Tangerine (color)

Tangerine is an orange color hue used to give the impression of the tangerine fruit. Just as there are a variety of shades of tangerine fruit, there are a variety of color mixes employed to give the impression. Some tangerine hues may more resemble a tangelo fruit, while tangerine-yellow appears close to the color of school bus yellow, although tangerines of that color do not exist in nature.
Use in graphic design
Hues of tangerine are sometimes important to graphic designers when constructing identities, brand recognition, and stand-out ads for clients. Because of the brightness of the color variants, they are often employed to make a small but centrally important object stand out, especially when surrounded by the flat colors of earth tones. Tangerine hues may also be selected as compliments to other bright hues, and because of their relative rarity of use.
One of the original "fruit-flavored" iMacs released in 1999 was the Tangerine iMac[1] (Apple could not call it "Orange" due to the existence of the rival firm Orange Micro).