Paolo Ballarini

Paolo Ballarini (born October 10, 1712) was an Italian painter, mainly of landscapes.[1]


Ballarini was born in Bologna. He studied first painting under Francesco Monti, then architecture under Stefano Orlandi, and finally, quadratura painting under Ferdinando Galli Bibiena. He painted rooms for a convent in Bagnacavallo, traveled to Venice, and painted in Trieste. From 1736 to 1739 he lived and worked in Vienna.

Ballarini returned to Bologna with Giuseppe Galli Bibiena to decorate with ornamental painting the Malvessi Theater, and then in Venice, he painted in houses of Pederzani and Grighenti. He also spent some years painting in St Petersburg, Russia.[2]


  1. Garollo, Gottardo (1907). Ulrico Hoepli, ed. Dizionario biografico universale. Editore Libraio della Real Casa, Milan. p. 181.
  2. Felsina pittrice, vite de' pittori bolognesi, third volume, By Luigi Crespi, p199.

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