Developer(s) The NNPDF Collaboration
Stable release
Development status Active
Type Particle Physics
Website nnpdf.hepforge.org

NNPDF is the acronym used to identify the parton distribution functions from the NNPDF Collaboration. NNPDF parton densities are extracted from global fits to data based on a combination of a Monte Carlo method for uncertainty estimation and the use of neural networks as basic interpolating functions.

The NNPDF Methodology

The NNPDF Collaboration strategy is summarized in this diagram.

The NNPDF approach can be divided into four main steps:

The set of PDF sets (trained neural networks) provides a representation of the underlying PDF probability density, from which any statistical estimator can be computed.

Examples of PDF plots

The image below shows the gluon at small-x from the the NNPDF1.0 analysis, available through the LHAPDF interface

NNPDF Parton Distributions releases

The NNPDF releases are summarised in the following table:

PDF set DIS data Drell-Yan data Jet data LHC data Independent param. of and Heavy Quark masses NNLO
NNPDF2.2 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
NNPDF2.1 yes yes yes no yes yes yes
NNPDF2.0 yes yes yes no yes no no
NNPDF1.2 yes no no no yes no no
NNPDF1.0 yes no no no no no no

All PDF sets are available through the LHAPDF interface.

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 7/7/2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.