Second Revised Dwikora Cabinet
Second Revised Dwikora Cabinet Kabinet Dwikora Yang Disempurnakan Lagi | |
![]() 25th cabinet of Indonesia | |
Indonesian Government (Executive Branch) | |
![]() | |
Date formed | 31 March 1966 |
Date dissolved | 25 July 1966 |
People and organisations | |
Head of state | Sukarno |
Number of ministers | 101 Ministers |
History | |
Predecessor | Revised Dwikora Cabinet |
Successor | Ampera Cabinet |

President Sukarno appointing the Second Revised Dwikora Cabinet on 24 February 1966
The second revised Dwikora Cabinet (Indonesian: Kabinet Dwikora Yang Disempurnakan Lagi) was the Indonesian cabinet which served under President Sukarno from March 1966 until July 1966. The Cabinet was formed after Lieutenant General Suharto, using the powers that Sukarno gave to him in Supersemar, arrested 15 Ministers from the Revised Dwikora Cabinet suspected of being sympathizers of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI).
- President/Prime Minister/Supreme Commander of ABRI/Mandatory of the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly (MPRS)/Great Leader of the Revolution: Sukarno
Office of the President
- Deputy Prime Minister for General Affairs: Johannes Leimena
- State Secretary: M Ichsan
- Presidential Secretary for Special Affairs: S Munadjat Danusaputro
- Cabinet Secretary: Police Brig. Gen. Hugeng Imam Santoso
- Deputy State Secretary and Presidential Secretary: Djamin Gintings
Ministers in the Field of Social and Political Affairs
- Deputy Prime Minister for Social and Political Affairs/Minister of Foreign Affairs: Adam Malik
- Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister for Social and Political Affairs: Maj. Gen. Mursyid
- Minister of Home Affairs: Maj. Gen. Basuki Rahmat
- Minister of Village Community Development: Aminuddin Azis
- Minister of Agrarian Affairs: Rudolf Hermanses
- Minister of Transmigration: R. Adm. Sujono Suparto
- Minister of Information: WJ Rumabi
- Minister of Education and Culture: Sarino Mangunpranoto
- Minister of Primary Education: M Said
- Minister of Higher Education: Mashuri
- Minister of Sports: Maladi
- Minister of Religious Affairs: Sjaifuddin Zuchri
- Minister of Hajj Affairs: Farid Mar'uf
- Assistant to the Minister of Religious Affairs for Communications with Ulamas: Marzuki Jatim
- Minister of Social Affairs: Muljadi Djojomartono
- Minister of Justice/Chief Justice of the Supreme Court: Wirjono Prodjodikoro
- Minister of Manpower: Police Col. Awaluddin
- Minister of Health: Maj. Gen. Satrio
Ministers in the Field of Economics, Finance, and Development
- Deputy Prime Minister for Economics, Finance, and Development/Minister of Tourism: Hamengkubuwono IX
- Assistants to the Deputy Prime Minister for Economics, Finance, and Development: Maj. Gen. Ali Sadikin, Arifin Harahap, JD Massie, Brig. Gen. Sukendro, and TD Pardede
- Minister of Trade: Brig. Gen. Ashari
- Deputy Minister of Trade: Col. Abdurachman Prawirakusumah
- Minister of Business Cooperation: Brig. Gen. Achmad Tirtosudiro
- Minister of Finance: Sumarno
- Governor of the Central Bank: Radius Prawiro
- Minister of the National Budget: H Pelawi
- Minister of Banking Restructuring and Investments: Brig. Gen. Suhardi
- Minister of Public Works and Energy: Sutami
- Minister of Electricity and Energy: Brig. Gen. Hartono
- Minister of Irrigations: PC Harjosudirjo
- Minister of Roads Infrastructure: Maj. Gen. Suharto
- Minister of Housing and Development: David Chen Chung
- Minister of Mines, Oil, and Natural Gas: Maj. Gen. Ibnu Sutowo
- Deputy Minister of Mines: Brig. Gen. R. Pirngadi
- Minister of Basic and Light Industries: Brig. Gen. M Jusuf
- Deputy Minister of Light Industries: R. Adm. Suharnoko Harbani
- Minister of Maritime Industries: Mardanus
- Minister of Aerial Industries: Air Cdre. J Salatun
- Minister of Textile Industries and Handicraft: Hadi Thayeb
- Deputy Minister of Textile Industries: Sjafiun
- Minister of Agriculture and Plantations: Frans Seda
- Deputy Minister of Agriculture: Sukarno
- Minister of Forestry: Sudjarwo
- Minister of Fisheries: R. Adm. Hamzah Atmohandojo
- Minister of Special Projects: R. Adm. Makki Perdana Kusumah
- Minister of the Development of the Trans-Sumatra Highway: Bratanata
- Minister of Transportation: R. Adm. Jatidjan
- Minister of Land Transportation: Brig. Gen. Utojo Utomo
- Minister of Sea Transportation: Navy Cdre. Susatyo Mardi
- Minister of Air Transportation: Partono
- Minister of Post and Telecommunication: SH Simatupang
Ministers in the Field of Defense and Security
- Deputy Prime Minister for Defense and Security/Commander of the Army: L.Gen Suharto
- Commander of the Navy: R. Adm. Muljadi
- Deputy Commander of the Navy: Marines Maj. Gen. Hartono
- Commander of the Air Force: Air Cdre. Rusmin Nurjadin
- Chief of Police: Police Gen. Sucipto Judodiharjo
- Minister of Veterans' Affairs and Demobilization: Maj. Gen. Sarbini
- Attorney General: Brig. Gen. Sugih Arto
Ministers in the Field of Political Institutions
- Deputy Prime Minister for Political Institutions/Chairman of the Revolutionary Spirit Development Body: Ruslan Abdulgani
- Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister for Political Institutions: Abdul Fattah Jasin
- Secretary General of the National Front/Deputy Head of the Mutual Assistance People's Representative Council (DPR-GR): Achmad Sjaichu
- Assistants to the Secretary General of the National Front: M Djambek and Brig. Gen Djamin Ginting
- Chairman of the National Research Agency (BALITBANG): Suhardi Reksowardojo
- Chairman of the National Development Planning Body (BAPPENAS): Suharto
- Chairman of the National Nuclear Research Board (BATAN): GA Siwabessy
Minister in the Field of Governing Bodies
- Deputy Prime Minister for Governing Bodies/Vice Chairman of the Provisional People's Consultative Assembly (MPRS): Idham Chalid
- Chairman of the MPRS/Chairman of the National Resilience Agency: Maj. Gen. Wilujo Puspojudo
- Vice Chairman of the MPRS: Ali Sastroadmidjojo
- Members of the MPRS Advisory Body: Sartono and Sujono Hadinoto
- Head of the DPR-GR: Rear Adm. Mursalin
- Deputy Heads of the DPR-GR: Brig. Gen. Syarif Thayeb and Asmara Hadi
- Chairman of the State Supervision Body: Maj. Gen. Suprayogi
- Simanjuntak, P. N. H. (2003), Kabinet-Kabinet Republik Indonesia: Dari Awal Kemerdekaan Sampai Reformasi (in Indonesian), Jakarta: Djambatan, pp. 279–296, ISBN 979-428-499-8.
External links
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