Zinc mining
Zinc mining is the process by which mineral forms of the metal zinc are extracted from the earth through mining. A zinc mine is a mine that produces zinc metal. Some mines produce primarily zinc, but some mines produce zinc as a side-product of some metal that has a higher concentration in the ore. Most zinc mines produce zinc and lead or zinc and nickel.
The world's biggest zinc mine is Rampura Agucha Mine in Rajasthan, Indias. More than 50 countries around the world mine zinc ore, with Australia, Canada, China, Peru and the USA being the largest producers. About 80 percent of the world’s zinc is mined underground, while 8 percent is mined via open pits with the rest using a combination of both methods. Zinc mine operators include Xstrata, Nyrstar, Boliden AB, Teck Resources.
After mining and processing, zinc is sent to a zinc smelter

Zinc mines
Some big zinc mines are depleting and are going to be closed during this decade. Brunswick mine in Canada, Century mine in Australia, Lisheen mine in Ireland and Skorpion mine in Namibia are going to be closed.
Name of the mine | Operations |
Red Dog (USA) | open-pit zinc-lead-silver mine |
McArthur River | open-pit zinc-lead-silver mine |
Contonga (Peru) | underground zinc-lead-copper-silver mine |
Pucarrajo (Peru) | underground zinc-lead-silver mine |
Coricancha (Peru) | underground multi-metal mine |
Tennessee mines (USA) | underground zinc mines |
Campo Morado (Mexico) | underground multi-metal mine |
El Toqui (Chile) | underground multi-metal mine |
El Mochito (Honduras) | underground zinc, lead and silver mine |
Myra Falls (Canada) | underground multi-metal mine |
Langlois (Canada) | underground zinc, copper and silver mine |