Zürcher Geschnetzeltes

Zürcher Geschnetzeltes (German for "sliced meat Zurich style", Züri-Gschnätzlets in Zürich German, émincé de veau zurichoise in French) is a Swiss dish from the Zurich region.
The first mention of Zürcher Geschnetzeltes is in a cookbook from 1947.[1] That recipe describes the ingredients as sliced veal strips, white wine, cream, and demiglace. Contemporary recipes additionally call for sliced veal kidney and mushrooms.
The veal and kidney are cut into small thin strips. The meat is sautéed quickly in a very hot pan with a little butter and a bit of chopped onion. Then the meat is taken out of the pan and kept warm. White wine is added to the same pan with cream and demiglace and reduced into a sauce. The meat is added to the hot but not boiling reduction. Sliced mushrooms are added. Finally, the dish is garnished with pepper, salt, paprika powder and lemon juice.
It is typically served with rösti but is widely enjoyed with spätzle, tagliatelle, rice, or mashed potatoes.