Orders of magnitude (one cubic megametre to one cubic gigametre)
The following is a table of objects with volumes or capacities of between one cubic megametre and one cubic gigametre.

Various Solar System bodies with volumes up to that of the Earth
volume (m3) | example |
×1018 1 | one cubic megametre or one zettalitre—volume of the Pacific Ocean (rough estimate) |
×1018 1.37 | volume of all oceans on Earth |
×1018 3 | estimated volume of Europa's oceans |
×1018 6.4 | volume of Pluto |
×1019 1.1 | volume of the New Jerusalem mentioned in Revelation 21:16 (in the form of a cube) |
×1019 2.2 | volume of the Moon |
×1019 6.1 | volume of planet Mercury |
×1020 1.6 | volume of planet Mars |
×1020 9.28 | volume of planet Venus |
×1021 1 | one yottalitre |
×1021 1.08 | volume of planet Earth |
×1021 2.25 | volume of all the rocky planets in the Solar System |
×1022 6.38 | volume of planet Neptune |
×1022 7.02 | volume of planet Uranus |
×1023 9.23 | volume of planet Saturn |
×1024 1.53 | volume of planet Jupiter |
×1024 2.59 | total volume of all the planets in the Solar System |
← one cubic kilometre to one cubic megametre one cubic gigametre and greater → |
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