Tourism in Khabarovsk Krai

Tourism in Khabarovsk Krai is dominated by outbound tourism rather than inbound one. Domestic tourist resources are basically nature related. The territory is located in the Far East of Russia and boasts one of the major attraction — the Amur river, one of the longest in the world. In the Northern hemisphere the river numbers a variety of animal and fish species second only to the Mississippi.
Tourist seasons
The four seasons are distinct on the overall territory, however the sea influence is different on them. The spring is characterized by longevity and inclement weather. The summer is hot and humid excepting the seaside. June is typically dry. In July-early August the tropical air masses come to the southern districts bringing moisture. Warm and dry weather usually lasts from the early autumn till the sudden fall of temperature in the mid-November. Northern districts experience the cold a month ahead.
End of May — early June and end of August — early September are the best fitted for a visit.
White water rafting is possible due to the multiple rapids and riffles on the river Bureya. Occasionally catamarans sail to Shantar islands.
Ecoroute in Khekhtsirsky Nature Reserve at the vicinities of Khabarovsk.
Ethnographical tours
Settlements of indigenous peoples are spots of interest. Among them the Nanai village Sikachi-Alyan is the major destination also because of its petroglyphs.
Ski resorts
"Holdomi" and "Amut Snow lake" near Komsomolsk.
- Khabarovsk Krai. Tour guide. — Priamurskie vedomosti. 2003. ISBN 5-8003-0093-3.