World Youth International

World Youth International is a non-government, non-religious, non-political, not-for-profit organisation. WYI was founded by the late Robert Hoey in 1988. Its HQ is in Adelaide, Australia. The focus is on creating opportunities for people to live life passionately and contribute to the global community; enhancing quality of life, strengthening communities and reducing poverty through sustainable development projects. The website is

The organisation has organised volunteering opportunities for more than 3,000 Australians of all ages, working in some of the world's poorest communities. At the heart of WYI's mission is a commitment to community-led, sustainable development projects.


Robert Hoey, a young man from Adelaide, Australia, founded the organisation at the age of 21. In 1988, after spending several years working with teenage programs and organisations, Robert saw a need to provide young Australians with an opportunity to become involved in a program offering support and the opportunity to travel overseas. From participating in these projects, Robert felt sure that these young people would gain numerous skills and knowledge not easily developed elsewhere.

Robert's ability to act as a spokesperson and role model for young people was noticed by an American youth organisation called Global Discovery. They invited him to accompany them to Russia for three months to work on rehabilitation programs with young people affected by the Chernobyl disaster. Upon his return to Australia, Robert founded World Youth International.

One of the first projects the newly formed WYI engaged in was a fundraising activity to financially support 15 Russian teenagers in coming to Australia for a three-month cultural exchange program. As a result, forty Aussie teenagers raised over $24,000 by gaining sponsorship to ride their pushbikes between Melbourne and Sydney and Sydney to Melbourne. Bike rides were then held in subsequent years all across the country.

A few years later, having travelled, studied and led programs around the world, Robert was leading a teenage exchange program in the USA and became gravely ill. He had contracted a form of Cryptococcus Meningitis, but knew he wanted to be flown home. His mother and sister both flew to the USA to be with him, but Robert never made it back to Australia and died on the plane.

Led by Robert's mother and father, Ann and Ralph Hoey, with the support of the Hoey family, the organisation has committed to continuing Robert's vision and with the support of hundreds of volunteers have since built a school and children's home in Nepal; children's homes and a 50 bed hospital in Western Kenya; established sponsorship programs for over 300 orphans and school students; as well as overseen thousands of volunteers who have participated in WYI's development projects across the world.

Organizational structure

WYI's financial accountability

As a registered non-profit charitable organisation they have all financial records audited every twelve months. They receive no government funding and rely solely on volunteers and the generosity of people all across the world. Any 'profit' made at the end of each year goes back into funding community development and major projects overseas.

The World Youth International Benevolent Trust was established in 2002. The organisation is the Trustee of the Trust, and is responsible for maintaining the fund and assuring that all funds received are used for the principal purpose being: "to provide aid for the relief of people suffering poverty, distress, misfortune and helplessness in countries declared by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, as developing countries." A Management Committee for the Trust directs the Trustee in the management and operations of the Trust.

International partnerships

The WYI Head Office is based in Adelaide, South Australia, but WYI affiliates in Kenya and Nepal are governed independently and are accountable to the government's of Kenya and Nepal. In Cambodia, WYI partners with the local NGO 'This Life Cambodia' in supporting their grassroots education projects. Field offices are also set up in other countries.


WYI receives the majority of its funds through private sources, including donation and gifts from individuals, child sponsorship, fundraising events, overseas program activities, contributions and education fund. A small amount comes from investment income. They do not receive grants from any Australian or overseas sources.

World Youth International achievements

WYI has established:

External links

Other Articles

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