Prijatelji (comics)
Prijatelji | |
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Publication information | |
Publisher | Prijatelji Comics group, Shlitz Comics |
First appearance |
Svakoj (h)rani šake soli dosta ("Each deed a lot of salt sake") (2006) |
Created by |
Marko Todosijević - Mrvax Vladimir Petković - Vlapet Tihomir Kostić - Kovenant |
Prijatelji[1] are Serbian humoristic comic book series published only in Serbia. Founded by Marko Todosijević - Mrvax in 2005, in Belgrade, Serbia, it was largery expanded and shaped in its own direction within the following 8 years. From 2006 until 2012 was supported by Shlitz Comics group with additional support from art-school Šumatovčka.
Prijatelji (eng. Goffies /ˈɡuː.fi~es/ )[2] is a Serbian comics comedy based comic book series about bunch of crazy and socially depraved and loony characters created by its main author, Marko Todosijević - Mrvax,[3] which ran from 2006 to 2009. After the pause of two years, in 2011, series was re-launched in cooperation with Vladimir Petković - Vlapet [4] and later on with Tihomir Kostić - Kovenant.

Publication History
The story with creation of Prijatelji started when Marko Todosijević - Mrvax worked on short comic strip known as Zvuci Rodnog Kraja (The sounds of Hometown) in 2003. It was strip-based and short lived series, that had two issues, and most of this material have been accidentally destroyed, and only couple of panels have left in physical form. Series have followed happenings in Tavern called Zvuci Rodnog Kraja (The sounds of Hometown), and only resemblance with Prijatelji (comics) was character by the name of Vukota Šiljić who wasn't the today's Vukota, but it was character that open the way for the creation of Prijatelji (comics). On this publication, besides Marko Todosijević - Mrvax, script-writer Marko Radovanović - Maré also participated with his texts at some point. Year later series was turned down, and Marko Todosijević - Mrvax began to work on new characters and concept that will become something known as Prijatelji (comics). During the making of concept and personalities, Marko Todosijević - Mrvax found inspiration in people that he knew, as some of the characters were caricatures of actual persons and people from his surrounding.
Influences from the movies, comedies especially, is something that made much of impact on Prijatelji (comics). Movies from Jackie Chan, or Monty Python's Flying Circus series had strong supportive effect on creation of Prijatelji (comics). To not be excluded, domestic-Serbian movies like Balkanski Špijun, Varljivo leto '68, Maratonci trče počasni krug, Kad porastem biću Kengur, Sedam i po and such, had also influences on Prijatelji (comics).
In 2006, first characters were created. First was albino Zombie named Zombiša and hybrid of dog and groundhog named Mrmi, and then followed by Nindža Nidža, Dule Student and jelly belly creature named Zglavko. This five characters are the heart of the series and their personalities and looks had minor changes through the years. Name of the series (Prijatelji - Pals) was ironical as characters had more animosity between each other than sympathy and friendly intensions. In original print of first episode Svakoj (h)rani šake soli dosta ('Each deed a lot of salt sake'), there were only five of them. Light success of this publication and entering to group of Shlitz Comics led to re-print of issue in 2007 which was filled with more new pages plus one new character.
In 2007, when the first issue of Prijatelji (comics) was re-printed, character of Mile Betmen was added to the crew. He was more than obvious parody to DC Comics's Batman with big beer belly and role of masked avenger and pig grower. His appearance have bring another value to the series, but when second issue of Prijatelji (comics) appeared in same year, entitled Harmonija u zemlji bedaka ('Harmony in the Land of bummer'), on its pages were more improvement, both in drawing style and story telling. What is interesting with this publication is that the amount of characters has expanded and so the stories gain more than just fights and pranks among the characters. Female characters are also brought in, and series started to gets more on emotional bases, but clashes and animosities that featured in first issue were still present, but crafted with more taste and moderation.
2008 - 2009
2008 was year of pause, as Marko Todosijević - Mrvax searched for new ideas. And preparation of new issue lasted more than a whole year. In March 2009, third issue entitled Osasuna VS Calgary ('Osasuna VS Calgary') have appeared. In this issue, besides Marko Todosijević - Mrvax work, on the backcover of the issue, Bojan Milojević - "Asterian" participated with one panel with Nindža Nidža. And as there was more than enough prepared material, couple of months later another issue entitled Nema tata para sine ('Daddy has no money sonny') which was the best issue so far, with excellent gags and much, much more improved style and drawing capabilities. Besides the fact that there was 27 pages of Prijatelji (comics)'s madness, issue have brought illustrative inputs from Serbian comic artists Saša Arsenić, Miloš Slavković and Borivoje Grbić.
After releasing of this issue,[5] due to some personal occupations Marko Todosijević - Mrvax called Prijatelji (comics) a quit.
2011 - 2012

Two years later, Marko Todosijević - Mrvax have decided to awake the Prijatelji (comics) again,[6] and this time he teamed up with Vladimir Petković - Vlapet, and two began to work on new issue. Result was Special issue of Prijatelji (comics) which was published in April 2012. Besides the main and well known characters of series which featured in, this special publication brought couple of new characters like Radojka, Stamena and Mitar Tuki Trgovac, and announced totally crazy and fresh-new character named Mačo Mikula. Also, in comparation to older issues, this special had titles to the gags, and it was published on bigger format.
After the release and promotion of this Special, Marko Todosijević - Mrvax and Vladimir Petković - Vlapet joined forces with old time friend Tihomir Kostić - Kovenant and started to work on improved and more crazy-based approach to Prijatelji (comics), which demanded some re-works and cuts. First of all, character of Mile Betmen was driven out due to his looks, as he was parody to DC Comics's Batman, and as guys have intension to make Prijatelji (comics) more commercial and more interesting to publishing circles, character of Mile Betmen was permanently replaced with Mačo Mikula who became the main force of the series. At some point, there was decision for Mile Betmen and Mačo Mikula to act together, but that was drop out in short time. Second character which was re-worked was Mrmi, and from totally lovable look of little mischief, Mrmi became sexually voracious and aggressively crazed character. Re-works in series that are also included are surroundings and plot. This time, all of the characters have faced with real-time situations, social injustices and problems, more in-between connections and interactions, alcohol, women (more than ever), disorder of values, trash and kitsch and all actualities in today's society. Besides this correction, new authors have leaded in a pile of new characters which will make situations and series itself more interesting, funny and improved.
And as three of authors work on the Prijatelji (comics) now, all of them have decided to make (Volume 2) of Prijatelji (comics) series, mostly because of those re-works and new characters and concept that they brought in. They also marked Special issue Porodični Paket/Extreme Paket (Specijalni broj) ('Family Pack/Extreme Pack (Special issue)') [7] as intersection of the series and the bridge to new publication. And no matter that this publication was special, they marked it as Number 1 issue of (Volume 2) of series. The next issue under the Number 2 has appeared under the title of Naseči mi 'leba i parizer na koso ('Chop me sum bread and Bologna on sloping'),[8][9] and it was published in late November 2012.
During the summer of 2013, creators of the series decided to run into total modification of the past concept. Currently, new episodes are on the way, and opposite to earlier issues, the new edition of Prijatelji which is under the working title Daj...daj...'armonike! ('Give...Give...Accordions!'), will bring more layered and longer stories, filled with themes of supernatural, horror, action, martial arts, and more of the constructed storytelling. In August 2013, new additional member is added to the crew, the colorist Momir Marković. Besides the plan for comic to be published in print, there's also the intention of the main creators to publish special issues online in color setting, and in different languages than Serbian, like in Italian and in English.
Style and approach
Drawing style present in Prijatelji (comics) is on traces of Italian (Fumetti) school, French Bande dessinee elements and Matt Groening approach, but yet very original and own. And while Marko Todosijević - Mrvax crafts his style similar to work of The Simpsons and André Franquin, but with personal originality and uniqueness in deliverance, Vladimir Petković - Vlapet runs his style under the influences from Roberto Raviola, Roberto Diso and Fabio Civitelli, but with pretty much uniqueness to drawing inputs. Tihomir Kostić - Kovenant derivate his approach from the authors like Eduardo Risso, Kenichi Sonoda, Nicola Mari and early Enrico Marini. In writing approach, all three of the authors drain ideas and inspiration from their own inner sources, which makes stories very original and hilarious at the same time. Music also have some influences on work of Prijatelji (comics), but only as a background element.
World of Prijatelji (comics) is settled in city of Šiljino Brdo (eng.Nibs Hill /nɪbz~hɪl/) which is located somewhere in Serbia. Main places where characters of Prijatelji (comics) are meeting are dark allies, flat of DJ Sarma or tavern called ('Tri Leša (Three Corpses)') owned by Rista Turista.
Situations that are present in the series are today world's problems, real time bummers or happinesses, socially depraved situations, sex, violence, sport, love, hate, alcohol, music, injustice. Black and light humor are mixed up and can be seen on one panel at the same time, as same goes to the love, hate or violence. Besides the mess and chaos that they're dealing with, there's much bashing on trashy and kitsch persons and such way of living. Humiliation on terms of disorder of values in today's society is also included in series. Lyrics of the songs which are appearing from time to time in series are mocking of Serbia's trash music known as Turbo Folk and Pop-folk. Themes that are dealing with supernatural, aliens, ancient myths are also included in newly settled approach.
In May 2012, slide show animation presentation of Prijatelji was created, which follows the episode Radojka Phenomenon,[10] from Porodični Paket/Extreme Paket (Specijalni broj) ('Family Pack/Extreme Pack (Special issue)'). Both Marko Todosijević - Mrvax and Vladimir Petković - Vlapet, have appeared in short psycho thriller Sanctuary.[11] Unofficially, in video clip form, Prijatelji covered the song Karate Kara te [12] from the Serbian hardcore/crossover band Sick Mother Fakers with snaps from the issues .
TimelineThe timeline table of characters appearances through the years.
![]() Released Issues (Bibliography)The list of published comic books of Prijatelji (comics) (Pals) series:
Prijatelji Authors
Staff (Prijatelji creative team )
Additional associates
Tech crew
External links