Mister X (1958 film)
Mister X | |
![]() | |
Directed by | Yuli Khmelnitsky |
Written by |
Yuli Khmelnitsky Nora Rubinstein |
Based on |
Die Zirkusprinzessin by Imre Kálmán |
Starring | Georg Ots |
Music by | Imre Kálmán |
Cinematography | Yuliy Khmelnitsky |
Production company | |
Release dates |
Running time | 95 minutes |
Country | Soviet Union |
Language | Russian |
Mister X (Russian: Мистер Икс) is a Soviet musical comedy film directed by Yuliy Khmelnitsky and based on the Russian version of the operetta Imre Kálmán Die Zirkusprinzessin.[1]
The scenario of the Leningrad Theatre of Musical Comedy operetta Mister X, dated 1956, was used as the basis for the film Mister X, which began filming in 1957.[2] Most of the actors and some artists in the film were members of the aforementioned theater.
Mister X premiered in the Soviet Union and in other countries on the 2 of May, 1958.[3][4]
"Trophy" movies began to appear on Soviet screens in 1948. At this time the Soviet Union carried feverish work to create their own nuclear weapons and the Soviet government desperately needed money, which is why considerations of the gain took precedence over considerations of Soviet ideology. It was decided, with the purpose of replenishment of the state budget, to permit a number of "bourgeois" films, which were captured by the red Army in Germany and other European countries, in the Soviet film distribution system. As subsequent events showed, this decision was a serious ideological miscalculation of the Communist government. The "trophy" movie ruined an entire generation of Soviet youth, awakening in them the dream of a different, not Soviet life. Joseph Brodsky said: "Only four series of the film Tarzan contributed more de-Stalinization than all Khrushchev's speech during the XX Congress and subsequently." However, it appears that the history of "trophy" movies began much earlier, — after the campaign of the Red Army in Poland in September 1939.[5]
The historic of the cinema Alexandr Pozdnyakov said: "Beginning of the 1950s period received name of "a little quantity movies" period in the Soviet Union. In 1952 six films only were produced by the big Soviet cinema system. The interest of the Soviet population was taken by the "trophy" films, in which aristocratic life was showed in full positive." It was necessary to back to the Soviet fimls and ideology. The Soviet film Mister X was a convincing reply to the Hollywood.[6] This film was not atomic bomb, but it was a Cold War period Soviet film with the aim: "To back the Soviet cinema viewers". This film had also other aims.
The following foreign "trophy" films about aristocratic life were taken by Soviet troops from the defeated Germany and could be outperformed by the planned Soviet film in 1958:
- Give Us This Night (1936) or other name of this film was Love Song;[5]
- Camille (1936), but in the Soviet Union this film was named The lady with the camellias;[6]
- 100 Men and a Girl (1937);[5]
- The Great Waltz (1938);[5][6]
- That Hamilton Woman (1941);[6]
But the Soviet film Mister X had another aim also; an invisible KGB aim.
An operetta Die Zirkusprinzessin (English: The Circus Princess) Hungarian composer Emmerich Kálmán had premiered at the Theater an der Wien in Vienna on 26 March 1926.[7] Russians had to built the Socialism and was necesarry to change storeline of this operetta due to main personages were Russian aristocrats and Russian Tsar Army officers.
The actor Grigoriy Yaron, who was filmed in Soviet film-operetta Mister X as Pelikan, wrote:
"No any Kolman's operetta had so many different "variants" in the USSR as "The Circus Princess", and when it had the first appearance in the Soviet Union, the operetta had one embodiment in Moscow, and different one in Leningrad. So, "the first comic" of the teatrical troupe in Moscow portrayed the Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich of Russia during the Dike's emigration in Paris; instead of it a rich American appeared in Leningrad theatre, where Pelican was portrayed as a waiter of the restaurant and the same time as a Russian General of the white emigres. White Russian emigres disappeared in further variants of this operetta.".[8]
Emmerich Kálmán operetta has three acts in Saint Petersburg, Tsarist Russia. But Soviet film-operetta, which used the same theme, moved the all acts from St. Petersburg to Paris, the characters became French and got French names, and Hussar Aria of Mister X was replaced by Marine aria. Accordingly changed the plot and logic of the narrative. So, the names of film's personages were changed mostly.[9]
The plot revolves around a romantic intrigue with interpolated circus sequences. The mysterious "Mister X", a dashing circus performer, is hired by a disappointed suitor of Teodora Verdier to pose as a nobleman and marry her. "Mister X" is in fact a nobleman, the disinherited nephew of a deceased prince.
Following artists mentioned in titres:
- Georg Ots as Mister X
- Marina Yurasova as Theodora Verdier (vocals by Tamara Bogdanova)
- Glikeriya Bogdanova-Chesnokova as Karolina
- Grigoriy Yarhon as Pelican
- Zoya Vinogradova as Marie Latouche
- Nikolay Kashirskiy as Tony
- Anatoly Korolkevich as Baron de Kreveliyak
- Oskar Lints (or Lintz) as Poisson
- David Volosov (acording to the film's titres) as Director of the circus, - Really actor's name was David Volosov-Meryin.
Following artists has not mentioned in titres:
- Yefim Kopelyan as a Theodora's fan
- Georgiy Kuhlbush as a Theodora's fan
- Gennadiy Khudyakov as boy-servant
The film crew
- Script writers: Nora Rubinstein, Yuliy Khmelnitsky
- Poetry by Olga Fadyeiva (Imre Kalman music was used, but all Russian text for songs was changed by the verses of Olga Fadyeiva).
- Directed by Yuliy Khmelnitsky
- Operator: Vladimir Burykin
- Designers: Abram Veksler, Yevgeniy Yeney
- Stage manager: Viktor Sadovskiy
- Soundman: Rostislav Lapinskiy
- Costume designer: Tamara Levitskaya
- Film editor: N. Razumova
- Circus consultant: Georgiy Venetsianov
- Editors: Isaac Glikman, Andrey Donatov
- Trick filming:
- Operator: B. Dudov
- Designers: Mariya Kandat, Marina Bologovskaya
- Orchestra of the Leningrad Theatre of Musical Comedy
- Conductor: Mikhail Volovats
- Choreographer: Leonid Travinin
- Film directors: Pyotr Nikashin, A. Dombrovskiy
Who gathered the cream from the milk?
Who got the glory after the premiere? – or, as Russian say, "Who gathered the cream from the milk?" There are three duets in the film. Each duo is wonderful if you wish to compare them with similar duets in the Soviet cinema on the theme of the operetta Die Zirkusprinzessin by Emmerich Kálmán.

It was indicated that the process of selection for the main roles of the film Mister X quarreled all operetta society of Moscow and Leningrad. Serious passions boiled over.
Main heroes Duo
Georg Ots already was a famous singer in the Leningrad and was the best Estonian singer. After the premiere of the film Mister X he became the best operetta singer of the Soviet Union and the famous operetta singer in the Wold.
- Inaugural Aria of Mister X in the film Mister X.
- Inaugural Aria of Mister X in Concert Hall, later.
- Duo of Mister X and Teodora Verdier.
- Second Duo of Mister X and Teodora Verdier.
- Aria of Mister X and Teodora Verdier.
Marie Latouche and Tony

The actress of Leningrad Operetta Theatre Zoya Vinogradova became the Quine of Soviet operetta after the showing of the film Mister X.[6] Here is some episodes of this film where she is songing and dancing:
- The song of Marie Latouche and Tony "How is it possible do not love the circus" and their dance, - music by Emmerich Kálmán, words by O. Fdeyeva (Klyainer).
- The dance on the drum - Actress Zoya Vonogradova had to outperform the dance on the gun by famouse actress Lyubov Orlova which was filmed in 1936 for the Soviet movie Circus. The dance on the drum was specially created for the film Mister X and it was not used in the theatrical performances in the operettas with the same name. For this dance, music of Emmerich Kálmán was also used, but it was was improvised.
- The song of Marie Latuche and Tony "When we're in love" and their dance on the roof, - music by Emmerich Kálmán, words by O. Fadeyeyva (Klyainer).
The old-timers of operetta
Only due to performance of actors Glikeriya Bogdanova-Chesnokova and Grigoriy Yarhon this film can be graduated as comedy film also.
The intertwining of duets.
Glikeriya Bogdanova-Chesnokova is wonderful also during the intertwining of duets in film Mister X.
The caring and loving mama with the mixed voice of a tiger and a snake. The film starts with a scene inside the lobby of the hotel and restaurant "The Green Parrot".
- - And what is her mood today? - Tony ask about his mother Karolina.
- As usual, is breaking dishes! - Pelican Reply.
- Yeah, sorry. - Tony said. - - Such, is working hard! - Karolina said about own son Tony.
- Professor in the future! - Pelican said.
- Oh no! As an academic! Academician! - Karolina objected with humor
- Academician! - Pelican confirmed.
- Wow my darling! - Karolina said to Tony and commenced to check how he has dressed.
The first meeting of mother-in-law Karolina and daughter-in-law Marie Latouche in this film became the best meeting of a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law in the Soviet Union.
Glikeriya Bogdanova-Chesnokova, as Karolina in film Mister X, and Zoya Vinogradova, as Marie Latouche, were actresses of Leningrad Theatre of Musical Comedy before Mister X filming. This theatre already performed Mister X on the stages from 1956, before the filming, and the scene with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law including the breaking of plates was already in this theatre and it was replaced in the film Mister X. During the breaking of plates by Glikeriya Bogdanova-Chesnokova and Zoya Vinogradova in theatre's performance Mister X Glikeriya suddenly damaged a tooth of Zoya Vinogradova. It is why, Marie Latouche in the film Mister X curved own spine back and turned own face to avoid the incident.[6] To see again The first meeting of mother-in-law Karolina and daughter-in-law Marie Latouche.
Both Madams grab a bottle of champagne each to portray the threat in the end of this scene in the movie Mister X.
Corresponding to the 1950-s history.

Two times Karolina, the personage of the film Mister X, says phrase which became already a jargon on the territory of the Soviet Union:
"You will fly out from here like a cork out of a bottle!"
Soviet scientists and winemakers continued works after the Second world war to optimize technology of "Soviet champagne" production. In 1953, Professor Georgiy Agabaliyants in collaboration with colleagues proposed a method of wine champagnization in a "continuous stream". This method, "continuous stream", was introduced into production in 1954, it reduced the cost of each bottle of wine by 20% and, according to domestic winemakers have increased the quality of the champagne, — it became more foamy and bubbly, also increased its resistance to clouding.[10][11] Due to Soviet champagne became more foamy and bubbly, a cork flies out from a bottle like a bullet or a missile.
Film scene of the first meeting for mother-in-law Karolina and daughter-in-law Marie Latouche has the final, when both grab a bottle of champagne each to continue the fighting.
According to the era
- The Soviet Union launched World's first satellite of the Earth into an elliptical low Earth orbit on 4 October 1957. A missile must be used to start any satellite, space ship. After 1957 Soviet satellites, and later space ships, often fly from the Soviet Union into space as a corck from the bottle with champagne.
- In film Mister X the hotel and restourant has name Green parrot. Cuban revolution still was in force in 1958. Cuba became a freandship country for the Soviet Union. The green parrot became one of Cuban symbols in the Soviet Union. Fidel Castro announced the victory of the Cuban revolution on 1 January 1959.
- If in operetta by Imre Kalman we have not scene on the steamship Mouette (English: Seagull) at sea, in Mister X it is present including the song and dance A Seagull circling over the sea. Program of renewal ind increasing of the Soviet Union Merchant Fleet commenced in second part of 1950-s. It was necessary due successful extension of freandship between the Soviet Union and other countries, as Cuba for eample. The construction of the first ocean going Soviet cargo ship Leninsky Komsomol commenced in 1957.
Unvisible aims of this film
Again prehistory

Diplomat and businessman Igor Keblushek told me during an interview: "My father was an ethnic Slovak, and I am Slovak, and my mother is Russian, she was born in small town of Kulotino under the former Leningrad.[13] The mother, unfortunately, died quite young. I spent my childhood in Prague and Africa, where my father worked as a diplomat... my father and mother graduated from MGIMO. By the way, their marriage was one of the first mixed marriages in the Soviet Union (in 1956, immediately after the XX Congress of the CPSU)."[14]
Igor Keblushek was filmed in another Soviet operetta-film The Circus Princes in 1982, which was used for scenario of the film Mistr X (1958). To read about it in the last chapters of this article.
Seems due to situation in socialist countries, that finished by Poznań 1956 protests and Hungarian Revolution of 1956, the Soviet Union leaders understood that the "iron curtain" must be allitle opened. The KGB needed own spies and "control handles" inside socialist countries first of all. The best "control handle", "control knob", "control key" or "control button" of a man can be a beloved girl or a wife. Soviet Union territory population says: "A wife is the best spy close to her husband". "Mixed marriages" were encouraged by KGB, but the festival's brides" should follow KGB directions.

The access of prostitutes to the foreigners was restricted. Moscow young puritan style girls themselves seduced the foreigners, giving special preference to Africans (Niggers and Arabs). It was rumored that 9 months later after the festival in Moscow a new ethnic group appeared, which had a population of several dozen thousand people and this groupe was called the "children of the festival". This legend is still alive, although Soviet police statistics tried to refute this by limiting the number of post-festival children to small number, 531 children only.[15] It seems, that the anticipated situation had been depicted on the Soviet postal stamps in advance, the spamps were issued before this festivl and a statue of mother with baby was depicted on one of that stamp's serie.[12] Of course socialist country visitors were attacked by the Soviet girls. It was easy to leave the Soviet Union with a husband from any socialist country and foreign visitors of the festival were not indigent people.
But to be successfully married and pass from the Soviet Union a Soviet bride had to follow the instructions of the KGB. The KGB officers had to collect information about foreign husbands from their Soviet brides. It was necessary to use conspiracy jargon.
The 6th World Festival of Youth and Students was opened on 28 July 1957, in Moscow, Soviet Union. The festival attracted 34,000 people from 130 countries. This became possible after the bold political changes initiated by Nikita Khrushchev. It was the first World Festival of Youth and Students held in the Soviet Union, which was opening its doors for the first time to the world.[16]
Names of the personages
Invisible KGB aim can be marked by any change of scenario or names of the persons. Also actors could be taken fot filming due to their names and families. Also homonyms can explain.
Theodora Verdier. French word verdier can be translated as greenfinch. Illegal currency trading, mostly US dollars, developed in the Soviet Union in 1950-s. The jargon "зелень" (English: "greenfinch"; French: "verdier") means also US dollars due to green color of this currency. But what means Theodora? The phrase "Theodore's Verdier" (or Dollars of Theodore) has another pronunciation on Russian: "Theodora Verdier".
Theodore Roosevelt was a president of United States from 1901 to 1909. But US dollars were not coloured in green during that period. American currency began "greenfinch" in the 1850s[17] or in 1969, when green color dollars were named "greenbacks" by Americans. The monotonous green color of the dollar appeared in 1929.[18] It is means that dollars became green before Theodore Roosevelt's presidency, and became monotonous green after his presidency. Seems "Theodora Verdier" means something else.
The next president of United States William Howard Taft used "dollar diplomacy", which then firmly established in international usage. He defined the essence of "dollar diplomacy" as follows: "It's politics of replacing the bullets with dollars..."[19] It is means that Theodore Roosevelt used "bullet's diplomacy".
The history knows Theodore Roosevelt Jr., the son of the president Theodore Roosevelt. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was the only general on D-Day to land by sea with the first wave of troops. On July 12, 1944, a little over one month after the landing at Utah Beach, Roosevelt died of a heart attack in Méautis, 22 km from Sainte-Mère-Église in Normandy.[20][21]
All the above means that both Roosevelts used "bullet's diplomacy". Seems "Verdier" means US dollars, but the phrase "Theodora Verdier" could mean "bullet diplomacy" or "the unexpected death due to a bullet or disease like heart attack".
Marie Latouche. Marie, on Rushian Mariya, has short Russian name Masha – it is one of the most famous Russian names.
- Masha, short name of Mariya (English: Marie), means: a woman who is a leader of a criminal group (criminal jargon).[22]
- Mashka, the name Masha in a vulgar tone, means (criminal jargon): woman; prostitute; passive homosexual.[23]
Latouche seems a French word "la touche" which has Russian pronunciation "La toush".
Russian word "тушь" (toush) means: mascara; ink; Indian ink; China ink. Russian word "туш" (toush) means the short ceremonial music, it can be a part of any famous musical piece, which can be performed before or during commencement of the following ceremonies:
- the appearance of a Bridal during the wedding;
- a senior official or president is entering the ceremony hall;
- before the ceremonial speech; before the rewarding;
- before or on beginning of any artist circus performance;
- e.t.c..
A "toush" performance is like musical praise to address of one or some persons depends of circumstances and all others have to hear this praise.
Russian words "тушь" and "туш" have the same pronunciation and this words are homonyms.
French word "la touche" has many meanings when translated into Russian language. Let mark some of them:
- a key or button (pushbutton) of any musical instrument
- a key or button (pushbutton) of any equipment keyboard or panel
- contact or touch
- a control knob; a control handle
- a hook

Poisson. This French word means:
- a fish or small fish
- a fishing float or float
- ballet body position as a fish dive
- family name of famous French people: actors; various French scientists; other French famous people
Soviet and Russian spy and other jargons short vocabulary including KGB and criminal jargons
- From now I keep him on the hook and I am able to blackmail him (Russian: Теперь он у меня на крючке и я смогу шантажировать его).[24]
- Where is his button? Or how to manage a man... (Russian: Где у него кнопка? Или как управлять мужчиной)[25]
- Everybody has a button, it is necessary to found out it and push. (Russian: У каждого есть кнопка, нужно только найти её и нажать.)[26]
- The soul played on the keys of destiny... Destiny played on the keys of the soul. (Russian: На клавишах судьбы душа играла... На клавишах души судьба играла.)[27]
- Jargon "fishing float" means:
- a sailor, midshipman or officer of Naval forces. For example: "Due to their uniform the floats attracted girls like a magnet" (Soviet Army jargon).[28]
- a badge issued after the completion of military school or Academy or any another civil high school, university or Academy. It must be fastened on the right side of a uniform or a jacket. This badge named "fishing float" due to its diamond shape. In addition, during the existence of secondary military schools, after which were given a badge «ВУ» and this badge was named "Fisheye" in military jargon.[28][29]
- a diploma due to completion any high shcool, university, Academy.[29]
- a person with above mentioned badge or diploma.
- a drowned human (thieve's jargon).[30]
- "fishing float" or "float" means:
- "fish" means (criminal jargon): a cunning human; a patrol; a girl.[31]
- "fishing means (criminal jargon): a steal.
- "fish" means (intelligence jargon): a person which necessary to catch on "hook" in intelligence aims.
- "fishing means (intelligence jargon): a procedure of the "fishing" as above mentioned.
- "parrot" means:
- Soviet three-rubles bill.[32] Russians have saying: "Masha, three-rubles bill and she is our!" (Russian: "Маша, три рубля и наша!"). This saying was used to indicate that Masha became a traitor, in our case she does not want to follow KGB instructions, but if criminals use this saying it is means that she a traitor due to follow police instructions. Any way it is means that she became or can be a traitor.
- a dandy; a toff; a suitor.
- "green" is a beginner (man or woman) who has not understand the situation around him (her). Seems "green parrot" means a suitor who has not understand the situation around him. And this suitor informed by Masha about KGB intentions, she became "Masha, three rubles and she is our!" Later the short name Masha could be changed by other short girl's names (in brackets full given name): Masha (Mariya or on English Marie); Dasha (Dariya), Natasha (Nataliya), Sasha (Александра). And mentioned girl's names are the most famous Russian names outside the Soviet Union territory.
In case one word has some meanings it is possible to code this word or phrase with this word to some receivers, which deas not know one another. Each receiver will understand own meaning.
Seems this film was used as education programme and the film's episodes, sentences, words, names could be used to code information also. If it is correct, necessary to found out who was author or co-author of this film from Intelligence Services, who required to use this code-episodes and code-sentences or word and names in this film.
The names of the main actors, as Mister X and Theodora Verdier, still not investigated. Let try to search the Soviet Intelligence Service co-authors of film Mister X scenarie:
The search via Nina (Marina) Vladimirovna Yurasova
Nina (Marina) Yurasova (as Theodora Verdierin film Mister X) was born on the 3 of January, 1934, and received name Nina Yurasova from the berthday. For the film Mister X she changed name Nina to name Marina. Nina (Marina) Yurasiva was younger than Zoya Vinogradova (as Marie Latouche in film Mister X), but according to roles in the film Theodora Verdier had to be older then Marie Latouch.[6] Family name Yurasov, if woman it must be Yurasova, formed from the the short name Yura of official name Yuriy.
Yuriy Andropov he was appointed Soviet Ambassador to Hungary in 1954 and held this position during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Andropov played a key role in crushing the Hungarian uprising. He convinced a reluctant Nikita Khrushchev that military intervention was necessary.[33] He is known as ‘The Butcher of Budapest’ for his ruthless suppression of the Hungarian uprising.[34] Yuriy Andropov had not used "dollar's diplomaty" and the nickname Theodora Verdier ("boilet's diplomaty") matchs for him. In 1957 Andropov returned to Moscow from Budapest in order to head the Department for Liaison with Communist and Workers' Parties in Socialist Countries, a position he held until 1967. The 6th World Festival of Youth and Students was opened on 28 July 1957 and this Andropov's position means that he kept under control "mixed marriages" in Moscow.
Why Nina Vladimirovna Yurasova changed name in 1957 when commenced the filming of the Mister X? She bacame Marina and it is means "marine" ("sea") or marine girl, that means Marine Yurasova or can be Marine Yrasov. Yuriy Andropov was educated at the Rybinsk Water Transport Technical College and graduated in 1936.[35] As a teenager he worked as a loader, a telegraph clerk, and a sailor for the Volga steamship line.[36][37] A telegraph clerk and a sailor! - Seems Andropov was used for code operations during the World War II, when he took part in partisan guerrilla activities in Finland. As ambassador Andropov also was involved in encryption works.
Anyhow, will try to search any Marine officer with the family name Yurasov due to after the World War II encode was needed for the embassies, spies and for the Soviet Navy fleet, for submarines mostly.
The search via Marie Latouche

Due to the positive Andropov's result in Hungary the KGB team of Yuriy Andropov had to be in force in the second part of 1950s and later. Vladimir Kryuchkov was the third Secretary of the Soviet Embassy in Hungarian People's Republic in 1955—1959. He participated in the Hungarian events of 1956. In 1959-1963 he was in Department of the CPSU Central Committee on Relations with Communist and Workers' parties of Socialist Countries as the referent in the sector "Hungary and Romania". In the years 1963–65 he head of sector of the Department Central Committee of the CPSU. In 1965-1967 he was the Assistant of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Yuri Andropov.[38] His family name Крючков (English: Kryuchkov) formed from the Russian word "крючок" (the same is "крюк") (English: hook; French: La touche). It will not be surprising, if his nickname can be Maie Latouche.
The premier of the Soviet operetta-film The Circus Princess was in December 1982, and Vladimir Kryuchkov was the Deputy Chairman of the KGB of the USSR in 1978-1988. This Soviet film was filmed according to the scenario of the film Mister X (1958) including personage Marie (family name Latouche was not used), but some changes (the scene on the ship at sea and seamen dance is absent, for example) and additions were carried out only. The main role of Mister X was given to Igor Keblushek, whose interview is mentioned above. He was not an actor, but a son of Marie Latouche (his mother was Russian and father was Slovakian) and he was called for filming by Svetlana Druzhinina. Another actor actually sang the arias of Mister X. The parents of Svetlana Druzhinina's husband Anatoly Mukasei were Soviet spies and went back to Moscow in 1997. After 1977 her husband's father Mikhail Mukasei, her father-in-law, began Soviet spy training.[39]
The search via Georg Ots
The name Georg could mean any king Georg, seems here George VI due to the ship in the film was named Seagull (to reed article SS Liza Chaikina). will try to put in another order characters of Estonian family name Ots and result will Ost (East). If somebody stay in Moscow George VI, he died in 1952, could be mentioned as West George. Who could be Ost (East) George in the second part of 1950s?

Like Soviet general Georgiy Zhukov, George is Georgiy on Russian, was East George (Georgiy). From 1948 to 1953 (or 1952) Georgiy Zhukov was a Commander of Ural Military District, it is Easterly of Moscow. From 1955 to 25 of October, 1957 he was a Minister of Defence of the Soviet Union. According to Western researchers opinion Zhukov was a key person during the suppressing the Hungarian uprising in 1956.[40] Soviet troops entered Hungary. Development of a plan of introduction of the troops was entrusted to Zhukov. This operation was called "Whirlwind" (Russian: Вихрь).[41] "Due to the suppression of the Hungarian fascist rebellion" and in connection with his 60th birthday on December 1, 1956, Zhukov was awarded the fourth medal "Gold Star" № 1, with the award of 4-th "Order of Lenin" (No. 276136)[42]
The filming of Mister X commenced in 1957, when Georgiy Zhukov was a Minister of Defence of the Soviet Union, and dramatic actor Igor Gorbachyov was planned as Mister X. Directly before commencement of the filming Gorbachyov refused and Georg Ots was taken for filming. Some sources mentioned that both actors haв similar facial features.[6]
Similar comparison Yuriy Andropov and Georgiy Zhukov had place during the Statue of Yuriy Dolgorukiy, Moscow (1954), and Statue of Metallurgist Anosov, Zlatoust (1954), installations.[43]
To read articles to understand above mentioned:
- SS Liza Chaikina
- Statue of Yuriy Dolgorukiy, Moscow
- Statue of Graf Vorontsov, Odessa
- Statue of Metallurgist Anosov, Zlatoust
- SS Metallurg Anosov#Missile's Carrier or Мысль's Carrier
Can be Georgiy Zhukov had nicknames "Georg Ost", "Mister X". Zhukov died on the 18 of June, 1974.
What about Georg Ots: a brain tumor was discovered in 1972, 8 operations, the amputation of his eye, but almost to the end of his life he continued to work. Georg Ots died in Tallinn on 5 September 1975.[44]
Jargons from the name Zoya Vinogradova
The family name Vinogradova (Russian: Виноградова) formed from the word "виноград" (English: grape or grapes). This word means in Russian:
- grapes or grape
- hemorrhoids (jargon)[45]
But jargon "hemorrhoids" means:
- trouble, difficulties, problem[46]
- tedious and long, but inevitable work and romp[46]
- intrusive person[47]
- uselessly[47]
- failure[47]
It is really, that any "mixed marriage" and "festival's bride" became the "hemorrhoids" for the KGB - tedious and long, but inevitable work and romp with plenty trouble, difficulties, and problems.
The jargon "Zoya" means:
- crucified, due to Sait Zoya in religion (jargon, which was used in XIX century also)[48]
- a poisonous snake (it is mentioned as youth jargon, but it commenced from me and my surroundings in the 1975-1977 about; I will explain down)[49]
Seems Zoya Vinogradova was an actress only and before performance of Mister X her name and family name could be jargoned due to Mister X Intelligence services programme. It can be confirmed by jargon "a poisonous snake" with has commencement from 1970-x. One school-girl Zoya and her parents were send to Odessa in 1974 or 1975 from the Volga region about. She became a school-girl of one school in Odessa. It was needed, that one school-boy Yuriy had to feel the love to this girl Zoya, and it succeeded. Next step was to let know for this boy that Zoya means dangerous. When the boy was looking for this girl she became smile and said roughly: "What are you looking?" Other boys and girl pay attention and and it is shamefully for the boy. The poet and writer Alexander Pushkin verse "Oleg Prophetic" was included in the program of this class during that period. Personage Oleg Prophetic died due to snake bite, the snake was described by the poet as "the snake under a boot tree". The word snake on Russian is "змея" (zmeya), pronunciation is close to Zoya. The boy Yuriy (short name Yura) was looking at the girl Zoya and he thought: "A Snake under a boot tree". In 1977, and of eight class education, girls of this class gave one to another and to some school-boys own special note-books where had to be mentioned any wishes or remarks as last two classes could be completed by girls and boys, who wished to continue education in any institute, high school or academy. It was possible after comletion of 10 classes education. Everybody could check what was written by others and the boy Yura sow that Zoy wrote in one note-book: "The love does not exist." Zoya and her parent back from Odessa to Volga region in 1977. The boy Yuriy remembered that it was just switching from the previous love to Zhoya and his love to Zoya was switched off after Zoya departure. Later he understood that behind him was family with equipment and their boy Oleg received nickname "Oleg Prophetic". Seems Zoya arrived in Odessa for short time to mentioned who will stay with equipment behind Yura. Jargon "Zoya" is "a dangerous snake" was promulgated, seems to avoid anybody understand really situation. The boy Yuriy does not call any Zoya as a snake. Really the boy Oleg became a "snake" for Yuriy later. It is example, how new meanings of words could enter the Russian language. It is means that some jargon could enter during the Mister X filming or later. Seems all jargon of the word "виноград" (English: grapes or grape) entered during the Mister X filming or later. And reeally, the festival's bride was a problem for KGB due to plenty questions and misunderstandings.
Other Soviet films about circus
Seems Sovier abbraciation "ЦИРК" (English: CIRCUS) means anything like this:
- Цирк - Центр Интеллектуально-Разведывательного Коммитета (English: Center of the Intelligence Research Committee).
Will try to add the List of the Soviet circus films and the highlighted movies mentioned as an intelligence action film:
- Circus (1936)
- Arena of the bold (1953) (Performances of the circus artists have been collected here only)
- Tamer of Tigers (1954-1955)
- The Wrestler and the Clown (1957)
- Gutta-percha Boy (1957)
- Mister X (1958)
- Striped Trip (1961) (The main role actress was involved in Intelligence actions)
- Arena (1967)
- King of the Manege (1969)
- The Circus Switches On the Lights (1972)
- Solo for the Elephant and the Orchestra (1975)
- Kashtanka (1975)
- The Circus Princes (1982)
- My Favorite Clown (1986)
- Under the Circus Cupola (1989)
and more
- ↑ Государственный регистр фильмов
- ↑ FB.ru >> Актриса Зоя Виноградова: биография, творчество >> Творческие достижения в театральной жизни.
- ↑ КИНО@mail.ru >> Мистер Икс.
- ↑ КиноПоиск >> Премьеры /Мистер Икс.
- 1 2 3 4 Первые "трофейные" фильмы в СССР.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The documental Soviet film "Как снимали фильм "Мистер Икс".Истории и легенды Ленфильма...".
- ↑ Traubner, Richard (2003) p. 271.
- ↑ Г. Ярон: "О любимом жанре".
- ↑ KinoFilms >> Интересные факты о фильме Мистер Икс (1958).
- ↑ To see Russian Wikipedia article Советское шампанское.
- ↑ To see Russian Wikipedia article Soviet champagne.
- 1 2 3 4 Каталог почтовых марок России и СССР >> Почтовые марки СССР 1957 года.
- ↑ Leningrad was renamed Saint Petersburg again.
- ↑ Интернет для женщин Woman. ru >> Игорь Кеблушек: «Два раза в одну реку не войти!»
- ↑ LIVEJOURNAL >> Ретро картинки или интересная история. >> Фестиваль 1957 года.
- ↑ To see English Wikipedia article 6th World Festival of Youth and Students.
- ↑ mynanses.ru (Мои финансы — сайт о грамотном обращении с деньгами) >> Главная >> Валюты >> Американский доллар: знаменитый валютный путь.
- ↑ О долларах >> История происхождения наименования, цвета и знака доллара США. >> Как американская банкнота стала зеленой.
- ↑ А. Леонтьев: "Империализм доллара в Западной Европе", chapter 4 "Дипломатия доллара в начале XX века".
- ↑ Jonathan Fenby (12 February 2015). Alliance: The Inside Story of How Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill Won One War and Began Another. Simon & Schuster UK. p. 278. ISBN 978-1-4711-4297-0.
The advance through the hedgerows of Normandy was more difficult than expected, but Stalin hailed the 'brilliant success' of taking Caen and Cherbourg, where Theodore Roosevelt Junior became Military Governor before dying in his sleep from a heart attack at the age of fifty-seven.
- ↑ To see English Wikipedia article Theodore Roosevelt Jr..
- ↑ Slovar-Vocab.com >> Маша.
- ↑ Slovar-Vocab.com >> Машка.
- ↑ Мелочи жизни >> Главная >> Статьи >> Тесты >> Тесты о характере >> Тест: проверь себя на стервозность. >> Тест на стервозность >> 4. Ты уличила мужа в неверности. Твои действия: (to see item 4).
- ↑ где у него кнопка? >> Сказочные способы управления мужчиной.
- ↑ ОТВЕТЫ@mail.ru >> У каждого есть кнопка, нужно только найти её и нажать? А всё-таки где она, ента кнопка?
- ↑ ЛитСайт.ру >> Мир души >> На клавишах души... (Елена Ваенга: "Клавиши")
- 1 2 СЛОВОНОВО >> Определение слова «Поплавок».
- 1 2 3 4 Slovar-Vocab.com >> Поплавок.
- ↑ За Родину со Сталиным - вперёд! >> Тема: Жаргон.
- ↑ Slovar-Vocab.com >> Рыба.
- ↑ The Dictionary >> Блатной словарь "воровского жаргона" и сленговых выражений.
- ↑ Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West, Gardners Books (2000), ISBN 0-14-028487-7.
- ↑ "He may be an economic liberal, but Putin is an Andropov at heart". The Scotsman. 27 June 2004.
- ↑ Jessup, John E. (1998). An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Conflict and Conflict Resolution, 1945–1996. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. p. 25. – via Questia (subscription required)
- ↑ "Biography of Yuri Andropov" (PDF). Soviet Life. Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (323): 1B. 1983. Retrieved 19 August 2013.
- ↑ A Dictionary of 20th Century Communism. Edited by Silvio Pons and Robert Service. Princeton University Press. 2010.
- ↑ Крючков Владимир Александрович — Биография
- ↑ Игорь Кеблушек. Igor Keblušek.
- ↑ Granville J. C. 2004, p. 8-10.
- ↑ Орехова, Середа и др. 1998.
- ↑ Everybody, who was awarded with the Soviet "Gold Star", had their own award numbering.
- ↑ I know one more similar comparison Yuriy Andropov and Georgiy Zhukov during Operation Anadyr and after this operation.
- ↑ Некрополь.
- ↑ Вокабула >> Блатной жаргон - виноград.
- 1 2 Словарь молодежного слэнга >> Что такое геморрой - Значение слов «геморрой».
- 1 2 3 Slovar.cc >> Значение слова ГЕМОРРОЙ в Словаре воровского жаргона.
- ↑ Фартовый словникъ >> Блатной жаргон >> словари воровского языка с 1859 г. по 1927 г. >> Зоя.
- ↑ Вокабула >> Молодежный сленг - зоя.
External links
- Mister X at the Internet Movie Database