Youth and Environment Europe

Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) is a network of young people in Europe who study nature or are active in environmental protection. It has 46 member organisations in 26 countries. The main aim of YEE is to support and connect its member organisations by encouraging young people to act for the environment and by providing a platform for those organisations to work together. This platform includes exchange of information and experience, organising training courses and publishing publications.
Youth and Environment Europe (YEE) was founded in 1983 in Stockholm, Sweden. It was created by the International Youth Federation for Environmental Studies and Conservation (IYF).
The first office was based in Copenhagen, Denmark. At this time, YEE connected 15 organisations from across Europe. Three of the original member organisations remain in the network today (JNM, DJN, Faltbiologerna).
In 1990 the YEE office moved to Utrecht in the Netherlands. For some years in the 1990s there was a second YEE office in Malta. It focused closely on Mediterranean issues. By 1998 the YEE network had grown to include more member organisations from the East. The office was therefore moved a third time to Prague in the Czech Republic. This central location was chosen in order to better connect members from across the continent. The organisation's office is located to this day at the ecological center Toulcuv Dvur.
Member organisations
YEE has Full members and Associate members. Full members are non-governmental organisations from Europe that are youth-led and active in environmental protection. Associate members are non-governmental organisations that are active in environmental protection but may not be youth-led or European. Only full member organisations can vote during the Annual Meeting.
The secretariat are the General Secretary, Main Coordinator and Networking Coordinator. They are supported by a Project and Publications Consultant and two European Voluntary Service (EVS) volunteers. YEE has hosted EVS volunteers since 2003.
The board is filled by YEE members who are voted for by the General Assembly at the Annual Meeting each year. There are six positions: Chairperson; Treasurer; Projects Officer; Promotion and Publications Officer; Member Organisations Officer; External Relations Officer.
YEE's main activities are international Training Courses and Youth Exchanges, where members can share ideas, knowledge and experiences. YEE also coordinates international campaigns across Europe, focusing on environmental issues. Youth and Environment Europe is a member organisation of European Environment Bureau, European Youth Forum and Taiga Rescue Network.
External links
- Template:Official webiste