Ying Zhu

Ying Zhu is a U.S.-based scholar of Chinese cinema and media.[1] A professor of Media Culture at the City University of New York, College of Staten Island, she is a recipient of Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities[2] and from the American Council of Learned Societies.[3] She has co-produced current affairs TV documentaries[4][5][6] and co-edited research books on Chinese film and television with scholars of film, media, and Chinese politics.[7][8][9][10][11] Zhu is the author of two research monographs: Chinese Cinema during the Era of Reform: the Ingenuity of the System (2003)[12][13][14] and Television in Post-Reform China: Serial Drama, Confucian Leadership and Global Television Market (2008)[15][16][17] Her essays on Chinese media and society have appeared in The Atlantic, The New York Times, and other publications.[18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] Zhu's co-produced documentary "China: From Cartier to Confucius" premiered at the Netherlands Film Festival on September 28, 2012, and was broadcast on the Netherlands National Public TV on October 22, 2012.[5] Her book Two Billon Eyes: The Story of China Central Television,[26] was published by The New Press in 2012,[27][28][29] and reviewed in the press.[30][31][32][33][34] Zhu's recent writings on Chinese media and politics have appeared in a variety of popular and academic outlets. [35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48]
See also
- ↑ "Ying Zhu".
- ↑ National Endowment for the Humanities
- ↑ American Council of Learned Societies
- ↑ "Google versus China", Co-Producer, researcher, and interviewer, a 50 minute documentary for VPRO, the Netherlands National Television’s Backlight Program, first aired April 18, 2011 http://tegenlicht.vpro.nl/afleveringen/2010-2011/ongekend-china/google-versus-china.html
- 1 2 "China: van Cartier naar Confucius (China: from Cartier to Confucius)", Co-producer, researcher, and interviewer, a 50 minute documentary for VPRO, the Netherlands National Television’s Backlight Program. Premiered at the Netherlands Film Festival in Utrecht on September 28, 2012 (http://www.filmfestival.nl/publiek/films/china-van-cartier-naar-confucius). Broadcast on the Netherlands National Public TV on October 22, 2012 (http://tegenlicht.vpro.nl/afleveringen/2012-2013/cartier-naar-confucius.html).
- ↑ "China: van Cartier naar Confucius, sneak preview, on youtube".
- ↑ Art, Politics and Commerce in Chinese Cinema (co-edited with Stanley Rosen ), Hong Kong University Press, 2010, 292, on amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Art-Politics-Commerce-Chinese-Cinema/dp/962209175X
- ↑ TV China (co-edited with Chris Berry Chris Berry), Indiana University Press, 2009, 259
- ↑ TV drama in China (co-edited with Michael Keane and Ruoyun Bai), Hong Kong University Press, 2008, 276
- ↑ Television Dramas: the US and Chinese Perspectives (co-edited with Chungjing Qu), Shanghai: Shanlian, 2005, 569.
- ↑ Women’s Studies (co-edited with Jieyu Liu & Yachien Huang), Beijing: People’s University Press, 2011, 233
- ↑ Chinese Cinema during the Era of Reform: the Ingenuity of the System, Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003, 230.
- ↑ "Chinese Cinema during the Era of Reform, on amazon.com".
- ↑ Review in The Journal of Asian Studies available at http://www.library.csi.cuny.edu/mediaculture/assets/review%20of%20my%20book.doc
- ↑ Television in Post-Reform China: Serial Dramas, Confucian Leadership and the Global Television Market, London: Routledge, 2008, 176
- ↑ "Television in Post Reform China, on amazon.com".
- ↑ Review in the the Chinese Journal of Communications, available at http://www.library.csi.cuny.edu/mediaculture/assets/review%20of%20my%20book%20xu.doc
- ↑ "The Inside Story of When China's State-Run TV Criticized the Party", the Atlantic web site, http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/06/the-inside-story-of-when-chinas-state-run-tv-criticized-the-party/258102, accessed June 2012
- ↑ “The Cultivated and the Vulgar: China's Cultural War” Asian Creative Transformations (4/2/12): http://www.creativetransformations.asia/2012/04/the-cultivated-and-the-vulgar-chinas-cultural-war
- ↑ “Critical Masses, Commerce, and Shifting State-Society Relations in China” China Beat (February 17, 2010): http://www.thechinabeat.org/?p=1526
- ↑ “The Past and Present of Shanghai and Chinese Cinema” New York Times China Studies Website (April, 2006): http://www.nytimes.com/ref/college/coll-china-media-001.html
- ↑ “Cinematic Representation of Poverty and Widening Social Gap in Contemporary China” New York Times China Studies Website (April, 2006): http://www.nytimes.com/ref/college/coll-china-media-002.html
- ↑ “The Confucian Tradition and Chinese Television Today” New York Times China Studies Website (April, 2006): http://www.nytimes.com/ref/college/coll-china-media-003.html
- ↑ “The Cinematic Negotiation of Chinese Identity” New York Times China Studies Website (April, 2006): http://www.nytimes.com/ref/college/coll-china-media-004.html
- ↑ “Chinese TV Dramas: Will Confucius Save the Day?” AsiaMedia (February 7, 2006): http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=38580
- ↑ China Central Television
- ↑ Zhu, Ying (2012). Two Billion Eyes. New York: The New Press.
- ↑ "New Press announcement of Two Billion Eyes" (PDF).
- ↑ "Two Billion Eyes, on amazon.com".
- ↑ Review of “Two Billion Eyes: The Story of China Central Television” on Wall Street Journal blog, http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/01/14/real-progress-parsing-chinas-censorship-protests
- ↑ "What China Watches", Boston Globe, Jan 13, 2013, http://bostonglobe.com/ideas/2013/01/13/what-china-watches/rzgBR8CyLpUdvwC3CJjUCK/story.html
- ↑ "Serving Two Masters", China Economic Review, Dec 17, 2012, http://www.chinaeconomicreview.com/serving-two-masters
- ↑ "Party TV", New Inquiry, Dec 4, 2012, http://thenewinquiry.com/essays/party-tv
- ↑ "Book review: Two Billion Eyes - the Story of China Central Television", South China Morning Post, Nov 18, 2012, http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/books/article/1083937/book-review-two-billion-eyes-story-china-central-television
- ↑ “After ‘Big Bang Theory Censorship, No Mass Viewer Revolt,” Wall Street Journal (May 19, 2014) http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2014/05/19/after-big-bang-theory-censorship-no-mass-viewer-revolt
- ↑ “Why Frank Underwood is Great for China’s Soft Power,” ChinaFile (Feb 27, 2014) https://www.chinafile.com/Frank-Underwood-Great-Chinas-Soft-Power
- ↑ “Hollywood Powerhouses Meet a Sleeping Giant,” Los Angeles Times (Nov 9, 2013) http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/movies/moviesnow/la-et-mn-ca-china-essay-20131110,0,7606609,full.story#axzz2zijIdMdd
- ↑ “China’s Sex and the City Film is a Great Leap Backward for Women,” The Atlantic (July 2013) http://www.theatlantic.com/china/archive/2013/07/chinas-sex-and-the-city-film-is-a-great-leap-backward-for-women/277841/
- ↑ “The Rite of Passage to No Where,” China File (July 2013) http://www.chinafile.com/rite-passage-nowhere
- ↑ “China Travels Back Down the river” Wall Street Journal (June 14, 2013) http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/06/04/china-travels-back-down-the-river/
- ↑ “Reading Into Official Corruption” China Economic Review (May 27, 2013) http://www.chinaeconomicreview.com/reading-official-corruption-chinese-media-officials-novels-tv-television-ying-zhu
- ↑ “Domestic Drama” China Economic Review (May 2, 2013) http://www.chinaeconomicreview.com/domestic-drama
- ↑ “Can Hollywood Romance Chinese Film-Goers?” The Atlantic (April 25, 2013) http://www.theatlantic.com/china/archive/2013/04/can-hollywood-romance-chinese-film-goers/275313/
- ↑ “Will China Unchain Django?” CNN (April 17, 2013) http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2013/04/17/will-china-unchain-django/
- ↑ “A Beginning for China’s Battered Women,” ChinaFile (February 11, 2013) http://www.chinafile.com/beginning-chinas-battered-women
- ↑ “Why China struggles to find soft power voice,” CNN (February 6, 2013) http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cn\ n.com/2013/02/06/why-china-struggles-to-find-soft-power-voice/
- ↑ “‘Real Progress: Parsing China’s Censorship Protests,” Wall Street Journal (January 14, 2013) http://blogs.wsj.com/chinarealtime/2013/01/14/real-progress-parsing-chinas-censorship-protests/
- ↑ "'Transformers 4’ May Pander to China, But America Still Wins", China File (Sept 4, 2014) http://www.chinafile.com/reporting-opinion/culture/transformers-4-may-pander-china-america-still-wins