Artisanal fishing

Artisanal fishing (or traditional/subsistence fishing) are various small-scale, low-technology, low-capital, fishing practices undertaken by individual fishing households (as opposed to commercial companies).[1] Many of these households are of coastal or island ethnic groups. These households make short (rarely overnight) fishing trips close to the shore. Their produce is usually not processed and is mainly for local consumption. Artisan fishing uses traditional fishing techniques such as rod and tackle, fishing arrows and harpoons, cast nets, and small (if any) traditional fishing boats.
Artisan fishing may be undertaken for both commercial and subsistence reasons. It contrasts with large-scale modern commercial fishing practices in that it is often less wasteful and less stressful on fish populations than modern industrial fishing.
Artisan fishing boats
Fishermen at work off the northern coast of Mozambique
Artisan techniques
Shrimpers on horseback, Oostduinkerke, Belgium.
Fisherman landing his catch, Seychelles.
Fisherman and his catch, Seychelles. The fish, including small sharks, were hooked on hand lines many miles off shore.
Shore based lift nets in Cà Mau, Vietnam. Also see Chinese fishing nets of Kochi.
Fisherman with his net
Traditional fish traps, Hà Tây, Vietnam.
Cormorants used for fishing in China
See also
- Fishing weir
- Fishing village
- Traditional fishing boat
- Community supported fishery
- Corf
- 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami
- ↑ Garcia, S.M. (2009). "Glossary". In Cochrane, K.; Garcia, S.M. A fishery managers handbook. FAO and Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 473–505.
- FAO: Definition: Artisanal fisheries
- Béné, C; Macfadyen, G; Allison, E H (2007) Increasing the contribution of small-scale fisheries to poverty alleviation and food security FAO Fisheries Technical Paper T481. ISBN 978-92-5-105664-6
- Diegues, Antonio Carlos (2002) Sea Tenure, traditional knowledge and management among brazilian artisanal fishermen. NUPAUB, University of São Paulo. Retrieved 25 April 2008.
- Pauly, D (2006) Major trends in small-scale marine fisheries, with emphasis on developing countries, and some implications for the social sciences Maritime Studies (MAST) 4(2): 7-22.
- Tietze,U; Siar, S; Upare, Suchitra M and Upare, M A (2007) Livelihood and micro-enterprise development opportunities for women in coastal fishing communities in India FAO Fisheries Circulars C1021.
External links
- OAS: Report on fisheries including artisan fishing
- FAO: Report on artisan fishing in the wake of the 2004 Tsunami
- World Fish Center: Productive and resilient Small-scale Fisheries
- Artisanal Fisheries ACIAR Project FIS/2001/079
- "Los Hombres del Lago", a documentary film by Aaron I. Naar presenting the story of the smallest Bolivian fishing community of Uru-Muratos, Puñaca Tintamaria. Narrated by the community’s ex-leader, Daniel Moricio Choque, the movie recounts the history of their community, customs, and current problems: their continuous poverty, lack of land and representation, the contamination of Lake Poopó, and the impact of global warming. See a 12 minutes fragment from the film on YouTube.
- Subsistence: Hearing before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, First Session, to Examine Wildlife Management Authority Within the State of Alaska under the Alaska National Interest Lands Act and the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, September 19, 2013
- What is Artisan Fishing