshold of the XXI century, "Azerbaijan" newspaper, September 24, 1998.
- How the education system be reformed?, Azerbaijan Muellimi newspaper, December 10, 1998.
- International relations is the basic condition in development of education, "Azerbaijan" newspaper, December 24, 1998.
- Heydar Aliyev and development of science in Azerbaijan, “News of Baku University”, ser. of phys. Math. 1998, p.89-97.
- Heydar Aliyev and education in Azerbaijan, "Azerbaijan Muellimi" newspaper, April 29, May 5, 1999.
- On behalf of future of our education, "Xalg" newspaper, February 1999.
- Education reforms in independent Azerbaijan: main directions and perspectives, “Azerbaijan Mektebi” journal, 1998, № 5, p. 54-58.
- Reforms in education should be accelerated, “Azerbaijan Mektebi” journal, 1999, № 4, p. 3-13.
- Azerbaijan education in the threshold of the XXI century, “Azerbaijan Mektebi” journal, 1999, № 5, p. 27-45.
- Azerbaijan Constitution and building of national education, “Azerbaijan Mektebi” journal, 1999, № 6, p. 4-9.
- Before the Congress of Yeni Azerbaijan Party: The education members see the future of the country in Heydar Aliyev’s face, "Ses" newspaper, October 23, 1999.
- 80-th jubilee of Baku State University, “Azerbaijan Mektebi” journal, 2000, № 2, p.11-24.
- Education system in Germany and Romania, “Azerbaijan Mektebi” journal, 2000, № 2, p.76-94, (with Rahim Agamaliyev).
- Reform program should be performed through the evolution, “Azerbaijan Mektebi” journal, № 3, p.3-11.
- European programs in Azerbaijan education, "Azerbaijan" newspaper, July 16, 2000.
- Azerbaijan education at the beginning of new century, successes, problems, prospectives, "Respublika" newspaper, February 14,15, 2001.
- Reform program of Azerbaijan Republic in the field of education: the course of reform process, problems, priorities, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, № 1, 2001, p. 27-50.
- Continuous education is for everybody, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, № 3, 2001, p. 3-30.
- The duties standing before the education system of the country in 2001-2002 academic year, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, № 6, 1999, p. 3-19.
- Estimation of training and education process as one of the factors of reform, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, 2002, № 1, p. 7-31, (with Abdulla Mehrabov and Telman Gardashov).
- New academic year, new duties, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, 2002, № 4, p. 18-26.
- Democracy and humanism based education system, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, 2002, № 4, p. 27-40, (with Abdulla Mehrabov and Asif Jahangirov).
- Azerbaijan education in independence years, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, 2002, № 6, p. 18-35.
- Azerbaijan education in People's Republic years (1919-1920), "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, 2003, № 2, p. 4-15, (with Asker Guliyev).
- Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijan education (Reality of Azerbaijan education in 1969-2003 years), "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, 2003, № 3, p. 4-20.
- First reforms of the national government in the field of education, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, 2003, № 3, p. 109-133. (with Asker Guliyev).
- Education in Azerbaijan: problems realities and prospectives,"UNESCO-AZERBAIJAN Bridge to future", Baku, 2005, p. 16-27.
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 31).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 30).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 29).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 28).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 27).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 26).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 25).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 24).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 23).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 22).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 21).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 20).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 19).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 18).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 17).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 16).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 15).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 14).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 13).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 12).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 11).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 10).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 09).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 08).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 07).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 06).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 05).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 04).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 03).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 02).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2010 № 01).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2009 № 50).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2009 № 49).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2009 № 48).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2009 № 47).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2009 № 46).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2009 № 45).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2009 № 44).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2009 № 43).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2009 № 42).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2009 № 41).
- 525-ci gazet Azerbaijan education: a look for recent past, today and future (2009 № 40).
- Creation of Baku State University "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, № 4, 2003, p. 19-39. (with Asker Guliyev).
- Formation of Gazakh Teachers Seminary, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, № 6, 2003, p. 3-16. (with Asker Guliyev).
- Heydar Aliyev was a great support and beacon of our national education, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, № 1, 2004, p. 3-9.
- Head of country gives advantage to activities within development programs, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, № 6, 2004, p. 3-22.
- Heydar Aliyev's ideas is the foundation of contemporary education, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, № 1, 2011, p. 4-16.
- The targets and duties in general education system, "Azerbaijan Mektebi" journal, № 4, 2012, p. 10-20.
- The role of higher education in formation of our society, "Ali Tehsil ve Jemiyyet" journal, № 1, 2012, p. 7-10.
- Urgent problems of teachers training, "Ali Tehsil ve Jemiyyet" journal, № 3, 2012, p. 6-9.
- Information technology is the most effective means in the field of education, "Elektron Tehsil" journal, № 1, June, 2009, p. 6-8.
- Our goal is to create modern education model, "Elektron Tehsil" journal, № 3, December, 2010, p. 13-15.
- Information technology is the most effective means in giving knowledge, "Elektron Tehsil" journal, № 9, June, 2011, p. 5-7.
- Azerbaijan education system: real state, problems and directions of reforms, UNESCO-Azerbaijan: A bridge to future, a book, Baku, Tehsil Publ., 2005, p. 16-27.
- Heydar Aliyev's ideas is the foundation of contemporary education, "Kuriculum" journal, 2008, № 2, p. 5-13.
- Future of our National education: main goals and duties, "Kuriculum" journal, 2012, № 1, p. 5-24.
- Main goals and duties in general education system, "Kuriculum" journal, № 2, 2012, p. 5-15.
- Prospectives of professional development in education system, abstract of the international scientific-practical conference, Belotserkov, 2009, p. 16-20.
- Road to Reform, Azerbaijan 2011 the business year, p. 205-206.
- Azerbaijan education in independence years, "Tehsil" journal, October, № 10 (16), 2011, p. 14.
- "Tehsil" journal, February, № 2 (8), 2011, p. 10.
- Reforms in the field of education bears its fruits, interview to the journal AMOR, 2011, January, № 2, p. 24-27.
- Education of competitiveness of higer education institution on the basis of fuzzy analysis of its quality characteristics. Transaction of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical Sciences: Informatics and Control Problems, 35(3), 2015, pp. 65-84. (with Rzaev R.R., Djamalov Z.R., Xudatov А.К.)
The book written under Misir Mardanov’s guidance
- Misir J. Mardanov “Education politics of Azerbaijan (1998-2004)” Book 1. Chashyoglu publ. Baku, 2005, p. 832
- Misir J. Mardanov “Education politics of Azerbaijan (1998-2005)” Book 2. Chashyoglu publ. Baku, 2005, p. 284
- Misir J. Mardanov “Shorthand report of the XI Confers Azerbaijan teachers” Chashyoglu publ. Baku, 1999, p. 283
- Misir J. Mardanov “XII Confers Azerbaijan teachers” Chashyoglu publ. Baku, 2003, p. 326
- Misir J. Mardanov “Conferences of Azerbaijan teachers I-XII” Chashyoglu publ. Baku, 2008
- Misir J. Mardanov “The first 50 best school and 100 best teacher” Tehsil publ. 2009, p. 286
- Misir J. Mardanov “Graduates of 1996 of Baku State University “40 years” mechanics-mathematics faculty.” Baku, Sharg-Garb publ. 2009, p. 183
- Misir J. Mardanov “XIII Confren of Azerbaijan Teachers” Baku, Chashyoglu publ., 2009, p. 303
- Misir J. Mardanov “Report 2010”, "Sarg-Garb" publ. house 2011, (480 p.)
- Misir J. Mardanov “The best teacher and the best school” Baku, 2003. Sharg-Garb publ. 2011, p. 564
- Misir J. Mardanov “Scientific elite of Azerbaijan, Doctors of Science” Baku, 2011, Sharg-Garb publ. p. 320
- Misir J. Mardanov “Collection of normative-juridical documents on Education defilation I” Baku, 2012, Sharg-Garb publ. p. 656
- Misir J. Mardanov “Collection of normative-juridical documents on Education defilation II” Baku, 2012, Sharg-Garb publ. p. 400
- Misir J. Mardanov "50 brochures from the series Mathematical library of a pupil (Inequalities, Mathematical induction method, Natural and integer numbers, Theory of sets, One-variable polynomials, Many-variable polynomials, Real and rational numbers, Combinatorics, Derivatives and Inequalities, Homogeneous symmetric polynomials and inequalities, Regular sets, Diophantine equations, Functions, Functional equation, Finite sums and sequences, Motion transformations, System of linear inequalities, Logics in Nasireddin Tousi's works, On Nasireddin Tousi's heritage on algebra and arithmetics, On Nasireddin Tousi's heritage on geometry, Sets on real axis, Fibonacci numbers, Combinatorics and probability theory, Continuous functions, Limit of functions, Derivative and differential, Continuous functions, Integrals and their applications, Inversion and its applications, Geometrical configurations, Pascal's triangle, Complex numbers, What is probability theory?, What is mathematical statistics?, Functions and graphs, On limit of a sequence, Series, Parameter dependent equations, Some theorems of geometry, Linear images, On history of numbers, Two-order curves and figures, What is spheric trigonometry?, Fundamentals of Trigonometry", Pearls of geometry, Circle and triangle, Method of squares, What is Lobacheski geometry?, Squares of polygonals, "Method of coordinates, On creation of some terms)".
Papers on personalities
- Four springs of life gifted to people, "Azerbaijan" newspaper, May 9, 1997
- To live with honour, "Actual" newspaper, May 10, 1997
- In love with science, "Azerbaijan" newspaper, October 28, 1997
- A teacher scientist (Mehdi Aliyev), "Azerbaijan" newspaper, December 20, 1997
- Leader, "Panorama" newspaper, March 30, 1999
- Great builder of Azerbaijan science, “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, 1999, № 3, p 3-15
- Great teacher of Azerbaijan intellectuals (Hasanbay Zardabi), “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, № 3, 2010, p 4-12. (with Asker Guliyev)
- Great patron and educator (Haji Zeynalabdin Tagiyev, “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, № 4,2010, p 6-15. (with Asker Guliyev)
- Great educator, father of Turkism (Alibey Huseynzade), “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, № 5,2010, p 8-17. (with Asker Guliyev)
- Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic (Nesib bey Yusifbeyli) ), “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, № 6,2010, p 14-21. (with Asker Guliyev)
- Heydar Aliyev’s ideas is the basis of contemporary education, “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, № 1,2011, p 4-16.
- The world-known scientist (Lutfi-zadeh) , “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, № 2,2011, p 5-8.
- Uzeyir bey Hajibeyli: Great educater, the founder of Azerbaijan professional music, great composer, “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, № 3, 2011, p 6-20. (with Asker Guliyev)
- Ministers of education of Azerbaijan People Respublic, “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, № 4, 2011, p 10-20. (with Asker Guliyev)
- Outstanding education worker: Sultan Majid Hajizade, “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, № 6, 2011, p 6-15. (with Asker Guliyev)
- Outstanding teacher and education worker: Alexandr Osipovich Chernyayevskii, “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, № 1, 2012, p 6-14. (with Asker Guliyev)
- Great educator: Firudin bey Kocharli, “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, № 2, 2012, p 6-16. (with Asker Guliyev)
- Mehdi Aliyev: The well-known organizer of education, great teacher, “Azerbaijan mektebi” journal, № 5, 2012, p 10-16. (with Asker Guliyev)
- Outstanding scientist, the famous organizer of science- Afad Gurbanov, “Tehsil” journal, № 4, 2010, p 16.
- The worldknown scientist Lotfi-zadeh, “Tahsil” journal, February, № 2 (8), 2011, p.10.
- Outstanding scientist, unforgettable personality (acad. Azad Mirzajanzadeh), 525-ci gazet, 28.10.2013
- Outstanding scientist, unforgettable personality (acad. Azad Mirzajanzadeh), Zerkalo newspaper, 01.11.2013.
- In memory of Mirabbas Geogja oglu Gasymov on his 75th birthday, Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan ,Volume 40, Special Issue, 2014, Pages 3–12.
- HONOURED SCIENTIST (academician Jalal Eyvaz oglu Allahverdiyev), Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Volume 40, Number 2, 2014, Pages 3–4.
- Mathematician of infinity (To worldknown scientist Lutfi Rahim oglu Aleskerzade is 94, “Nauka” newspaper, January 23, 2014.
- Honourable life of the scientist (to the memory of acad. Akif Gadjiev),"Respublika" newspaper, March 14, 2015. (with prof. Vagif Guliyev)
- The outstanding scientist and organizer of science (to the memory of acad. Faramaz Maksudov), "Elm" newspaper, April 10, 2015, No 6.
- A Scientist giving valuable contributions to science and education (to 75 years of corr. -member of ANAS Rauf Huseynov) "Respublika" newspaper, June 17, 2015.
- KAZIM HASANOV — 80, Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics,National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Volume 41, Number 1, 2015, Pages 153–156.(with professor Telman Melikov and аssociate professor Shakir Yagubov).
- Sasoon Yakubov - 80, An outstanding representative modern mathematics, the newspaper "Respublika" December 5, 2015 ( with Professor Akbar Aliyev)
- Sasun Yakubovich Yakubov — 80, Misir Mardanov, Proceedings of the institute of mathematics and mechanics, v. 41, № 2, 2015, pp. 130-132.
- Zahid Khalilov - 105, "Short but glorious life," the newspaper "Elm", number 2 (1144) 29 January 2016 (with prof. Mamed Bayramoglu)
- The world-known mathematician-scientist (104 years of acad. Ibrahim Ibrahimov).Elm, No 4 (1146), February 26, 2016. (in collaboration with ass. Prof. Tamella Hasanova).
- OUTSTANDING MATHEMATICIAN AND PEDAGOGUE (TO THE 100-TH ANNIVERSARY OF MAJID RASULOV), Proceedings of the institute of mathematics and mechanics, v. 42, № 1, 2016, pp. 134-138.(with prof.Fikret A. Aliev, prof. Yusif A. Mamedov.)
- An outstanding scientist and personality, the newspaper 525-ci qəzet, July 2, 2016, number 118 (4614) (for the 100th anniversary Majid Rasul), (together with Aynur Hasanova, the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences).
- An outstanding scientist and person, ANAS Science and Life, Popular Science magazine, number 2, 2016, s.40-44, (together with Aynur Hasanova, the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences).
- On the 100th anniversary of the birth Lyatifovicha Majid Rasulov, Differential Equations, 2016, Volume 52, number 9, p. 1147-1149.
- A talented scientist, thoughtful teacher, the newspaper Elm, 2016, N 17(1159), 09 september 2016, On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Hashim Agayev ,(together with Tamella Hasanova)
See also
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