Alexander N. Chumakov
Alexander N. Chumakov | |
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Born |
October 1, 1950 Severnoe village, Caspian District, Astrakhan region, USSR (now Lagansky District, Kalmykia, Russia) |
Alma mater | Lomonosov Moscow State University (1981) |
Era | 20th-century philosophy |
Region | Russian philosophy |
Institutions | Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Lomonosov Moscow State University |
Main interests | Social philosophy, Philosophy of culture, Global Studies |
Alexander N. Chumakov (Russian: Алекса́ндр Никола́евич Чумако́в; born on October 1, 1950) is a Russian philosopher, theoretician of science, scientific community organizer, and specialist in the fields of philosophy and the theory of globalistics.
Alexander N. Chumakov was born in 1950 to a fisherman's family of Severnoe village, Caspian District, Astrakhan region, USSR. In 1972, he graduated from an industrial, technical college in the city of Khadyzhensk in Krasnodar Krai. Between 1972 and 1975, he worked as a bore-hole drilling master in the nuclear testing areas in Semipalatinsk and Novaya Zemlya. In 1975, he was accepted into the preparatory division of the Department of Philosophy of Moscow State University (MSU), from which he graduated cum laude in 1981. He also completed his postgraduate studies at MSU, receiving his Candidate of Sciences in 1984 and his Doctor of Sciences in 1991. Chumakov's doctoral dissertation was on the topic of "Social [and[ Philosophical Aspects of Global Problems." Since 1990, Chumakov has been the leading research fellow and head of the group "Global Studies" at the Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences.[1] He became a full professor in 1993, and since 2008, has worked as a professor of the Department of Global Processes at MSU. He currently teaches several specialized courses at the university, including a course entitled "Globalistics"[2] (Глобалистика, "global studies"). Since 2009, Chumakov has also worked as the chair of the Department of Philosophy at the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation.[3]
Scientific achievements
There are four main schools philosophical thought in post-Soviet Russia, namely, Marxism, postmodernism, liberal Orthodoxy, and globalism. Alexander Chumakov is the leading Russian spokesman for globalism, which he writes "represents a secular stream of thought that aims to formulate a worldview transcending the division between Russia and the West by providing a new philosophical basis for their integration and ultimate unity."[4] A book review of his book, Philosophy of Globalization, writes that Chumakov "devoted his career in philosophy to the study of globalization and authored more than 550 scientific works and seven scholarly books that have been published in Russian, English, German, French, Chinese, Polish and Czech."[5]
In his writings, Chumakov "formulated the fundamental principles, which constitute the philosophical foundation of globalistics as a special field of philosophical knowledge."[6] His analysis of globalization reveals that it "represents an objective historical process and does not depend on the positive (or negative) intentions of separate countries or nations."[7] It centers on the conceptual triad of culture, civilization, and globalization, which in Chumakov's works "are analyzed as fundamental characteristics of various cultural civilizational systems, characteristics that are closely connected with each other."[8] Chumakov argues that real and productive dialogue among different nations is possible because the universal character of civilization serves as the unifying factor for humanity, "while cultural diversity is the basis of differentiation of various countries and nations."[9]
Scientific organizing activity
Chumakov has devoted a great deal of time to administrative and organizational activities in the fields of philosophy, culture, and education. Since 1991 he has served as the first vice-president of the Russian Philosophical Society. He has also been a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Professors of Philosophy since 2012, as well as an acting member of the Presidium of Russian Ecological Academy since 2013.[10]
In 2003, Chumakov organized a philosophical action that had great cultural significance in Russia and was widely publicized by the Russian media.[11] During 1920s the Soviet government expelled hundreds of prominent Russian intellectuals from the newly created Soviet Union, including many philosophers. Most of them were transported by boat to Germany and Turkey. In Russian historiography, this event is known as the "philosophers' ships." Eighty years following the event, Chumakov organized a symbolic return of the "philosophers' ships" back to the motherland, which became open to freedom of expression and independent investigation of truth. To this end, he rented a ship, the Maria Ermolova, which sailed on route from Novorossiysk to Istanbul and back to Novorossiysk with hundreds of Russian philosophers on board to take part in the XXI World Congress of Philosophy in Istanbul in 2003.[12]
Chumakov participated in the last six World Congresses of Philosophy, in Brighton in 1988, in Moscow in 1993, in Boston in 1998, in Istanbul in 2003, in Seoul in 2008, and in Athens in 2013. Throughout the events, he delivered scholarly presentations, including plenary addresses, and also served as chair of various roundtables, panels, and sections. Chumakov was also one of the initiators and main organizers of the Russian philosophical congresses that have taken place every three years, starting in 1997 and up to the latest in 2015, which took place in Ufa.[10]
Honors and awards
Chumakov was named laureate in the 2003 Russian publishers' "Book of the Year" contest in the nomination category of "Encyclopedist". He was awarded for the publication of his international encyclopedia, Global Studies, which had been published in Russian and English languages.
In 2004, he was also named laureate of the international award named after N. K. Ba'bakov, bestowed by the International Fuel and Power Association (IFPA) "for great accomplishments in resolving the problems of stable development of the power engineering and society."
In 2006, Chumakov received a diploma for co-authoring the fourth edition of the textbook "Philosophy", one of the "300 best textbooks for higher education in honor of the 300th anniversary of Saint-Petersburg."
In 2015, Chumakov became Doctor Emeritus of the Bashkir State University. In 2015 Chumakov also became a recipient of the International Gusi Peace Prize.
Main publications
- Chumakov, A. N. Philosophy of Global Problems (Filosofiya global'nykh problem), Moscow: Znanie, 1994; Chinese edition - Beijing, People's University of China, 1996.
- Chumakov, A. N. Globalization. Contours of the Holistic World (Globalizatsiya. Contury tselostnogo mira), Moscow: Prospect, 2005; 2nd editions in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015; 3rd editions in 2016.
- Chumakov, A. N. Metaphysics of Globalization: Cultural-Civilizational Context (Metafizika globalizatsii. Cul'turno-tsivilizatsionnyi kontekst), Moscow: Kanon+, 2006.
- Chumakov, A. N. The Substance of Contemporary Globalization (Sushchnost' sovremennoi globalizatsii), Astana, ID "Saiasi agartu" of the Institute of System Studies, 2007.
- Chumakov, A. N., Ioseliani, A. D. Philosophical Problems of Globalization. Moscow: University Book, 2015, 172 p.
- Chumakov, A. N., Katsura, A. V., Masur, I. I. Planetary mankind: on the edge of an abyss. Moscow: “Prospect”, 2015, 192 p.
- Chumakov, A. N. Metaphysics of Globalization: Cultural-Civilizational Context (Metafizika globalizatsii. Cul'turno-tsivilizatsionnyi kontekst). 2nd editions, Moscow: Prospect, 2016.
Reference books
- Global Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary. Edited by Alexander N. Chumakov, Ivan I. Mazour and William C. Gay. With a Foreword by Mikhail Gorbachev. Editions Rodopi B.V., Amsterdam/New York, NY 2014. XI, 531 pp.
- Chumakov, A. N., and Gay, W.C. (eds), Between Past Orthodoxies and the Future of Globalization: Contemporary Philosophical Problems (Leiden, Boston: Brill Rodopi, 2016).
- Global Studies Encyclopedia (Globalistika: Entsiklopediya), main editors I. I. Mazour, A. N. Chumakov, W. C. Gay, Russian and English language editions, TsNPP «Dialog». — Moscow, Raduga Publishers, 2003.
- Globalistics: International, Interdisciplinary, Encyclopedic Dictionary (Globalistika: Mezhdunarodnyi, mezhdistsiplinarnyi, entsiklopedicheskyi slovar'), main editors I. I. Mazour, A. N. Chumakov, Moscow-St. Petersburg-New York: Elima, Peter, 2006.
- Globalistics. Persons, Organizations, Publications: Encyclopedic References (Globalistika. Personalii, organizatsii, izdaniya: entsiklopedicheskyi spravochnik), editorial board: I. V. Ilyin, I. I. Mazour, A. N. Chumakov, Moscow: Alpha-M, 2012.
- Globalistics. Persons, Organizations, Publications: Encyclopedic References (Globalistika. Personalii, organizatsii, izdaniya: entsiklopedicheskyi spravochnik), editorial board: I. V. Ilyin, I. I. Mazour, A. N. Chumakov. 2nd editions, Moscow: KnoRus, 2016.
- Buchilo, N. F., Chumakov, A. N. Philosophy: Higher Education Textbook (Filosofyia: Uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov), Moscow: Znanie, 1998 (2nd ed., M.: PER SE, 2001; 3rd ed., 2003; 4th ed., SPb, Piter, 2004; 5th expanded edition, M.: Prospekt Nauki, 2008, 2010 and 2013).
- Buchilo, N. F., Chumakov, A. N. Philosophy: Electronic Textbook (Filosofyia: elektronyi uchebnik) Moscow: KNORUS, 2009 and 2010.
- Kirillov, V. I., Popov, C.I., Chumakov, A. N. (eds) Philosophy. Part One. History of Philosophy: Textbook (Filosofyia. Chast' pervaya. Istorya filisofii: Uchebnoe Posobye), eds. , chapters III, IV, X, Moscow: "Yurist", 1996 (2nd expanded edition in 1998, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005).
- Chumakov, A. N. Globalistics. Textbook. (Globalistika. Metodicheskoe posobie.) Moscow: Moscow State University, 2008 (2nd ed., Moscow: MAKS Press, 2009; 2011).
- Chumakov, A. N. Russia in the Global World: Reality and Perspectives. Textbook. (Rossyia v global'nom mire: real'nost' i perspektivy. Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobye.) Moscow: MAKS Press, 2012.
- Chumakov, A. N. (ed) Philosophy in Professional Activities: Textbook. (Filosofyia v professional'noi deyatel'nosti: Uchebnoye posobye.) "Introduction," Part I, Topics 3 and 12, Moscow: Prospekt, 2013.
- Chumakov, A. N. (ed) Philosophy: a Textbook (Filosofyia: Uchebnik), Part I; Part II, Topics 2, 3.1; Part III, Topics 1, 5 (in coauthorship), 8, Moscow: Vuzovskyi uchebnik: NITs INFRA-M, 2013.
Collections of Articles
- Chumakov A. N. Philosophy of Globalization. Selected articles. Мoscow: MAX-PRESS, 2010.
- Chumakov A. N. Philosophy of Globalization. Selected articles. 2nd revised and expanded edition. - Moscow: University Press, 2015, 240 p.
- Chumakov A. N., Grinin L. E. (eds) This Globalizing World Edited by Alexander N. Chumakov and Leonid E. Grinin, Volgograd: ‘Uchitel’ Publishing House, 2015, 224 pp.
Selected articles
- Chumakov A. N. "Recognizing Globalization," Europa Forum. Philosophie. Bulletin № 58, April 2008.
- Chumakov A. N. "On the Subject and Boundaries of Global Studies," Age of Globalization. Studies in Contemporary Global Processes. Scientific Journal. # 1, 2008.
- Chumakov A. N. "Social Aspects of Globalization," Europa Forum «Philosophy». Teaching Bulletin 60, February, 2009.
- Chumakov A. N. "An Anthropological Dimension of Globalization," The Human Being in Contemporary Philosophical Conceptions, ed. N. Omelchenko. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009.
- Chumakov A. N. "Philosophy as the Method of Achievement of a Worthy Human Future," Abstracts of the World Philosophy Day Congress 2010. Tegran, 2010.
- Chumakov A. N. "Culture in the Global World: Between Dialogue and Conflict," Globalistics and Globalization Studies. Volgograd: "Uchitel" Publishing House, 2012.
- Chumakov A. N. "The Phenomenon of Globalization," Globalistics, Global Studies, Globalization Studies: Scientific Digest. Moscow, MAKS Press, 2012.
- Chumakov A. N. "What Must We Do [When] Confronted with Globalization?" Age of Globalization. 2013, N 3.
- Chumakov A. N. "Thinking in Time: Lessons from the History of Globalization," Studia Diplomatica. The Brussels Journal of International Relations, Vol. LXVI-1, 2013, pp. 93–99.
- Chumakov A. N. "Theory and Practice of Global Governance: Topical Issues," Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 77, April 2013, pp. 198–204.
- Chumakov A. N. "Thinking in Time: Lessons from the History of Globalization," Studia Diplomatica. LXVI-1 (2013) – The Brussels Journal of International Relations. Academia Press (Ghent), 2013, pp. 93–100.
- Chumakov A. N. "Which Attitude Should Politicians Have when Confronted with Globalization?" Europa Forum Philosophie. Bulletin 63. Mai 2014, № 43, pp. 49–68.
- Chumakov A. N. "Global World: a Problem of Governance," Campus-Wide Information Systems, Vol. 31 No. 2/3, 2014, pp. 108–120.
- Chumakov A. N. "Recognizing Globalization / The Dialectics of Modernity – Recognizing Globalization," Studies on the Theoretical Perspectives of Globalization. Edited by Endre Kiss. - Budapest, 2014. Arisztotelesz Kiado, pp. 19–32.
- Chumakov A. N. "Contemporary World: on Footstep of Fundamental Transformation" [Sovremenny' mir: na poroge fundamental'nykh transformatsyi], Century of Globalization, #2(2), 2008.
- Chumakov A. N. "Globalization and Cosmopolitanism in the Contemporary Context" [Globalizatsiya i kosmopolitizm v contekste sovremennosti], Questions of Philosophy, #1, 2009.
- Chumakov A. N. "Philosophical Train: from Vladivostok to Moscow" [Filosofskii poezd: ot Vladivostoka do Moskvy], Questions of Philosophy, #1, 2009.
- Chumakov A. N. "Are Anti-heroes Really Guilty?" [Vinovaty li antigeroi?], International Life, #2-3, 2009.
- Chumakov A. N. "Russia in the Global World: Necessity of Adequate Decisions" [Rossiya v global'nom mire: neobhodimost' adekvatnyh reshenii], Century of Globalization, #2(4), 2009.
- Chumakov A. N. "World Crisis as a Chance for Russia" [Mirovoi krizis kak shans dlya Rossii], Bulletin of Moscow University, Series 18: Sociology and Political Science, Volume 17, #3, 2009.
- Chumakov A. N. "Risks of Global World under Crisis Conditions" [Riski global'nogo mira v usloviyakh krizisa], Civilization and Men, scientific [and] educational journal, #2, December, 2010.
- Chumakov A. N. "Mass and Elite Culture as a Product of Globalization," [Massovaya i elitarnaya kul'tury kak product globalizatsii], in the book Russia: Multifacetedness of Culture and Globalization [Rossiya: mnogoobrazie kul'tur i globalizatsiya], Moscow: "Kanon+," 2010.
- Chumakov A. N. "Philosophy as an Indicator of Cultural and Civilizational Development of Society" [Filosofiya kak indicator kul'turno-tsivilizatsionnogo razvitiya obshchestva], Humanitarian Sciences, #1, 2011.
- Chumakov A. N. "Humanitarian Aspect of Globalization: Russian Dimension" [Gumanitarnyi aspect globalizatsii: rossiiskoe izmerenie], analytical and scientific-practical journal, Geopolitics and Security, #4(16), 2011.
- Chumakov A. N. "On the Path to Civil Society" [Na puti k grazhdanskomu obshchestvu], Vestnik RFO, #4(60), 2011.
- Chumakov A. N. "Culture under the Conditions of Global Transformation," [Kul'tura v usloviyakh global'nykh transformatsii], Bulletin of Moscow University, Series XXVII, Globalistics and Geopolitics, #1-2, 2011.
- Chumakov A. N. "Global World: Problems of Governance" [Global'nyi mir: problema upravleniya], Century of Globalization, #2(6), 2010.
- Chumakov A. N. "Globalistics as Part of the System of Contemporary Scientific Knowledge" [Globalistika v sisteme sovremennogo nauchnogo znaniya], Questions of Philosophy, 2012, #7, pg. 3-17.
- Chumakov A. N. "Conflict and Possibilities of Dialogue in the Contemporary World" [Konflikt i vozmozhnosti dialoga v sovremennom mire], Dialogue (Bulgaria), 2012. #2, pg. 1-8 (
- Chumakov A. N. "Subject of Globalistics" [Predmet globalistiki], Alma mater, Bulletin of Higher Education, 2012, March, #3, pg. 3-6.
- Chumakov A. N. "Problems of Governance as a Reason for Discussion" [Problema upravleniya kak povod dlya diskussii], Century of Globalization, 2012, #2(10), pg. 28-34.
- Chumakov A. N. "Contemporary World in the Cultural and Civilizational Dimensions," [Sovremennyi mir v kul'turno-tsivilizatsionnom izmerenii], Humanitarian Sciences, 2012, #3(7), ph. 86-91.
- Chumakov A. N. "Cultural Context of Globalization" [Kul'turologicheskii kontekst globalizatsii], in the book Dialogue of Cultures under the Circumstances of Globalization [Dialog kul'tur v usloviyakh globalizatsii], Moscow: "Kanon+," 2012.
- Chumakov A. N. "Timely Problems of Contemporary Globalistics: Socio-natural Aspect" [Aktual'nye problemy sovremennoi globalistiki: sotsio-prirodnyi aspect], Philosophical Sciences, #12, 2012.
- Chumakov A. N. "Strengthening International Cooperation in the Construction of Ecological Civilization" [Usilenie mezhdunarodnogo vzaimode'stviya v postroenii ekologicheskoi tsivilizatsii], Humanitarian Sciences, #1(9), 2013.
- Chumakov A. N. "Cultural-civilizational Dialogue as a Way of Solving Problems in the Contemporary World" [Kul'turno-tsivilizatsionnyi dialog kak sposob resheniya problem v sovremennom mire], Questions of Philosophy, #1, 2013.
- Chumakov A. N. "Philosophy in the Contemporary World: Dialogue of Worldviews" [Filosofiya v sovremennom mire: dialog mirovozrenii], Questions of Philosophy, #1, 2013.
- Chumakov A. N. "V. I. Vernadsky's Noosphere: the Philosophical and Natural Sciences Content" [Noosfera V. I. Vernadskogo: filosofskoe i estestvennonauchnoe soderzhanie], Bulletin of Moscow University, Series XXVII, "Globalistics and Geopolitics," #1, 2013.
- Chumakov A. N. "The Globalized World that Faces Reconstruction," Teaching and Research, # 11, 2009 (Beijing, China).
- Chumakov A. N. "Globalistics as Interdisciplinary Field of Research," journal Values and Culture, #6, December 2009 (Beijing, China).
- Chumakov A. N. "Philosophy in Front of the Challenge of Globalization," Bulletin of Jianghai, (Jianghai Academic Journal), #1, 2011.
- Chumakov A. N. "Multiple Modernities as a Condition of Development of the Modern World," Academic Forum Collected Papers. -Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, PKU, China, 2014.
Editorial work
- Editor-in-chief, journal Vek globalizatsii (Century of Globalization, from 2008).
- Editor-in-chief, journal Vestnik RFO (Bulletin of Russian Philosophical Society, from 1997).
- Editor-in-chief of the periodical Trudy chlenov RFO (Works of the members of Russian Philosophical Society).
- Deputy editor, Gumanitarnye nauki. Vestnik Finansovogo universiteta (Humanitarian Sciences. Bulletin of the University of Finances).
- Member of the editorial boards, journals Geopolitika i bezopasnost' (Geopolitics and Security), Vestnik MGU. Seriya XXVII Globalistika i geopolitika (Bulletin of Moscow State University. Series XXVII Globalistics and Geopolitics), Filosofiya i kul'tura (Philosophy and Culture), Polygnozis (Polygnosis), Prostranstvo i vremya (Space and Time), Evolutsiya (Evolution), Kaspyiskyi region (Caspian Region), Credo, Journal of Globalization Studies, Dialogue (Bulgaria), Open Journal of Social Sciences (USA).
- ↑ "Chumakov, Alexander N.", Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences
- ↑ "Chumakov, Alexander N.", Faculty of Global Processes of Lomonosov Moscow State University
- ↑ Department Head Alexander N. Chumakov of the Philosophy Department of the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation
- ↑ A. N. Chumakov, Metafizika globalizatsii: kul'turno-tsivilizatsionnyi kontekst, book review by Yuri Mikhailov, Symposion: A Journal of Russian Thought, vol. 13, Idyllwild: Charles Schlacks, 2008, p. 76.
- ↑ Alexander N. Chumakov, Philosophy of Globalization, book review by Mikhail Sergeev, Symposion: A Journal of Russian Thought, vols. 16-17, Idyllwild: Charles Schlacks, 2011-2012, p. 71.
- ↑ Alekseev, P. V. Philosophers of Russia XIX-XXI Centuries: Biographies, Ideas, and Works [Filosofi Rossii XIX-XX stoleti': Biografii, idei, trudi], Moscow: "Akademicheskii proekt," 2002, p. 1072.
- ↑ Talkshow "We Will Talk" with Mikhail Veller of Radio Russia on October 10, 2012, featuring Alexander N. Chumakov as a guest
- ↑ Alekseev, P. V. Philosophers of Russia at the Beginning of the XXI Century: Biographies, Ideas, and Works: Encyclopedic Dictionary [Filosofi Rossii nachala XXI stoletiya: Biografii, idei, trudi: entsiklopedicheski' slovar'], Moscow: POSSPEN, 2009, p. 632.
- ↑ "Chumakov, Alexander Nikolaevich," Global Studies. Persons, Organizations, Editions: Encyclopedic Directory, eds. I. V. Ilyin, I. I. Mazur, A. N. Chumakov, Moscow: Alpha-M, 2012, p. 219.
- 1 2 Encyclopedia: Scientists of Russia [Entsyklopedya Uchenye Rossii], electronic encyclopedia, 2013.
- ↑ Bulletin of Russian Philosophical Society, 1-4(2003).
- ↑ Russian Philosophical Society, official website