Admiral (Ukraine)

Mykhailo Yezhel - First Admiral of Ukraine, First Minister of Defense, being a former commander of the Ukrainian Navy
Admiral (Ukrainian: Адмірал) is a top military rank in the Ukrainian Navy. It is equivalent to the Colonel General rank in the Ground Forces of Ukraine.
There are three admiral ranks in the Ukrainian Navy and other two include Vice Admiral and Counter Admiral. There are only six admirals in Ukraine since 1992.
Admirals of Ukraine
- Mykhailo Yezhel (2000)
- Ihor Tenyukh (2008)
- Viktor Maksymov (2010)
- Ihor Kabanenko (2012)
- Yuriy Ilyin (2013)
- Ihor Alferiev (2013)
Important Vice-Admirals
- Borys Kozhyn (1992), Commander of the Ukrainian Navy (1992-93)
- Volodymyr Bezkorovainyi (1992), Commander of the Ukrainian Navy (1993-96)
- Ihor Knyaz, Commander of the Ukrainian Navy (2003-06)
Past Admirals
- Andriy Pokrovsky (1918)
Admiral (Admiral)
Vice-Admiral (Vitse-Admiral)
Counter-Admiral (Kontr-Admiral)
See also
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