NanoLab Nijmegen

The aim of NanoLab Nijmegen is to contribute to the knowledge transfer between academia and industry, in particular to make new developments in nanoscience and technology accessible for enterprises. This is done mainly via research jobs and collaborative research projects with industry, and via workshops and training. Many of the projects employ Scanning Probe Microsocpy methods as main experimental approach.
The initiative is broadly based in the Institute for Molecules and Materials and next to the Scanning Tunneling Microscopy group the groups Spectrosocopy of Solids and Interfaces, Solid State Chemistry, Condensed Matter Science, Supramolecular Chemistry, and Molecular Materials are participating.
NanoLab Nijmegen received funding from Europees Fonds for Regionale Ontwikkeling (EFRO) and NanoNed, a.o. The new NanoLab building was officially opened in March 2006 by the Commissaris van de Koningin Clemens Cornielje.
See also
External links
- NanoLab Nijmegen
- Institute for Molecules and Materials
- Scanning Tunneling Microscopy group
- NanoNed, the Dutch nanontechnology programme of the Ministry of Economic Affairs