Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation

The Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute (Russian: Ульяновский институт гражданской авиации) is a state educational institution of higher professional education in Ulyanovsk, Russia.
The right for educational activity in the School is authorised by license №24Г-0299 issued by the Russian Federation Ministry of general and professional education on 1 April 1999 and certificate №25-0790 of state approval granted by the Russian Federation Ministry of Education on 7 December 1999. The School owns Certificate 005 of Federal Aviation Authority of Russia dated by 20 February 2002.
The Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute is an oldest flight school for civil pilots training in Russia.
Flight school had started its activity in 1935 in Bataysk.
In 1939 due to unsafe international situation, school moved to Mineralnye Vody, meanwhile Bataysk United school was given to RKKA.
In October 1941 due to World War II school was relocated to Tashkent, and its main task became: to provide Red Army with Il-2 pilots. In May 1944 school came back to Mineralnye Vody, where they continiued to train specialists on Il-2 aircraft, and in 1947 they had started to train civilian pilots on new aeroplane Il-12.
Also in 1947 school was reformed from "Higher flight courses"(КВЛП/KVLP) to "Higher flight school"(ШВЛП/ShVLP), which was relocated to Buguruslan in Orenburg Oblast, and later to Ulyanovsk in 1950. Since 1955 an Il-14 pilot training has started, and in 1958 - pilot training on An-10 and Il-18, aeroplanes with turboshaft engines. In the beginning of 60's, school has started to train Tu-104 pilots.
In November 1955 the training of foreign pilots had started, when the specialists from East Germany had arrived. But a really mass training of air crew has started in 1957. Pilots, flight-engineers, flight-radio operators from GDR, Bulgary, Romania and Hungary were trained on Il-14. When an aeroplanes with turboprop engines Il-18 and An-10 has arrived, training of pilots from Guinea, Mali and Ghana has started as well. From 1962 to 1972 in Ulyanovsk Higher Flight School were mastered a lot of aeroplanes such as Tu-124, Tu-134, Tu-154 and An-24.
In December 1974 it was decided to create "Comecon Civil Aviation Centre"(Центр ГА СЭВ). Firstly it was decided to build Training Laboratories, Aviation Training Centre and a Hotel. On the next turn it was planned to build a Medical Centre, Gym, Swimming Pool, etc. In the beginning of 1983 the building of Centre's main objects has ended.

In this period an Il-62, Il-76, Il-86 and Yak-42 pilot training has started. From 1980 to 1985 more than 15 thousand of aviation specialists from 40 countries were trained. In 1985 when the Civil Aviation Centre of Comecon was celebrating its 50th Anniversary, it was awarded by Order of Friendship of Peoples.
In 1983 The Museum of Civil Aviation of the USSR was organised in Comecon Civil Aviation Centre. Besides 4 parlours with approximately 7000 exhibits and documents, 28 aeroplanes and helicopters are standing in the open air, including first passenger aircraft Tu-104 and first supersonic passenger aircraft Tu-144.
Due to USSR collapse, Higher Civil Aviation schools based in Aktobe and Kirovograd were stayed outside Russia. As the result there was a problem of air crew training with higher professional education for airlines of Russia. To solve that problem, in October 1992 it was decided to reform "Comecon Civil Aviation Centre" into "Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation School".
In 1994 an ATC training has started.
In 1995 an extramural studying form has started.
In 1998 first "pilots-engineers" and "air traffic controllers-engineers" had graduated UHCAS.
In 2000 a Search-and-Rescue specialists and managers training has started.
In February 2013 there were 1030 cadets-pilots studying. A 137 pilots had graduated in 2013, in 2014 - 188 pilots.
In December 2015 "Ulyanovsk Higher Civil Aviation School" was renamed into "Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute".
Available specialities
The Institute provides specialist training in accordance with higher professional education curricula based on the requirements of State educational standards of the Russian Federation. The following specialities are available:

- Civil Aviation pilot with qualification “engineer”
- Air Traffic controller with qualification “engineer”
- Search-and-Rescue specialist of CA with qualification “engineer-bachelor”
- Flight Safety specialist with qualification "engineer-bachelor"
- Quality control specialist
- Safety of technological processes specialist
- Aircraft fuel and refueling specialist
Simulator Training Centre
Simulator Training Centre is structural unit of Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute, formed in 2004. Based on Department of Qualification Increasing and Retraining of aviation specialists.
It includes following full flight simulators:
And others.
Flight practice

Nowadays Ulyanovsk Civil Aviation Institute disposes a DA40 aircraft for primary flight training as a single-engine aeroplane and a DA42 for secondary flight training as double-engine aeroplane.