The Spirit of the Liturgy

The Spirit of the Liturgy

Book cover
Author Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI)
Country United States
Language English
Subject Liturgy
Publisher Ignatius Press
Publication date
Media type Print
Part of a series on the
Theology of
Pope Benedict XVI
Catholicism portal

The Spirit of the Liturgy (German: Der Geist der Liturgie) is a 2000 book written by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) before his ascension to the papacy.


The re-shaping so far described, of the Jewish synagogue for the purpose of Christian worship, clearly shows--as we have already said--how, even in architecture, there is both continuity and newness in the relationship of the Old Testament to the New.”
The importance of music in biblical religion is shown very simply by the fact that the verb "to sing" (with related words such as "song", and so forth) is one of the most commonly used words in the Bible.”[1]


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