Petar Kajevski

Petar Kajevski (Macedonian: Петар Кајевски) (born 1974) is Macedonian IT and management expert. He is most famous as creator of the Macedonian search engine "Najdi!",[1][2] but also achieved prominence as expert on software outsourcing.[3][4]

He finished his undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Skopje, and earened two master's degrees: from the London School of Economics in 2004, and St. Galen University, Switzerland in 2005.


  1. Не барај, Најди!. (Do not search, find!) Vreme daily. 30 November 2004. URL accessed 7 June 2006.
  2. Interview with Petar Kajevski, Creator of Macedonian Search Engine Najdi!. Metamorphosis. June 27, 2005. URL accessed 6 June 2006.
  3. Каде што има одлив има и прилив на мозоци. (Brain drain implies brain intake, also) Vreme daily. 9 January 2006. URL accessed 7 June 2006.
  4. Тие што заминуваат ќе ѝ возвратат на земјата со трансфер на знаење. (Those who go away will repay their country with import of knowledge) Dnevnik daily. 24 December 2006. URL accessed 7 June 2006.

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