Sagor från Blåbärsberget

Sagor från Blåbärsberget
Genre children
Country Sweden
Language(s) Swedish
Home station SR
Starring Roland Wilén, Margreth Weivers, Solveig Samzelius, Olle Johansson, Lilga Kovanko
Produced by Rolf Bergström, Lars Rundgren
Air dates 1978 to 1978

Sagor från Blåbärsberget ("Tales from the Blueberry Mountain") was the 1978 edition of Sveriges Radio's Christmas Calendar.


This year, the programme consisted of various fairytales from all over the world.[1]


  1. "Sagor från Blåbärsberget" (in Swedish). Sveriges Radio. 1978. Retrieved 3 December 2014.

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