Rune Christiansen

Rune Christiansen (2015)
Rune Christiansen (born 10 April 1963 in Bergen) is a Norwegian poet and novelist. He is a professor of creative writing at Telemark University College. He has won several prestigious awards, including the Brage Prize in 2014 and the Gyldendal award for 2015.
Rune Christiansen started as a poet in 1986. Since then, he has written nine collections of poems, and eight novels. He has also collaborated with poets Alain Bosquet, Eugenio Montale, Frank Kuppner and Edmond Jabès.
- 1986: Hvor toget forlater havet, poem
- 1987: Sanger fra måneraketten, poem
- 1989: I dødvanne, poem
- 1990: Hvalene i Glasgow, novel
- 1991: Skilpaddedøgn, poem
- 1992: Dypt mørke, novel
- 1993: En følsom tid, poem
- 1994: Motormelkeveien, poem
- 1996: Anticamera, poem
- 1997: Steve McQueen er død, novel
- 1999: Etter alltid, poem
- 2000: På ditt aller vakreste, novel
- 2002: Om trær som vokser seg skakke i trange skyggefulle hager, men som likevel (eller nettopp derfor) gjør inntrykk og som man husker livet ut, poem
- 2002: 25 February , essay
- 2003: Intimiteten, novel.
- 2007: Fraværet av musikk, novel
- 2009: Krysantemum, novel
- 2014: Ensomheten i Lydia Ernemans liv, novel
- 1998: Lett ferd: Dikt i utvalg, poem
- 2004: Samlede dikt, poem
External links
- Poems of Rune Christiansen at nytallerken
- Rune Christiansen at NRK Forfatter
- Rune Christiansen at Dagbladet Forfatter
- Rune Christiansen at Aftenposten Alex
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