Stefan Stoev

Stefan Stoev (born 1977 in Sofia) is an Austrian entrepreneur, philanthropist and supporter of the arts.
Stoev has a PhD Degree in Information Technology and Economics, a master's degree in International Finance and Economics, a bachelor's degree in International Economic Affairs, and a Professional Degree in Foreign Affairs and Linguistics.
Life and philanthropy
Stoev served 2004/2005 as Austrian Gedenkdienst[1] representative at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. During this time he was engaged in scientific research at the Center for Advanced and Holocaust Studies, maintained contact to Holocaust Survivors[2] and wrote on the book Time Bridge/Zeitbrücke.[3] Upon his return in Austria he founded the cultural organization IDEA Society (Society for International Development and Enhancement of Arts). Stoev engaged in Cultural and Art Diplomacy, and promotes the intercultural dialogue[4] by supporting Austrian and international artists worldwide.[5] In 2008 he initiated the international Art project Pangaea[6] in support of UNICEF. The outcome of this project was the creation of the art collection for World Peace, which since then is on travel exhibitions on all continents. Stoev established cooperations with peace museums[7] and international topic related organizations. Followed by annual events as artistic tribute to the International Day of Peace and numerous lectures from Stoev on conferences at the United Nations[8] and at the European Parliament. In 2011 Stoev was nominated as Ambassador for Peace[9] from the Universal Peace Federation.[10] For his contribution to the promotion of arts and culture Stoev was honored in 2012 with the award[11] of the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture.[12] Among others Stoev realized the EU funded project[13] for Harmonization[14] of Culture[15] and Arts between Austria and Turkey.[16] Also in 2012 he participated as juror[17] at the International Art for Peace Contest[18] for Young People from the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs[19] and the Harmony for Peace Foundation.[20] In the same year Stoev organized in Vienna an exhibition for the sculptress and diplomat Gabriela von Habsburg[21] on Art Diplomacy[22] between the Danube and the Black Sea. In cooperation with the Academic Council of the United Nations System (ACUNS) in Vienna, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and the Austro-Brazilian NGO ABRASA, Stoev organized with the IDEA Society at the Vienna International Centre (VIC) the conference on "Culture as a Basic Element for Sustainable Development and Human Rights".[23] Stoev helped for the successful theatre premiere of William Shakespeare's of the American Drama Group in Vienna and is since then regular supporter of the annual international event at the Stadtpalais Liechtenstein.[24]
In 2013 Stoev organized an international exhibition on Humanity,[25] with art works of de:Manfred Bockelmann and Pangaea,[26] moderated by Danielle Spera. Stoev applied on behalf of the IDEA Society the NGO Special Consultative Status with the ECOSOC of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC),[27] which was granted in 2014 upon the decision of the Committee on NGOs in New York City.
- Women of Society Lea Fuchs and Ljubomir Dimov 2015 ISBN 978-3-9503577-0-7
- Любомир Димов – Българският майстор на цветовете и пъстрите мотиви придобил международно признание, Black&White Magazine, 10.10.2014
- Bringing Cultures Together Through the Arts to Facilitate Cultural Diplomacy in the Context of the European Project, International Conference on Cultural Diplomacy in the EU, Brüssel, 2011
- Zeitbrücke - Generationskontakte, Geschichtseinblicke, Freundschaften, 2005
- "I wanted to be sent to Europe to participate in the struggle against the Nazis." A Conversation with German Survivor Gerald Schwab, Jewish News, 4.01.2007
- ↑ GEDENKDIENST Editorial from Editor in Chief Stephan Roth
- ↑ GEDENKDIENST Article Susanna and Felix Yokel
- ↑ “Begegnungen mit Überlebenden aus einer anderen Perspektive,” Elizabeth Anthony, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, ITS and Partnerships Program Manager
- ↑ University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, КИРИЛО МЕТОДИЕВСКИ ВЕСТНИК, p.21,Nr.33/11.2010
- ↑ BG Media: Haus Wittgenstein, International Art Event, 19.6.2010
- ↑ Vienna Circle: The IDEA Society, Vienna Review, 2.10.2011
- ↑ Peace Museum Vienna
- ↑ Conference in Vienna on Youth Perspectives on Peace, Written by The Academic Council on the United Nations System, Vienna Liaison Office, 3.7.2011
- ↑ Ambassadors for Peace, European Leadership Conference: July 1th – July 3rd 2011
- ↑ Universal Peace Federation
- ↑ MFA BG - Ден на българската просвета и култура и на славянската писменост във Виена, 30.05.2012
- ↑ Stefan Stoev: IDEA Society develops a worldwide intellectual circle, 25.05.2012,
- ↑ IGİAD-IDEA Society AB Projesini Avusturya'da Tanıttı, 10.09.2012
- ↑ IGİAD AB Projesini Avusturya'da Tanıttı, 05.09.2012
- ↑ Harmonization of Culture and Arts between Austria and Turkey, Kunst- und Forschungsdatenbank - Angewandte/basis wien
- ↑ Isparta GİAD, AB Projesini Avusturya'da Tanıttı, 07.09.2012
- ↑ Art for Peace Juror Stefan Stoev
- ↑ Art for Peace Juror Biographies, UN Art for Peace
- ↑ United Nations Office for Disarmament Affaires
- ↑ Harmony for Peace Foundation
- ↑ A Portrait of the Artist as Diplomat, Vienna Review, 14.06.2012
- ↑ Металът е моят любим материал – интервю с Н.Пр. Габриела фон Хабсбург, посланичка на Грузия в Берлин, Melange Bulgaren, 23.05.2012
- ↑ Conference on Culture as a basic element for sustainable development and human rights, VIC 5.-8.7.2012
- ↑ ADGE Shakespeare Theatre im Palais Liechtenstein in Wien
- ↑ International ART connection, Vienna Review, 20.08.2013
- ↑ Pangaea Collection, IDEA Society