Voprosy Psikhologii

Questions of Psychology  
Discipline Psychology, psychotherapy
Language Russian
Edited by E.V.Shchedrina
Publication details
Psychological Institute of Russian Academy of Education (Russia)
Publication history
Frequency Bimonthly
ISSN 0042-8841

Voprosy Psikhologii (Russian: Вопросы психологии, The Issues Relevant to Psychology) is a bimonthly academic journal covering all areas of psychology and psychotherapy. Having begun publishing in 1955, Voprosy Psikhologii became the leading psychological journal of Russia.[1] According to the journal's editor, the primary audience is professional psychologists.[1] All the articles are peer-reviewed and accompanied by summaries in English. The journal is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission[2] and is reported by the VINITI Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Voprosy Psikhologii is also indexed in the Social Sciences Citation Index and Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences.[2][3]

The editor-in-chief is E.V. Shchedrina.[1]

The journal has the following rubrics:

See also


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