Morceaux de salon (Rachmaninoff)
Morceaux de salon (French for Salon Pieces; Russian: Салонные Пьесы, Salonnyye Pyesy), Op. 10, is a set of solo piano pieces composed by Russian composer Sergei Rachmaninoff in 1894.

"Humoresque" by Sergei Rachmaninoff as performed by Gareth Rader in April, 2014.
Individual pieces
- Nocturne in A minor (Ноктюрн, Noctyurn)
- Waltz in A major (Вальс, Vals)
- Barcarolle in G minor (Баркарола, Barkarola)
- Mélodie in E minor (Мелодия, Melodiya)
- Humoresque in G major (Юмореска, Yumoreska)
- Romance in F minor (Романс, Romans)
- Mazurka in D-flat major (Мазурка, Mazurka)
External links
- Morceaux de Salon, Op. 10: Scores at the International Music Score Library Project
- - Sheet music download
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