Unfavorable semicircle
Unfavorable Semicircle was the name of a channel on YouTube which garnered attention for the huge number of videos it published and the unusual nature of the videos over the course of a year. The account went live on March 30, 2015 and began posting extremely frequently, with two or three videos being published every two minutes.
Tens of thousands of videos were posted on the channel while it was active, some only a few seconds long, others as long as eleven hours. All featured abstract images and were either silent or contained distorted voices and unusual sounds.[1]
Speculation as to what the channel might be for included the suggestion it was the work of a highly-focused individual, or a test of the YouTube platform itself (similar to Webdriver Torso, although that theory is unlikely as Google themselves suspended the account) and an online numbers station.[2]
The channel garnered much attention and curiosity after one of its videos was posted to Reddit and soon hit the mainstream news on February 22. As of February 25, 2016, the channel has been terminated by YouTube. A number of channels bearing the name Unfavorable Semicircle were discovered and debunked in the following weeks, as well as some copycat channels.
In March, Unfavorable Semicircle resurfaced on Twitter[3] where the account has posted over ten thousand videos in the very same style as the videos posted to YouTube. Much of this videos are grouped in series.
A few days later, some of the same new content began appearing on a new YouTube account, that is mentioned as well on Twitter.
Unmaker Rectangle
A very similar channel is one called Unmaker Rectangle, which disappeared on November 2016. The content is 2 quadrilaterals, usually one red and the other yellow. There are lots of theories that explain the life of the channel.

New accounts and channels
After YouTube administrators deleted the channel, four new channels with the same name and Sagittarius symbol appeared approximately a week later. The first (active) it's near to reach 100 videos and all of this have got two Sagittarius symbol. It hasn't got so much series. The longest video is called JALVINSACH, of 2 hours. The second channel is active like the previous one. It contains more than 150 videos, every of this with just one symbol and the most of videos are grouped in series. The longest is called BRILL, with more than 50 videos and the longest video is N*BRILL, of 6 hours of the same content. The third channel (inactive) it has 3 videos related of the Universe, except one called "Crop". It hasn't got the same related content to the other channels. The fourth has two videos with the same content to the other two; a dark gray colour as background that has strange sounds and changing of colours so much quickly. It's inactive for the moment.
External links
- YouTube channel for unfavorable semicircle
- BBC article on the Unfavorable Semicircle phenomena
- Solving Unfavorable Semicircle
- The Twitter account of Unfavorable Semicircle
- New YouTube channel for unfavorable semicircle
- Unfavorable Semicircle Database
- UnfavorableSemicircle Wiki