Salam Masdoosi

Saalam Bin Musdoos Al Masdoosi Al Muhannad aka Salam Masdoosi (1909-?) was an Islamic scholar, social activist, leader, guide and philanthropist from Mahbubnagar, Telangana, India. He studied at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He had a very vast study of Islamic literature. He visited all the famous institutes and libraries of the subcontinent in search of knowledge and contacted eminent Ulama (Scholars).
He did not get big titles and positions, because he never wanted them. He always truly believed in and practised "Do your Duty, for the Almighty, But not for name or fame".
He had very clear goal to spread Islamic principles for which his aims and objectives were
- To make his society an educated, self-conscious and religious one.
- To perform Juma prayer at one place in a "Nahia" (presently called as Mandal) as laid down in fiqh.
- To set up an organization at each mandal level to consider and discuss the various problems of the locality and try to execute its decisions.
- To utilize the Muslim Waqf properties for construction of commercial complex for the uplift of Muslim community.
Salam Msdoosi was born in 1909 in Mahboobnagar, India in an Hadhrami Arab family BaMasdoos, which was migrated to Hyderabad Deccan in India from Hazramout, Yemen. His father Masdoos Bin Abdullah was a highly respected Emir of the Bamasdoos tribe as well as the Qazi (cleric/magistrate), Mutawalli and Imam of the Mosque of Old Palmoor in Mahboobnagar Town. He was very Pious, honest and humble man, as well as a poet and was loved by one and all. After migration to India, he selected Mahboobnagar in Hyderabad State for his residence along with his family and other relatives of his tribe. He purchased a vast land near the district jail Mahboobnagar, and constructed a Mosque first, and then houses for his family and relatives. He had two daughters and three sons namely Ali Masdoosi, Ahmed Abdullah Masdoosi, and Salam Masdoosi. Ali masdoosi went back to Hazramout, Yemen in his early days, to obtain his ancesral legal rights.
Ahmed Abdullah Al Masdoosi received his early education in Maboobnagar and then went to Hyderabad for higher education. During his high school education he was the class mate of Mohammed Bahadur Khan (later awarded the title of Nawab Bahadur Yar Jung by the then ruler of Hyderabad state and became the founder president of Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen. In Osmania University he was the class fellow of the famous Ismic Scholar Dr. Mohammed HamidUllah and Nawab Mir Ahmed Ali Khan, former minister of Hyderabad State Govt. After receivig his bachelor's degree in law, he practiced first at Mahboobnagar then shifted to Hyderabad where he became a leading advocate and was nominated as an Executive member of Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen. Prior to his shifting to Hyderabad, he along with his colleague Mohammed Muniruddin Advocate purchased a vast land comprising about 11 acres (45,000 m2) in Mahboobnagar by the side of Hyd-Raichur road and endowed it as Anjumam Khudamm-e-Millat in the year 1940 for establishing a hostel for Muslim students coming from rural areas of Mahboobnagar. In 1949 he migrated to Pakistan. He had written few but competent books and served as Professor of Law at Karachi University.
Early days
Saalam Masdoosi studied his primary and middle school education at Mahboobnagar and then went to Hyderabad for high school education, (as there was no high school in Mahboobnagar at that time).
Later he joined Dar-ul-uloom high school, Hyderabad, and then he took admission in Jamia Millia Islamia JMI, New Delhi where he got the privilege of being taught by eminent scholars like Dr. Zakir Hussain (who later became the Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University and then President of India), Professor Mohammed Mujeeb and Professor Aslam Jairajpuri. He could continue his studies at Jamia Millia Islamia hardly for a year or more but had to return to his home town due to his ill health. By that time the Middle School Mahboobnagar was upgraded as High School and therefore he took admission in the high school. Fortunately, he got the opportunity of being taught by a famous Urdu poet and teacher Mr. Mohd. Ismail Shareef Azal who found talents in him. Due to his special attention and sincere teachings Salam Masdoosi was inclined towards Urdu poetry and started writing verses and ghazals under the pen name first as "Shaheen" and then "Aasi". To promote literary talents of his school mates, he started a monthly magazine by name " Tarjuman-e-Bazm " in which the student writers used to write their articles and verses in their own handwriting. By the by he started his activities in religious and national movements. In the religious matters he was a strict follower of the teachings of Shah WaliUllah Mohaddis Dehelwi as well as the teachings of Moulana Hussain Ahmed Madani and Moulana Abul Kalam Azad. As regards his political interest he was the follower of one nation theory whereas his elder brother Ahmed Abdullah Al Masdoosi was in favour of 2 nation theory and the partition of country. On the other hand, Salam Masdoosi was a pure nationalist and a supporter of All India National Congress and took active part in the freedom struggle of the country and was imprisoned also.
Active life
He focussed his attention towards the betterment of the society for which he associated himself with the activities of Anjuman Islah-e-Muashira which was established by the elders of Old Palmoor locality in the year 1925 and took active part. The said society conducted survey of the entire locality and collected data regarding socio-economical position of all the inhabitants.
He established a free reading room and library for the students and other educated people of the locality. He also established an Adult Education Centre in which he himself used to teach the uneducated persons.
He himself collected valuable Islamic literature including books and magazines. For the convenience of research scholars, he established Sunni Academy at his home in 1945 where scholars and intellectuals gather daily and discuss on the socio-religious as well as the political matters. These gatherings were attended by the elders and youngsters of the locality irrespective of caste and creed. He was very simple by nature and free from dignity and fame. He and the persons coming there used to sit on the mat. Generally, his residence was called as a "Khankha". Besides this, he arranged for a sitting of the Muslims at Jama Masjid Mahboobnagar daily between Maghrib and Isha prayers to discuss the various matters of the town which was called as Halkha-e-Muzakira (debating society). He was of opinion that all matters of the locality should be discussed freely this Halkha and the decisions arrived at be informed to the general Muslims for their information and guidance. Generally, these decisions became the talk of the town.
Salam Masdoosi was an active member of Jamiat Ulama-e-Hind and attended all annual and important sessions held at the various places in India along with his colleagues. He set up its branch at Mahboobnagar and took active part in its activities.
He was influenced by "Khaksar Tahreek" established by Allama Inayatullah Khan Mashraqi and was nominated as a Deputy Leader of Idara Aalia.
In those days, Moulana Abul Aala Moudoodi established an organisation by name "Jamaat-e-Islami Hind" and its main aims and objects were to establish the kingdom of Allah (Hukoomat-e-Ilahia)on earth. For this purpose, Moulana Moudoodi selected the village Pathankot in Punjab province and wanted to set up a pure Islamic State by name "Darul Islam"just like the Vatican City formed by the Pope and Christians. Salam Masdoosi was one of the eleven members who along with Moulana Moudoodi wanted to migrate Pathankot for this purpose. This happened in the year 1937 but due to the uncertain political conditions of the country and the differences of opinion between him and Moulana Moudoodi he gave up this idea. Besides this, Moulana Moudoodi also withdrew his proposal.
He devoted his entire life for spreading Islamic literature and for creating the spirit of brotherhood and fraternity among the citizens of the country. He took active part in the freedom movement to root out the British rule from India who ruled over India for about 200 years and during this period they created the sentiments of hatred and enmity among Muslims and Hindus under the policy " Divide and Rule " which resulted in the partition of the country in 1947 and a new dominion of Pakistan was created as demanded by Muslim League. After partition, thousands of Muslims who were the followers of two nation theory including his elder brother Ahmed Abdullah Masdoosi migrated to Pakistan, but Salam Masdoosi decided to reside in India and serve his own country. At the time of leaving India, the British Government gave option to the rulers of princely states either to merge in Indian Union or Pakistan or to be Independent. The Ruler of Hyderabad State decided to be independent which was not accepted by the Indian Union and in 1948, Hyderabad State was forcibly merged in India by a military action. At that time Hindu Muslim riots began throughout the entire State, in which thousands Muslims were slaughtered. In those hard days, Salam Masdoosi and his Hindu colleagues especially P.Hanmanth Rao, K.Siddilingappa, K.Achuta Reddy Satoor Rangaya and others including his Muslim friends M.A.Qayyume, Hasan Mohammed Pahalwan, Mohammed Ahmed, M.A.Ghani and Babu Abdul Rahman etc. toured the entire district and advised both the Hindus and Muslims to be peaceful and brotherly with each other. Due to their sincere efforts, Mahboobnagar district was peaceful and no riots broke out. During the freedom struggle period, Salam Masdoosi was much influenced by the efforts and sacrifices of Moulana Abul Kalan Azad and followed him in toto.
Social worker
To eradicate the evils of the society, he took active part in the activities of " Anjuman Islah-e-Muashira " (an organisation set up by the local elders for the upliftment and betterment of the society). He drafted a constitution (aims and objectives and by laws) for the "Anjuman Khuddam-e-Millat " and wanted to execute its programs on the land already endowed by his elder brother at Mahboobnagar, but could not get the chance of doing so due to the reason that donors handed over the said endowed land temporarily to " Anjuman-e-Islamia ", Hyderabad in the critical days of political unrest in Hyderabad State before military action.
He contacted and had discussions with the eminent Ulama (Islamic Scholars) of the sub continent on Islamic matters and came to the conclusion that in the absence of system of Qazaat and Wilayat (religious terms) in our secular country, the religious problems and the matters related to the Personal Law of the Muslims can be solved amicably at each Nahia (Mandal level) by a body of at least (11) members and he succeeded in doing so in his home town Mahboobnagar by setting up such body named as Majlis-e-Qidayat headed by the Imam and Khateeb of Jama Masjid Manboobnagar, which continued for years together. The decisions taken in this body were made known to the local Muslims for their information and guidance.
His doors were open for all the needy irrespective of time and leisure, youngsters and elders and for the people of all communities. Even after having chances of getting name and fame, he did not do so otherwise he could have easily become a member of Parliament, or Legislative Assembly or even Minister. He did not want to see the people in down-trodden condition, needy and hungry. So he used to give all the required articles, grains, money and clothes to the needy persons.
He tried to follow the teachings of the Qur'an. The Seerat (Sunnah) and Hadees (sayings) of Muhammad. He tried to spread these teachings among his Muslims brothers through easy and simple charts, graphs and posters. He could have easily written several books, but avoided doing so due to the following reason.
- Common men in India are not well educated and most of them are illiterate.
- Even those who can read and write, do not want to read the books for want of time and other engagements of nowadays busy life.
- Instead of books, if charts and posters are put before them they can easily grasp and remember as "A picture speaks a thousand words".
- Publishing of books require hard labour and finance whereas charts can easily be printed, distributed and pasted at various places.
The Sunni Academy founded by him became a center of learning for the youngsters and elders of the town where they used to get to gather daily. Books, magazines and news papers were provided to them. Salam Masdoosi used to explain the tough subjects in simple manner.
On his death, Dr. Hasanuddin Ahmed, I.A.S(Retd), a famous intellectual, scholar and author of Hyderabad paid him tribute through his article under the heading "Unknown Islamic Scholar", published in the leading local newspapers. During lifetime also he gave much respect to Salam Masdoosi treating him as an Islamic scholar of his time.
Freedom fighter
Salam Masdoosi was a nationalist from the beginning. He learnt these ideas from the teachings of Shah WaliUllah Mohaddis Dehelvi and his followers. Shaikhul Hind Moulana Mahmood Hasan, Moulana Hussain Ahmed Madani and Moulana Abul Kalam Azad. Dut to taking active part in freedom struggle Shaikhul Hind and Moulana Madani were sentenced to jail by the British Government and imprisoned in Andoman and Nicobar (called Kala Pani [Black Water]).
Salam Masdoosi was a regular reader of the books, articles and weekly papers Al Hilal and Al Balagh, published by Moulana Abul Kalam Azad who was his ideal personality during the freedom struggle. Even after taking part in freedom movement and being imprisoned for a short while Salam Masdoosi did not accept pension which was being sanctioned to all the freedom fighters by the Government after the independence. His close associate and native P. Hanumanth Rao was the deputy minister of the state government, who afterwards became the member of parliament. He not only requested but pressed Salam Masdoosi to accept this pension, but he utterly refused it, saying that "I have done my duty for my country for which I do not want any reward or pension". This is a unique example of his service to the nation and country, for not accepting the pension which could financially help him to great extent.
Salam Masdoosi had dedicated his life for the service of society as per the saying "Service of humanity is service of God". He utilised all his sources for the betterment and uplift of his society. He avoided the company of wealthy persons and helped the poor and needy by spending money and time. So he loved by one and all in the locality irrespective of caste and creed. The guests were welcomed by him in his residence where all the required facilities were provided. Due to his popularity and simple living, his residence was called as "Zinda Peer ki Dargh" (mausoleum/Shrine of a living Saint).
With his personal efforts and cooperation of his colleagues a commercial complex was established on the Waqf land belonging to Anjuman Khuddam-e-Millat and Waqf Rahmania Mahboobnagar. Its foundation stone was laid by Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed, the then president of India in September 1976. On that occasion a large gathering was arranged in which the governor of Andhra Pradesh, chief minister, minister Ibrahim Ali Ansari, Minister and president of complex committee present on the dice. Salam Masdoosi was also invited to sit along with them, but he chose to sit on the ground among the crowd to witness the ceremony. This shows his simplicity and humbleness.
Founder and Advisor
- Sunni Academy
- Anjuman Khuddam-e-Millat
- Majlis-e-Qiyadat
- P. Hanmanth Rao Ex. Deputy Minister and Member of Parliament
- Satoor Rangiah Ex. Chairman, Mahboobnagar Municipality.
- Achoota Reddy Ex. Minister Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
- K. Siddilingappa Ex. President Dist. Congress Committee
- M. Ibrahim Ali Ansari Ex. Minister Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
- M. A. Qayyum Ex. President Dist. Waqf Committee Mahboobnagar
- Mirza Waheed Baig Ex. President Dist. Wqaf Committee
- M. A. Ghani Ex. President Jamiat-e-Ulamah Andhra Pradesh
- Babu Abdul Rahman Ex. Municipal Counselor
- Hasan Mohammed Pahelwan Ex. Member Khaksar Movement

Salam Masdoosi started poetry in Urdu very early in his school days, and he used to have "Aasi" as pen-name. Later he gave up poetry, when he dedicated his life for the social service, and destroyed his creations, poems etc. Some of the poems and ghazals are found in the magazines which were published by then.