Aka (Burmese martial arts)

Empty-handed aka
Aka are pre-arranged sets of movement or forms in the Burmese martial arts. They serve as a straightforward way of passing down all of a style's techniques unto the student. They can be practiced as a form of physical conditioning, to develop muscle memory, or demonstrated as part of a public performance.
Aka in Hanthawaddy Bando
The Hanthawaddy style contains nine basic forms and nine animal forms, as well as several weapon forms.
Basic forms

Tiger form
- Point form (Protecting the territory)
- Square form (Defensive stepping)
- Cross form (Balance and movement)
- T-form (Counter-attack)
- Triangle form (Deceptive defense)
- Circle form (Evasive defense)
- Points star form (Salutation to nature/night)
- Sun form (Salutation to the sun)
- Line form (Salutation to warrior monks)
Animal forms

Eagle form
- Boar
- Bull
- Cobra: The cobra form emphasizes lightning quick strikes similar to the strikes of a cobra.
- Eagle: The eagle form resembles an eagle in flight by using varying angles and types of attack.
- Panther
- Python
- Scorpion
- Tiger
- Viper
Weapon forms

Four Winds stick form
- Long stick: Four Winds, Four Corners, Horseman, Pilgrim staff
- Medium stick and short stick
- Staff: Mandalay staff, Min dha, Monk dha
- Animal staff: Cobra, Tiger, Boar, Eagle
See also
See also
- Bando, philosophy, principles et practice, M.Gyi, IST edition, 2000
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