Theatre Association of New York State (TANYS)

Theatre Association of New York State (TANYS) is a non-profit organization based in Naples, New York that conducts a variety of adjudications of school and community theater productions throughout New York State. When adjudicating, the Ten Points of Consideration are used.

Ten Points of Consideration

1. Is the acting believable and technically skillful with effective timing?
2. Are the characters well interpreted?
3. Does the company display ensemble work?
4. Is the material appropriate for the company?
5. Is the concept appropriate for the material and realized by the company?
6. Has the structure of the production been controlled?
7. Are the movements and stage pictures effective?
8. Is the production well paced?
9. Do the technical elements support the overall production?
10. How was the total impact?


There are three levels of awards that are given in various categories, such as Theatrical Lighting.
Meritorious - the lowest award
Outstanding - the highest award

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