Student–teacher contract (teaching style)

Student–teacher contract is a unique choice available to students under Student-directed teaching, a progressive teaching technology.

Student–teacher contract is a teaching style that student seldom choose.[1] It is primarily intended for students who need limited instruction, but are not ready to be entirely self-directed. The student is responsible for creating the contract, which includes what will be done, in what order, and for how long.[1] In this style, the students require a little more structure, which they receive from creating a contract to follow. At the same time, with input from the teacher, this contract allows the student to begin to individualize his or her learning according to their strengths and weaknesses.

Under student–teacher contract, the teacher will:[1]

The student will:[1]


  1. 1 2 3 4 Green, Don. "Peer Partner, Pupil/Teacher Contract and Self-Directed Teaching Styles," in Teaching in Style. Sundre, AB: Green's Educational Consulting Services, 1998. Pp 27-35.
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