Shaan-Gan-Ning Border Region

Map of Shaan-Gan-Ning Border Region.
Shaan-Gan-Ning (陕甘宁边区) was one of the two border region governments with the capital at Yan'an, named after the provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia. Created by the CPC in agreement with the Kuomintang as a part of the Second United Front policy, substituting the former anti-Kuomintang Soviets.
The second region, less known because the name referred to the old geographic realities, was Jin-Cha-Ji: Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei. Since 1940, to solve financial crisis, CCP government in Shaan-Gan-Ning had begun opium plantation and dealing,selling them to Japanese-occupied provinces and Kuomintang provinces. The KMT government tried to send in some opium-prohibition inspection team but was turned down by communists.[1]
- ↑ 郭華倫,中華民國建國史,第四篇,抗戰建國〔三〕,教育部主編,pp.1452-1455,『蕭勁光:「……去年曾有一時,由鄰區揹運鴉片過境,邊區政府為嚴密防堵起見,特於本年二月成立禁煙督察處,……尊處實無派人前來之必要。近據報鄰近邊區各省罌粟遍地,影響民耕,敬請貴府多派員查禁為荷」。陝西省覆電:「內政部陝豫甘寧綏區煙毒檢查團,並非由本府組織,乃中央派來西北各省普遍檢查,並非專查貴軍駐在地方,……至來電謂鄰近邊區各省,罌粟遍地,影響民耕一節,查本省所屬各縣,禁種早告完成,……迄未發現偷種煙苗情事……。」蕭勁光仍拒絕檢查:「……邊區境內檢查之責,應由邊區自負。……」』
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