Young Astronaut Council

The Young Astronaut Council was established by the White House in 1984 in an effort to promote greater proficiency and interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) using space as the underlying theme. This Presidential initiative was accomplished via the Young Astronaut Program, a free weekly television series seen in tens of thousands of classrooms across the country and around the world. During its tenure (1984-2004), over 2 million children became members and over 100,000 chapters were formed across the country and the world. Chapters operated independently in ways that best suited their individual circumstances and were established in schools, libraries, museums, science centers, and among home school groups. Individual memberships were also available for those who did not have access to a chapter. After 9/11 the Young Astronaut Council went on hiatus and eventually government priorities resulted in the closing of the Young Astronaut Program.
Space is once again the new frontier and STEM education has become a national need. Accordingly, The Young Astronaut Council has been re-opened by aerospace author Nelson L. Olivo and is set to re-launch its Young Astronaut Program in February 2017, on founder President Reagan's birthday. Program goals encompass once again airing the first free televised space academy for kids on FIOS, CableVision and Time Warner; a Young Astronaut Day where after-school programs can gather and meet to foster camaraderie and an international young astronaut exchange where children can visit other countries and learn about their space programs. The Young Astronaut Program: “The First Televised Space Academy for Kids!”- a FREE space-themed after-school enrichment activity- will introduce our children to the skills needed to compete in the 21st century STEM economy and will be available to all of NYC's elementary schools, libraries, children's hospitals and museums.
One of the first directors was Richard Funkhouser.