Ramnagar Fort Udhampur

Ramnagar Fort
Location Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir, India
Type Cultural
State Party  India

Ramnagar Fort (Hindi: रामनगर किला ) is near Sheesh Mahal, Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Ramnagar Fort is believed to have been built by Raja Suchet Singh, who died in 1844. His wife performed sati nearby. There is a Samadhi of Maharani at the site where the sati was performed. The fort was renovated and undertaken by the Archaeological Survey of India in 1972. It is a protected monument of the Archaeological department.[1]

Architectural designs

The ancient fort is square with polygonal bastions to support its four corners. The fortifications wall and the bastions rise to three storeys and are crowned with battlements and merinos. Around the central courtyard inside, there are cells and vaulted chambers where cannonballs are stored. There are images of Ganesa, Durga and Hanuman in the gateway. The fort is surrounded by a moat and access to it is gained through a narrow bridge on the southeastern side.[2]



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