Quantum dilogarithm

In mathematics, the quantum dilogarithm also known as q-exponential is a special function defined by the formula

Thus in the notation of the page on q-exponential mentioned above, .

Let be “q-commuting variables”, that is elements of a suitable noncommutative algebra satisfying Weyl’s relation . Then, the quantum dilogarithm satisfies Schützenberger’s identity

Faddeev-Volkov's identity

and Faddeev-Kashaev's identity

The latter is known to be a quantum generalization of Roger's five term dilogarithm identity.

Faddeev's quantum dilogarithm is defined by the following formula:

where the contour of integration goes along the real axis outside a small neighborhood of the origin and deviates into the upper half-plane near the origin. The same function can be described by the integral formula of Woronowicz:

Ludvig Faddeev discovered the quantum pentagon identity:

where and are self-adjoint (normalized) quantum mechanical momentum and position operators satisfying Heisenberg's commutation relation

and the inversion relation

The quantum dilogarithm finds applications in mathematical physics, quantum topology, cluster algebra theory.

The precise relationship between the q-exponential and is expressed by the equality

valid for Im .


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