Rich Mountain order of battle

The following is the organization of the Union and Confederate forces engaged at the Battle of Rich Mountain, during the American Civil War in 1861.

Abbreviations used

Military Rank

  • w = wounded
  • mw = mortally wounded
  • k = killed
  • m = missing

Union forces

Department of the Ohio (Army of Occupation), MG George B. McClellan

Union forces
Brigades Regiments
Schleich's Brigade

   BG Newton Schleich

Rosecrans' Brigade

   BG William S. Rosecrans[1]

Morris' "Indiana" Brigade

   BG Thomas A. Morris

Hill's Brigade

   BG Charles W. Hill

McCook's Advance Brigade

   Col Robert L. McCook

  • 4th Ohio: Col Lorin Andrews
  • 9th Ohio: Col Robert L. McCook
  • 1st Michigan Artillery, Battery A: Lt George Van Pelt

Confederate forces

Army of the Northwest, BG Robert S. Garnett[2]

Confederate forces
Brigades Regiments
Laurel Hill

   BG Robert S. Garnett

Rich Mountain

   Ltc John Pegram


External links

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