Songye people

A male kifwebe mask, Songye tribe
Not to be confused with the Songhai people
The Songye people, sometimes written Songe, are a Bantu ethnic group from the central Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Types of visual art
The Songye people, like Luba people, are well-known Zappo Zap wood carvers who are renowned for making ceremonial masks, power figures, and other ceremonial items.
External links
- Songye Information from the University of Iowa
- For spirits and kings: African art from the Paul and Ruth Tishman collection, an exhibition catalog from The Metropolitan Museum of Art Libraries (fully available online as PDF), which contains material on the Songye people
Further reading
- (English) Bacquart, J. 1998/2000. The Tribal Arts of Africa. Thames and Hudson.
- (English) Merriam, Alan P. 1974. An African World: The Basongye Village of Lupupa Ngye. Indiana University Press.
- (English) Phillips, T. (ed.). 1996. Africa: Art of a Continent. Prestel.
- (French) Alain-Michel Boyer, « Les Songyés » in Les Arts d'Afrique, Hazan, Paris, 2008, p. 364-365 ISBN 978-2-7541-0075-5.
- (French) François Neyt, Songye : la redoutable statuaire songye d'Afrique centrale, Fonds Mercator ; 5 continents, 2004, 398 p. ISBN 978-88-7439-131-8.
- (French) Hughes Dubois, Viviane Baeke et Anne-Marie Bouttiaux, Le sensible et la force : photographies de Hughes Dubois et sculptures songye, Musée royal de l'Afrique centrale, Tervuren (Belgique), 2004, 88 p. ISBN 978-90-75894-60-8.
- (French) Jean-Marie Lusuna Kazadi, Les Songye de la RDC : hommage à un héros : Ya'Gérard Lusuna, Éditions Aux Petits génies, 2003, 75p.
- (English) Allen Wardwell, Three African traditions : the art of the Dogon, Fang and Songye, Bruce Museum of arts and science, Greenwich (Conn.), 1999, 47 p. ISBN 978-0-9665144-2-1.
- (English) Thomas Turner, Batetela, Baluba, Basonge : ethnogenesis in Zaire, Cahiers d'études africaines. 33 (4) no. 132, 1993, pages 587-612. Paris
- (German) Hildegard Klein (Ed), Leo Frobenius (1873–1938), Bassonge (Songye), Ethnographische Notizen aus den Jahren 1905 und 1906, vol. 4 [is titled:] Kenyok, Luba, Songye, Tetela, Songo, Meno/Nkutu, Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden, 1990, p. 87-161
- (Portuguese) Marta Heloísa Leuba Salum, Consideraçoes sobre as madeiras que os Basonge escolheram para esculpir algumas de suas estátuas, Dédalo, 28, 1990, p. 207-226, São Paulo
- (Portuguese) Marta Heloísa (Lisy) Leuba Salum, A grande estatuária songe do Zaire, [São Paulo] : Universidade de São Paulo, fivereiro de 1990, 2 v., x, 326 p., ill., maps, 28 cm. Thesis (M.A.) Universidade de São Paulo, 1990.
- (French) Muepu Mibanga, Songye : livre des proverbes, Éditions Bouwa, 1988, 277 p.
- (French) Muepu Mibanga, Jean Sohier et Johan M. Pauwels, Songye : le recueil de jurisprudence de l'Etat indépendant du Congo jusqu'à 1967, Renapi, 1987, 128 p.
- (English) Dunja Hersak, Songye masks and figure sculpture, Ethnographica, Londres, 1985, 189 p. ISBN 978-0-905788-50-0
- (German) (English) (French) Jean Willy Mestach, Études songye : formes et symbolique : essai d'analyse/Songye Studien : Formen und Symbolik : ein analytischer Essay/Songye studies : form and symbolism : an analytical essay, Galerie Jahn, 1985, 183 p.
- (French) Viktor Kabamba Nkamany A Baleme, Art et culture songye : Initiation aux aspects de la culture Songye, Nkamanyland, 1983, 112 p.
- (English) Alan P. Merriam (1923–1980), Kifwebe and other masked and unmasked societies among the Basongye, Africa-Tervuren, 24 (3) 1978, p. 57-73 [et] 24 (4) 1978, p. 89-101, Tervuren
- (French) Roger Dechamps (+1995), L'identification anatomique des bois utilisés pour des sculptures en Afrique. V, La sculpture Songye, Africa-Tervuren, 21 (1-2) 1975, p. 27-33, Tervuren.
- (English) Alan P. Merriam (1923–1980), Change in religion and the arts in a Zairian village, African arts, 7 (4), summer 1974, p. 46-53, 95, Los Angeles
- (English) Alan P. Merriam (1923–1980), An African world: the Basongye village of Lupupa Ngye, Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [1974], xxiii, 347 p. ill. 24 cm.
- (English) Alan P. Merriam (1923–1980), The Bala musician, In: Warren d'Azevedo, ed. Traditional artist in African society, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1973, p. 250-281
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