Steinreich is a municipality in the district of Dahme-Spreewald in Brandenburg in Germany.

Development of population since 1875 within the current boundaries (blue line: population; dotted line: comparison to population development of Brandenburg state; grey background: time of Nazi regime; red background: time of Communist regime)
Population development within the current boundaries[2]
Year |
Population |
1875 | 883 |
1890 | 825 |
1910 | 632 |
1925 | 838 |
1933 | 735 |
1939 | 791 |
1946 | 1 234 |
1950 | 1 376 |
1964 | 1 213 |
1971 | 1 120 |
Year |
Population |
1981 | 905 |
1985 | 850 |
1989 | 767 |
1990 | 754 |
1991 | 726 |
1992 | 716 |
1993 | 702 |
1994 | 685 |
1995 | 692 |
1996 | 688 |
Year |
Population |
1997 | 713 |
1998 | 702 |
1999 | 693 |
2000 | 671 |
2001 | 662 |
2002 | 659 |
2003 | 650 |
2004 | 637 |
2005 | 612 |
2006 | 602 |
Year |
Population |
2007 | 607 |
2008 | 594 |
2009 | 583 |
2010 | 568 |
2011 | 544 |
2012 | 539 |
2013 | 536 |