97th United States Congress
97th United States Congress | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The Ninety-seventh United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 1981 to January 3, 1983, during the final weeks of Jimmy Carter's presidency and the first two years of Ronald Reagan's presidency. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the Nineteenth Census of the United States in 1970. The House of Representatives had a Democratic majority. The Republicans gained control of the Senate, the first time that Republicans gained control of any chamber of Congress since 1953.
Major events
- Early 1980s recession
- January 20, 1981 – Inauguration of President Ronald Reagan and Vice President George Bush
- January 20, 1981 – Iran hostage crisis ended
- March 30, 1981 – Reagan assassination attempt
- April 12, 1981 – First space shuttle launched
- June 5, 1981 – First recognized case of AIDS
- August 5, 1981 – President Reagan fired the air traffic controllers
- September 21, 1981 – Senate confirmed the first female United States Supreme Court justice, Sandra Day O'Connor
- November 2, 1982 – United States general elections: Republicans retained Senate; Democrats increased control in House
Major legislation
- August 13, 1981 – Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA or Kemp-Roth Tax Cut), Pub.L. 97–34, 95 Stat. 172
- August 13, 1981 – Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Pub.L. 97–35, 95 Stat. 357
- September 3, 1982 – Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, Pub.L. 97–248, 96 Stat. 324
- September 8, 1982 - Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act USFSPA, Pub.L. 97–252, 96 Stat. 730
- September 20, 1982 – Bus Regulatory Reform Act, Pub.L. 97–261, 96 Stat. 1102
- October 13, 1982 – Job Training Partnership Act of 1982, Pub.L. 97–300, 96 Stat. 1322
- October 15, 1982 – Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act, Pub.L. 97–320, 96 Stat. 1469
- January 6, 1983 – Surface Transportation Assistance Act, Pub.L. 97–424, 96 Stat. 2140
- January 7, 1983 – Nuclear Waste Policy Act, Pub.L. 97–425, 96 Stat. 2201
Constitutional amendments
- June 30, 1982 – Potential ratification of Equal Rights Amendment expired
Special or select committees
- Senate Select Committee on Small Business — Became a standing committee on March 25, 1981
- Senate Select Committee on Law Enforcement Undercover Activities of the Justice Department — March 24, 1982 - December 15, 1982
Party summary

Affiliation | Members | |
Republican Party | 53 | |
Democratic Party | 46 | |
Independent | 1 | |
Total | 100 |
House of Representatives
Affiliation | Members | Voting share | |
Democratic Party | 244 | 56.1% | |
Republican Party | 191 | 43.9% | |
Total | 435 |
- President of the Senate: Walter Mondale (D), until January 20, 1981
- George Bush (R), from January 20, 1981
- President pro tempore: Strom Thurmond (R)
Majority (Republican) leadership
Minority (Democratic) leadership

House seats by party holding plurality in state | |
>80% Republican | >80% Democratic |
>60% Republican | >60% Democratic |
>50% Republican | >50% Democratic |
(Striped): even split |
House of Representatives
- Speaker: Tip O'Neill (D)
Majority (Democratic) leadership
Minority (Republican) leadership
- Congressional Arts Caucus
- Congressional Black Caucus
- Congressional Friends of Ireland Caucus
- Congressional Hispanic Caucus
- Congressional Travel & Tourism Caucus
- Congresswomen's Caucus
- House Democratic Caucus
This list is arranged by chamber, then by state. Senators are listed in order of seniority, and Representatives are listed by district.
Senators are popularly elected statewide every two years, with one-third beginning new six-year terms with each Congress.
House of Representatives
Members of the House of Representatives are listed by their district numbers.
Changes in membership
There were 2 resignations.
State (class) |
Vacator | Reason for change | Successor | Date of successor's formal installation |
New Jersey (Class 1) |
Harrison A. Williams (D) |
Resigned March 11, 1982 before a planned expulsion vote, having been convicted of bribery in the Abscam sting operation. His successor was appointed to complete the term. | Nicholas F. Brady (R) |
April 27, 1982 |
New Jersey (Class 1) |
Nicholas F. Brady (R) |
Resigned December 27, 1982 so his elected successor could be appointed for preferential seniority. | Frank Lautenberg (D) |
December 27, 1982 |
House of Representatives
There were 4 deaths, 4 resignations, one declared vacancy, and one party change.
District | Vacator | Reason for change | Successor | Date successor seated |
Michigan 4th | David Stockman (R) | Resigned January 27, 1981 after being appointed Director of the Office of Management and Budget | Mark D. Siljander (R) | April 21, 1981 |
Maryland 5th | Gladys Spellman (D) | Incapacitated since last Congress and seat declared vacant February 24, 1981 | Steny H. Hoyer (D) | May 19, 1981 |
Ohio 4th | Tennyson Guyer (R) | Died April 12, 1981 | Mike Oxley (R) | June 25, 1981 |
Mississippi 4th | Jon Hinson (R) | Resigned April 13, 1981 | Wayne Dowdy (D) | July 7, 1981 |
Pennsylvania 3rd | Raymond F. Lederer (D) | Resigned April 29, 1981, before a planned expulsion vote, having been convicted of bribery in the Abscam sting operation | Joseph F. Smith (D) | July 21, 1981 |
Connecticut 1st | William R. Cotter (D) | Died September 7, 1981 | Barbara B. Kennelly (D) | January 12, 1982 |
Pennsylvania 25th | Eugene Atkinson (D) | Changed parties October 14, 1981 | Eugene Atkinson (R) | October 14, 1981 |
California 30th | George E. Danielson (D) | Resigned March 9, 1982 after being appointed associate justice of the California Courts of Appeal | Matthew G. Martínez (D) | July 13, 1982 |
Ohio 17th | John M. Ashbrook (R) | Died April 24, 1982 | Jean Spencer Ashbrook (R) | June 29, 1982 |
Indiana 1st | Adam Benjamin, Jr. (D) | Died September 7, 1982 | Katie B. Hall (D) | November 2, 1982 |
Lists of committees and their party leaders.
- Aging (Special)
- Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry
- Soil and Water Conservation
- Agricultural Credit and Rural Electrification
- Agricultural Production, Marketing and Stabilization of Prices
- Agricultural Research and General Legislation
- Rural Development, Oversight and Investigations
- Foreign Agricultural Policy
- Nutrition
- Foreign, Water Resources and Environment
- Appropriations
- Agriculture and Related Agencies
- Defense
- District of Columbia
- Energy and Water Development
- Foreign Operations
- HUD-Independent Agencies
- Interior
- Labor-Health, Education and Welfare
- Legislative
- Military Construction
- State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary
- Transportation
- Treasury, Postal Service and General Government
- Armed Services
- Military Construction
- Tactical Warfare
- Strategic and Theater Nuclear Forces
- Preparedness
- Sea Power and Force Projection
- Manpower and Personnel
- Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
- Housing and Urban Affairs
- Financial Institutions
- International Finance and Monetary Policy
- Economic Policy
- Securities
- Rural Housing and Development
- Consumer Affairs
- Budget
- Commerce, Science and Transportation
- Aviation
- Business, Trade and Tourism
- Communications
- Consumer
- Merchant Marine
- Science, Technology and Space
- Surface Transportation
- Energy and Natural Resources
- Energy Conservation and Supply
- Energy Regulation
- Energy Research and Development
- Energy and Mineral Resources
- Water and Power
- Public Lands and Reserved Water
- Environment and Public Works
- Environmental Pollution
- Nuclear Regulation
- Water Resources
- Transportation
- Toxic Substances and Environmental Oversight
- Regional and Community Development
- Ethics (Select)
- Finance
- Taxation and Debt Management
- International Trade
- Savings, Pensions and Investment Policy
- Economic Growth, Employment and Revenue
- Energy and Foundations
- Private Pension Plans and Employee Fringe Benefits
- Tourism and Sugar
- Public Assistance
- Oversight of the Internal Revenue Service
- Unemployment and Related Programs
- Revenue Sharing, Ingovernmental Revenue Impact and Economic Problems
- Foreign Relations
- International Economic Policy
- Arms Control, Oceans, International Operations and Environment
- Western Hemisphere Affairs
- East Asian and Pacific Affairs
- European Affairs
- International Economic Policy
- African Affairs
- Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
- Arms Control, Oceans, International Operations and Environment
- Governmental Affairs
- Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations
- Intergovernmental Relations
- Governmental Efficiency and the District of Columbia
- Energy, Nuclear Proliferation and Federal Services
- Federal Expenditures, Research and Rules
- Civil Service, Post Office and General Services
- Oversight of Government Management
- Congressional Operations and Oversight
- Indian Affairs (Select)
- Judiciary
- Criminal Law
- Regulatory Reform
- Constitution
- Courts
- Immigration and Refugee Policy
- Separation of Powers
- Agency Administration
- Security and Terrorism
- Juvenile Justice
- Intelligence (Select)
- Labor and Human Resources
- Labor
- Education, Arts and Humanities
- Employment and Productivity
- Handicapped
- Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
- Aging, Family and Human Services
- Investigations and General Oversight
- Nutrition and Human Needs (Select)
- Rules and Administration
- Small Business
- Veterans' Affairs
- Whole
House of Representatives
- Aging (Select)
- Agriculture
- Cotton, Rice and Sugar
- Livestock, Dairy and Poultry
- Tobacco and Peanuts
- Wheat, Soybeans and Feed Grains
- Conservation Credit and Rural Development
- Department Operations Research and Foreign Agriculture
- Domestic Marketing, Consumer Relations and Nutrition
- Forests, Family Farms and Energy
- Appropriations
- Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies
- Defense
- District of Columbia
- Energy and Power
- Foreign Operations
- HUD-Independent Agencies
- Interior
- Labor-Health and Human Services
- Legislative
- Military Construction
- Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary
- Transportation
- Treasury, Postal Service and General Government
- Armed Services
- Research and Development
- Seapower, Strategic and Critical Materials
- Procurement and Military Nuclear Systems
- Investigations
- Military Personnel and Compensation
- Military Installations and Facilities
- Readiness
- Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs
- Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Insurance
- Housing and Community Development
- General Oversight and Renegotiation
- Consumer Affairs and Coinage
- International Development Institutions and Finance
- Domestic Monetary Policy
- International Trade, Investment and Monetary Policy
- Economic Stabilization
- Budget
- District of Columbia
- Fiscal Affairs and Health
- Government Operations and Metropolitan Affairs
- Judiciary and Education
- Education and Labor
- Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education
- Employment Opportunities
- Labor-Management Relations
- Health and Safety
- Human Resources
- Postsecondary Education
- Labor Standards
- Select Education
- Energy and Commerce
- Oversight and Investigations
- Energy Conservation and Power
- Health and the Environment
- Telecommunications, Consumer Protection and Finance
- Fossil and Synthetic Fuels
- Commerce, Transportation and Tourism
- Foreign Affairs
- International Security and Scientific Affairs
- International Operations
- Europe and the Middle East
- Asian and Pacific Affairs
- International Economic Policy and Trade
- Human Rights and International Organizations
- Africa
- Inter-American Affairs
- Government Operations
- Legislation and National Security
- Ingovernmental Relations and Human Resources
- Commerce, Consumer and Monetary Affairs
- Manpower and Housing
- Government Activities and Transportation
- Government Information and Individual Rights
- Environment, Energy and Natural Resources
- House Administration
- Accounts
- Contracts and Printing
- Services
- Office Systems
- Personnel and Police
- Policy Group on Information and Computers
- Insular Affairs
- Energy and the Environment
- Water and Power Resources
- Public Lands and National Lands
- Insular Affairs
- Mines and Mining
- Oversight and Investigations
- Judiciary
- Immigration, Refugees and International Law
- Administrative Law and Governmental Relations
- Courts, Civil Liberties and the Administration of Justice
- Civil and Constitutional Rights
- Monopolies and Commercial Law
- Crime
- Criminal Justice
- Merchant Marine and Fisheries
- Merchant Marine
- Fisheries, Wildlife Conservation and the Environment
- Coast Guard and Navigation
- Oceangraphy
- Panama Canal and Outer Continental Stuff
- Narcotics Abuse and Control (Select)
- Post Office and Civil Service
- Investigations
- Postal Operations and Services
- Civil Service
- Compensation and Employee Benefits
- Census and Population
- Postal Personnel and Modernization
- Human Resources
- Public Works and Transportation
- Aviation
- Economic Development
- Investigations and Oversight
- Public Buildings and Grounds
- Surface Transportation
- Water Resources
- Rules
- The Legislative Process
- Rules of the House
- Science and Technology
- Energy Development and Applications
- Natural Resources, Agriculture Research and Environment
- Energy Research and Production
- Science, Research and Technology
- Space Science and Applications
- Transportation, Aviation and Materials
- Investigations and Oversight
- Small Business
- SBA and SBIC Authority, Minority Enterprise and General Small Business Problems
- General Oversight
- Antitrust and Restraint of Trade Activities affecting Small Business
- Energy, Environment and Safety Issues affecting Small Business
- Tax, Access to Equity Capital and Business Opportunities
- Export Opportunities and Special Small Business Problems
- Standards of Official Conduct
- Veterans' Affairs
- Oversight and Investigations
- Medical Facilities and Benefits
- Education, Training and Employment
- Compensation, Pension and Insurance
- Housing and Memorial Affairs
- Ways and Means
- Trade
- Social Security
- Oversight
- Select Revenue Measures
- Public Assistance and Unemployment Compensation
- Health
- Whole
Joint committees
Employees and legislative agency directors
Legislative branch agency directors
- Architect of the Capitol: George M. White
- Attending Physician of the United States Congress: Freeman H. Cary
- Comptroller General of the United States: Elmer B. Staats (until March 3), Charles A. Bowsher (starting date unknown in 1981)
- Director of the Congressional Budget Office: Alice M. Rivlin
- Librarian of Congress: Daniel J. Boorstin
- Public Printer of the United States: Danford L. Sawyer, Jr.
- Chaplain: Edward L.R. Elson (until February 9, 1981), Richard C. Halverson (starting February 9, 1981)
- Historian: Richard A. Baker
- Parliamentarian: Robert Dove
- Secretary: J. Stanley Kimmitt (until January 4, 1981), W.F. Hildenbrand (starting January 4, 1981)
- Sergeant at Arms: Frank Hoffmann (until January 4, 1981), Howard S. Liebengood (starting January 4, 1981)
- Secretary for the Majority: Howard O. Greene, Jr.
- Secretary for the Minority: Walter J. Stewart
House of Representatives
- Chaplain: James D. Ford
- Clerk: Edmund L. Henshaw, Jr.
- Doorkeeper: James T. Malloy
- Parliamentarian: William Holmes Brown
- Postmaster: Robert V. Rota
- Reading Clerk of the United States House of Representatives: Meg Goetz
- Sergeant at Arms: Benjamin J. Guthrie
See also
- United States elections, 1980 (elections leading to this Congress)
- United States elections, 1982 (elections during this Congress, leading to the next Congress)
- Martis, Kenneth C. (1989). The Historical Atlas of Political Parties in the United States Congress. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
- Martis, Kenneth C. (1982). The Historical Atlas of United States Congressional Districts. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.
External links
- Biographical Directory of the U.S. Congress
- U.S. House of Representatives: Congressional History
- U.S. Senate: Statistics and Lists
- House of Representatives Session Calendar for the 97th Congress (PDF).
- Congressional Pictorial Directory for the 97th Congress.
- Official Congressional Directory for the 97th Congress.