World Curling Rankings

The World Curling Rankings system is designed to track and list the amount of success achieved by each member association of the World Curling Federation (WCF) in a given curling season. The system, which was implemented in December 2006, is similar to the ranking system used by FIFA. The events taken into account when calculating each nation's score include the Winter Olympics, the World Curling Championships, the European Curling Championships, and the Pacific Curling Championships. The system was developed by Patrick Hürlimann, who is a former Olympic champion and was the vice president of the WCF from 2010 to 2012.

Method of calculation

The points are calculated for each nation based on performance during the last six curling seasons. Results in seasons prior to the current season are scaled by the following factors:

Years prior to current season 0 1 2 3 4 5
Scaling factor 100% 80% 60% 40% 30% 20%

Points distribution

Points are allocated based on the final rankings of each nation at an eligible event.

International events

The points distributions are given for each event as follows:

Winter Olympic Games
Final rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Points 480 400 360 320 280 240 200 180 160 140 120 100
World Curling Championships
Final rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Points 240 200 180 160 140 120 100 90 80 70 60 50

Regional events

All nations that qualify for the World Curling Championships receive 50 points, regardless of final ranking in regional events, if applicable.

Nations in the European or Pacific Curling Championships that do not qualify for the World Championships receive less than 50 points. Based on their final ranking in the tournament, nations receive 49 or fewer points, in decrements of 1 point.



Final rankings for the 2015–16 season, as of 10 April 2016[1]
Country Points 2015–16 Change
1  Canada 962 1 Steady 0
2  Sweden 824 2 Steady 0
3  Norway 691 3 Steady 0
4  Scotland
 Great Britain
608 4 Steady 0
5  Denmark 492 5 Increase 3
6  United States 487 6 Increase 1
7   Switzerland 460 7 Decrease 2
8  China 446 8 Decrease 2
9  Japan 339 9 Increase 3
10  Russia 313 10 Steady
11  Germany 275 11 Decrease 2
12  Finland 264 12 Increase 1
13  Czech Republic 231 13 Decrease 2
14  Italy 146 14 Increase 1
15  South Korea 140 15 Increase 2
16  Latvia 117 16 Steady
17  Netherlands 105 17 Increase 2
18  New Zealand 102 18 Steady
19  France 93 19 Decrease5
20  Hungary 88 20 Steady
21  England 87 21 Steady
22  Austria 84 22 Increase 2
23  Australia 73 23 Decrease 1
24  Turkey 65 24 Increase 5
25  Estonia 61 25 Decrease 2
26  Poland 57 26 Increase 2
27  Wales 56 27 Decrease 1
28  Belgium 55 28 Decrease 3
29  Lithuania 54 29 Increase 5
30  Croatia 53 30 Decrease 3
31  Chinese Taipei 50 31 Steady
32  Spain 50 32 Decrease 2
33  Slovakia 46 33 Steady
34  Israel 43 34 Increase 3
35  Slovenia 38 35 Increase 3
36  Ireland 37 36 Decrease 4
37  Belarus 22 37 Decrease 2
38  Romania 20 38 Decrease 2
39  Serbia 16 39 Increase 1
40  Kazakhstan 14 40 Increase 2
41  Luxembourg 12 41 Steady
42  Iceland 12 42 Decrease 3
43  Bulgaria 9 43 Steady
44  Bulgaria 7 44 Increase 1
45  Hong Kong 6 45 Increase 1
46  Greece 2 46 Decrease 2
47  Andorra 1 47 Decrease 1
48  Georgia 0 48 Decrease 2
 Liechtenstein 0 48 Decrease 2
 Mongolia 0 48 Decrease 2
 Qatar 0 48 Decrease 2
 Ukraine 0 48 Decrease 2
 United States Virgin Islands 0 48 Decrease 2


Final rankings for the 2015–16 season, as of 27 March 2016.[1]
Country Points 2015–16 Change
1   Switzerland 900 1 Steady
2  Canada 884 2 Decrease 1
3  Sweden 660 3 Steady 0
4  Scotland
 Great Britain
637 4 Steady 0
5  Russia 618 5 Steady 0
6  Japan 509 6 Increase 3
7  United States 432 7 Increase 1
8  Denmark 429 8 Decrease 1
9  China 402 9 Decrease 3
10  South Korea 399 10 Steady 0
11  Germany 260 11 Steady 0
12  Finland 162 12 Increase 4
13  Italy 154 13 Increase 1
14  Czech Republic 152 14 Decrease 2
15  Norway 143 15 Decrease 2
16  Latvia 132 16 Decrease 1
17  Estonia 115 17 Steady 0
18  Hungary 111 18 Steady 0
19  England 92 19 Increase 2
20  Austria 88 20 Decrease 1
21  Turkey 86 21 Increase 1
22  New Zealand 80 22 Decrease 2
23  Poland 76 23 Steady
24  Slovakia 68 24 Increase 2
25  Spain 56 25 Decrease 1
26  Netherlands 55 26 Increase 2
27  Belarus 55 27 Steady
28  Australia 43 28 Decrease 3
29  Slovenia 40 29 Increase 1
30  Croatia 37 30 Decrease 1
31  Ireland 34 31 Steady
32  Kazakhstan 28 32 Increase 2
33  France 25 33 Increase 2
34  Romania 21 34 Decrease 2
35  Wales 10 35 Decrease 2
36  Serbia 5 36 Steady 0
37  Belgium 2 37 Steady 0
37  Andorra 0 38 Steady 0
 Brazil 0 38 Steady 0
 Bulgaria 0 38 Steady 0
 Chinese Taipei 0 38 Steady 0
 Georgia 0 38 Steady 0
 Greece 0 38 Steady 0
 Hong Kong 0 38 Steady 0
 Iceland 0 38 Steady 0
 Israel 0 38 Steady 0
 Liechtenstein 0 38 Steady 0
 Lithuania 0 38 Steady 0
 Luxembourg 0 38 Steady 0
 Mongolia 0 38 Steady 0
 Qatar 0 38 Steady 0
 Ukraine 0 38 Steady 0
 United States Virgin Islands 0 38 Steady 0


  1. ^ Armenia is currently a suspended member of the World Curling Federation.


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