Microbotryum violaceum

Microbotryum violaceum
Microbotryum violaceum on Silene alba
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Class: Microbotryomycetes
Order: Microbotryales
Family: Microbotryaceae
Genus: Microbotryum
Species: M. violaceum
Binomial name
Microbotryum violaceum
(Pers.) G. Deml & Oberw., (1982)

Caeoma antherarum (DC.) Nees (1816)
Caeoma violaceum (DC.) Nees (1816)
Microbotryum antherarum (DC.) Lév., (1847)
Uredo antherarum DC., (1815)
Uredo antherarum var. antherarum DC., (1815)
Uredo antherarum a silenes-nutantis DC., (1815)
Uredo violacea Pers., (1797)
Ustilago antherarum (DC.) Fr., (1832)
Ustilago silenes-nutantis (DC.) Liro, (1924)
Ustilago violacea (Pers.) Roussel, (1806) Ustilago violacea var. silenes-nutantis (DC.) Durrieu & Zambett., (1973)

Microbotryum violaceum, also known as the anther smut fungus, was formerly known as Ustilago violacea. It is a Basidiomycete obligate parasite of many Caryophyllaceae. But it has now separated into many species due to its host specificity.


M. violaceum can infect and sterilize the plant species Silene latifolia by acting like a sexually transmitted infection.


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