Senatorial province

A senatorial province (Latin: provincia populi Romani, province of the Roman people) was a Roman province during the Principate where the Roman Senate had the right to appoint the governor (proconsul). These provinces were away from the outer borders of the Roman Empire and free from the likelihood of rebellion, and so had few, if any, legions stationed in them (thus lessening the chance the Senate might try to seize power from the Emperor). They were often along the Mediterranean Sea.
The provinces were grouped into imperial provinces and senatorial provinces shortly after the accession of Augustus.
In AD 14, the following provinces were senatorial provinces (Strabo, book 17.3.25):
- Achaea
- Africa
- Asia
- Bithynia et Pontus
- Creta et Cyrenaica
- Cyprus
- Gallia Narbonensis
- Hispania Baetica
- Macedonia (Macedonia & Thessalia)
- Sicilia
Italia was not a senatorial province, as it was not administered by a governor but rather by the Roman Senate directly.