Road signs in Germany
List of road signs of Germany.
Warning signs
General caution (with a supplementary sign explaining the danger)
Dangerous curve to the left
Dangerous curve to the right
Double curves, first to left
Double curves, first to right
Steep hill downwards (4%)
Upward gradient (4%)
Bumpy road
Slippery road
Side winds to the right
Road narrows on both sides
Road narrows on the right
Road narrows on the left
Children crossing
Bicycles crossing
Wild animals crossing[1]
Buses crossing
Level crossing countdown marker (240 m) right-hand side of the street
Level crossing countdown marker (160 m) left-hand side of the street
Level crossing countdown marker (80 m) right-hand side of the street
- ^ "German Road Signs: Guide to Parking & Road Signs in Germany". Auto Europe. Retrieved 17 November 2015.
Warning signs, no longer erected
Road ahead freezes easily and is then slippery
Possible falling or fallen rocks
Opening or swing bridge ahead
Quayside or river bank
Low-flying aircraft
Regulatory signs
Give priority to rail transport
Give priority to rail transport (with danger of electrical wires overhead)
Priority for oncoming vehicles
Turn left ahead
Turn right ahead
Ahead only
Turn left
Go straight or left
Turn right
Go straight or right
Roundabout mandatory
One-way street to left
One-way street to right
Keep right
Keep left
Use shoulder as lane (3 lanes plus shoulder)
Use shoulder as lane
Don't use shoulder as lane
Prepare to clear shoulder used as lane (3 lanes plus shoulder)
Bus stop: 15 m (≈ 50 ft.) parking Prohibition prior to and behind this sign = 30 m altogether
Taxi rank (no stopping or parking allowed)
Pedestrian lane
Shared use path with separate lanes
End of pedestrian zone
End of bicyclist zone
No vehicles
No motor vehicles (except motorcycles)
Prohibition of motor vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of over 3.5 metric tons including their trailers and tractors, other than passenger cars, buses and coaches
No bicycles
No motorcycles
No equestrians
No pedestrians
No pedestrians and bicycles
No entry for motor vehicles
No motor vehicles subject to identification of dangerous goods
Weight limit - trailers are considered separately (5.5 tonnes)
Axle load limit (8 tonnes)
Width limit (including wing mirrors)
Height limit (3.8 meters)
Length limit (10 meters)
Snow chains are required
No vehicles carrying dangerous water pollutants that may pollute water
End of a low-emission zone
No U-turns
No traffic allowed without indicated minimum distance between vehicles
Speed limit (60 km/h)
Start of a 30 km/h zone
End of a 30 km/h zone
Vehicles capable of speeds exceeding 30 km/h only
No overtaking
No overtaking by lorries
End of speed limit (60 km/h)
End of no overtaking
End of no overtaking by lorries
End of all speed and passing limits
No stopping along Carriageway
No parking along Carriageway
No parking zone
End of no parking zone
Stop line
Lane or road boundary
One-sided lane boundary
Direction arrows (no stopping or parking allowed)
Advance notice arrow
Marking for barred area
Additional marking for an already existing no stopping or no parking area
Information signs
Right of way at the next crossroads
End of priority road
Priority over oncoming vehicles
Town sign: Start of urban area (50 km/h speed limit)
Town sign: End of urban area
Parking place
Start of Parking management area, only parking with parking disc or parking ticket
End of Parking management area
Home zone: Start of urban area (5 km/h speed limit, generally called walking speed)
End of home zone
Breakdown bay
Motorway (Motor vehicles capable of speeds exceeding 60 km/h only)
Fast traffic highway (Motor vehicles capable of speeds exceeding 60 km/h only)
End of motorway
End of fast traffic highway
Motorway exit ahead
motorway-like road exit ahead
motorway exit
exit from motorway-like road
Dividing lines
Give way line
Water protection zone
Petrol station with Unleaded fuel
Petrol station with LPG
Petrol station with CNG
Place name (information only, does not imply a speed limit)
Tourist sign (here: referring to the former East-West German border)
Soft verges for heavy goods vehicles
Stop - customs
Information at customs
Street light warning marker (lamp will not remain lit all night)
Information signs, not used in the manual
Motorway Hotel
Motorway Restaurant
Motorway Refreshments
Direction signs
Main road number sign (35)
Motorway number sign (48)
European road number sign (E 36)
Signpost at junction leading onto a minor road
Route for heavy goods vehicles
Route for heavy goods vehicles
Sign on approaches to junctions
Sign on approach to junction (minor road)
Street name sign
Sign on approaches to junctions
Sign on approaches to junctions (lanes)
Motorway junction sign to service area
Diversion sign (U3)
Diversion sign
End of diversion
Diversionary route ahead
Diversion symbol for a recommended alternate route
End of diversion (symbol)
Detouring onto opposite lane (in 200 m)
Complicated traffic touring (if turning left is forbidden)
End of lane
Road equipment
Barrier board
Guiding beacon
guide cone
moveable road barrier
moveable road barrier with flashing arrow
reflexion post (right-hand side)
reflexion post (left-hand side)
Right turn on red permitted after a complete stop
Complementary plates
On left
On left ahead
Pavement on left
On right
On right ahead
Pavement on right
Crossing road both ways
Going parallel to road
Two-way cycle route crossing road
Two-way cycle route running parallel to road
For 800 m
For 3 km
Priority route at junction (yield to pedestrians when turn left or right)
Priority route at junction (yield to pedestrians when turn left or right)
Priority route at junction (yield to pedestrians when turn left)
Priority route at junction (yield to pedestrians when turn left or right)
Priority route at junction (yield to pedestrians when turn left)
Priority route at junction (yield to pedestrians when turn left or right)
Priority route at junction (yield to pedestrians when turn left or right)
Priority route at junction (yield to pedestrians when turn right)
Priority route at junction (yield to pedestrians when turn left or right)
Priority route at junction (yield to pedestrians when turn right)
100 m ahead
Stop 100 m ahead
200 m ahead
400 m ahead
600 m ahead
2 km ahead
Late merge in 200m
Ends in ...m
Construction site exit
Damaged roadway
Spillage on road
Risk of accident
Migratory toad crossing
Queues likely
Narrowed clearance by trees
Risk of ice
Right of way changed
Traffic routing changed
Industrial area (trains have priority)
Children allowed to play in road
Skiers allowed to cross road
Large wagons can park here without the usual two week temporal parking restriction
Caravans can park here without the usual two week temporal parking restriction
Start of restriction
End of restriction
Cyclists dismount
Green wave at
Stop here on red
Pass over verges/shoulder
End of passing over verges/shoulder
Tunnel category B
Tunnel category C
Tunnel category D
Tunnel category E
Disabled with permit No. ... allowed
Cyclists and residents allowed
Residents only
Residents and parking only
Residents with permit No. ... allowed
Cycles allowed
Mopeds allowed
Motorcycles and mopeds allowed
Cars allowed
Goods vehicles, buses and cars allowed
Buses allowed
Trains allowed
Trams allowed
Slow vehicles (under 25 km/h) allowed
Taxis allowed
Motorcycles allowed
Regular scheduled buses allowed
Emergency vehicles allowed
Ambulances allowed
Delivery vehicles allowed
Agricultural vehicles allowed
Forestry vehicles allowed
Agricultural and forestry vehicles allowed
Operational and utility vehicles allowed
Electric vehicles while charging allowed
Electric vehicles allowed
Construction vehicles allowed
Access to construction site allowed
Access to neighbouring construction site allowed
Access to ... allowed
Ferry users allowed
Skiers crossing road at times shown
At times shown
At times shown
Parking with disc for 2 hours
Parking with disc in marked zone for 2 hours
Working days at times shown
Working days at times shown
Monday-Friday, at times shown
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, at times shown
Sundays and public holidays, at times shown
School bus (at times shown)
Disabled users only
Disabled with permit No. ... only
Residents with permit No. ... only
Motorcycles and mopeds only
Motorcycles only
Cars only
Goods vehicles, buses and cars only
Goods vehicles with trailers only
HGVs only
Buses only
Trains only
Trams only
Slow vehicles (under 25 km/h) only
Slow vehicles allowed to pass
Military vehicles only
Goods vehicles, buses and cars with trailers only
Number of taxis
Electric vehicles being charged (with number)
Electric vehicles (with number)
Section where vehicles carrying hazardous goods are prohibited
Section where vehicles carrying water-polluting goods are prohibited
Only with parking ticket
Weight (7.5 tons)
When wet
No parking on verges/shoulder
On the verges/shoulder
Parking allowed in marked areas
Mode of transport
For cyclists and moped riders
Grit on road
Electric vehicles with E marked German license plate or blue Sticker on rear Window for foreign electric vehicles permitted
Vehicles with red, yellow or green Low Emission Zone Sticker permitted
Vehicles with yellow or green Low Emission Zone Sticker permitted
Vehicles with green Low Emission Zone Sticker permitted
Obsolete signs
Level crossing with barrier or gate ahead
End of recommended speed
Soft verges
Historic signs
Level crossing
No motor vehicles (except motorcycles)
No entry for motor vehicles
No motorcycles
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