Serbian nationality law

The Serbian nationality law is based primarily on the principle of Jus sanguinis. Article 23 of the law stipulates that any foreign national with Serbian descent, has the right to acquire Serbian citizenship by written request. The law also allows dual citizenship, allowing an individual the right to retain his or her current citizenship and receive Serbian citizenship.[1][2]
The 2007 amendments, enabled ethnic Serbs residing outside Serbia the right to citizenship. These amendments, adopted after the Montenegrin independence referendum, 2006 also allowed citizens of Montenegro living in Serbia the right to gain citizenship, if they submit the request within a 5-year period.[3]
Acquisition of citizenship
- Acquiring citizenship by descent
- Acquiring citizenship by birth in the territory of Serbia
- Acquiring citizenship by admission (naturalization)
Termination of citizenship
- Termination of citizenship by release
- Termination of citizenship by renunciation
- Reacquisition of citizenship by the Republic of Serbia
Visa requirement for Serbian citizens

In 2015, Serbian citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 110 countries and territories, ranking the Serbian passport 43rd in the world according to the Visa Restrictions Index.
Serbian passport is one of the 5 passports with the most improved rating globally since 2006 in terms of number of countries that its holders may visit without a visa.[4]
Famous naturalized citizens
- Arkady Vyatchanin[5]
- Charles Jenkins[6]
- Cléo[7]
- Danielle Page[8]
- DeMarcus Nelson[9]
- Dmitrij Gerasimenko[10]
- Evandro Goebel[11]
- Mohammed Dahlan[12]
- Steven Seagal[13][14]
See also
- ↑ Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, II Acquiring of citizenship by admission, C)
- ↑ "Zakon o državljanstvu Republike Srbije" (in Serbian).
- ↑ "Izmene zakona o državljanstvu" (PDF) (in Serbian).
- ↑
- ↑ Руски пливач Вјатчањин добио српско држављанство
- ↑ Čarls Dženkins dobio srpski pasoš!
- ↑ Kleo dobio pasoš
- ↑ Danijel Pejdž predstavljena u Košarkaškom savezu Srbije
- ↑ Demarkus Nelson dobio državljanstvo Srbije
- ↑ Džudista Gerasimenko dobio državljanstvo Srbije
- ↑ Evandro dobio srpski pasoš
- ↑
- ↑ "Stiven Sigal dobio državljanstvo Srbije". Radio Television of Serbia. 10 January 2016. Retrieved 11 January 2016.
- ↑ Decision was published in Official Gazette Službeni glasnik RS 002/2016.