Thomas Graham (apothecary)

Thomas Graham (c. 1666 - 14 May 1733) was apothecary to King George I and George II, and was apothecary general to the British army.

Graham served his apprenticeship in Scotland, from which country he hailed, and was admitted as a "foreign brother" of the Society of Apothecaries on 14 September 1698.[1]

Thomas died at his home in Pall Mall in London and was buried at St Mary's, Harrow on the Hill, where a wall plaque commemorates him and his wife Anne.

His son was Daniel Graham (c. 1695 - 1788) who was apothecary to King George II, King George III and Chelsea College Hospital.


  1. James, Patricia. (2006). Population Malthus: His Life and Times. Abingdon: Routledge. p. 5.

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