Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2

Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 2 (SNMCMG2) is a North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) standing mine countermeasures Immediate Reaction Force. From 3 September 2001 to 1 January 2005 it was known as the Mine Countermeasures Force South (MCMFORSOUTH). From its activation on 27 May 1999 to September 2001, it was Standing Mine Countermeasures Force in the Mediterranean (MCMFORMED).
SNMCMG2 normally comprises eight mine hunters or mine sweepers and a support ship from Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom and the United States.
SNMCMG2 operates as an integral unit whether participating in exercises or conducting real world operational missions. It is employed primarily in the Mediterranean area but, as required, will be available anywhere NATO requires it to deploy.
Command of the force rotates among contributing nations.
SNMCMG2 is a component of the NATO Response Force (NRF). Operationally, SNMCMG2 reports to the Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM), which is one of the three Component Commands of Allied Command Operations.
As of October 15th 2016, the fleet consists of:[1]
(Flagship) 701C-class replenishment ship, HS Aliakmon (A470)
Frankenthal-class minehunter, TCG Amasra (M-266)
Frankenthal-class minehunter, FGS Fulda (M1058)
Gaeta-class minehunter, ITS Gaeta (M5554)
MCMFORMED and her sister force Mine Counter Measures Force North Western Europe (MCMFORNORTH) were tasked in June 1999 to operate in the Adriatic Sea to clear ordnance jettisoned during Operation Allied Force. The combined force comprised 11 Mine hunter/sweepers and a support ship. The operation, named Allied Harvest, began on 9 June 1999. Search activities began three days later and lasted 73 days. In total, 93 pieces of ordnance were located and cleared in the nine areas which encompass 1,041 square nautical miles (3,570 km²).
See also
- Standing NATO Mine Countermeasures Group 1
- Standing NATO Maritime Group 1
- Standing NATO Maritime Group 2